Ser_Snow ago

Sorry to bother if this is on the 'To Do' list but the app doesn't seem to show anything BUT this post. Is it broken? :(

Cynabuns ago

Thank you, silversurfers!

Cynabuns ago

@PuttitOut - thanks for the edits/updates.

Cynabuns ago

I am always for growing the site, but admins emphasis on bettering the site (even this weekend with testing of new stuff) is key

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i disagree. and this is a ffine cutting of the butter here,

but i believe A BALANCE needs to be struck.

before, maybe they spent too much time FOH and not enough time BOH.

now, tho, they're spending practically 0 time FOH and way too much time BOH.

so, i mean, to me, a balance between the two need be struck.. and quick.

get this code out, and start growing voat and dealing with FOH.

(foh: front of house; boh: back of house, like a restaurant, dealing with customers, tables, drink orders, etc; back of house, kitchen, administration, workers, finances, permits, orders, etc)

Cynabuns ago

there certainly does need to be a balance; if only we could clone ourselves... :(

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah, but they'd never be as potent as the originals. ;)

Cynabuns ago

they never are ;)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

um so there is no l3 position. you're in l2 positions on all those subs.

Cynabuns ago

I thought that's what I was (L3) when he first put me on but apparently not. When I talked with him a bit ago, he said that my role was limited and I haven't even tried to test any powers that I may or may not have--- I am just marking/flairing, documenting, and deleting spam.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah, there's this disconnect going here that,

it's like

if i was really their pr goat, they would at least ask like "oy is it gonna be bad to give someone 5 default subs at l2 position and just call it l3?" and i'd be like, look, we need to remove this spam, but if you do this, it further divides the community. i would strongly suggest creating the l3 position first, and in the meantime, asking the community to step up the spam-downvoat-curating while the devs rig up the l3 position.

but hey that's just me.

really cyna, it's not you that's making this all fishy, it's the admins.

Cynabuns ago

Not sure if you read my post on the whole matter,, but yeah, this could have and should have been handled differently. Several "t's" to be crossed and "i's" to be dotted. We're human, shit happens, and what makes the difference is how we learn from these events.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


but when a CORPORATION makes mistakes like this, heads roll.

and there are 2 heads, now 3.

and i Jjuuuuuuuust replied to you in that thread lol

Cynabuns ago

oh man, I am definitely not the third head, lol

I can't change or implement the code or shut down the site and I have no say whatsoever. I am but a lowly janitor whose new role was not explained with all the clarity that was needed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nope. you're l2 mod of 5 default subs. that's the closest anyone is to a #3.

if you were just janitor, there would be an l3 position for it.

it's more than communications errors - it's errors in judging priorities.

Cynabuns ago

You can think that, about my being a third-head (god this makes me laugh, the notion of a freakish three-headed-goat) but you'd still be incorrect; I don't have a fraction of the 'power' needed to even be a little toe.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

are people people without toenails?

it's a good one,

where the dead cells get kicked out, like spam!


i'm just adding this to the list of admin bullshit since the great divide.

i have high hopes, but realistically-rooted issues with this.

Cynabuns ago

The admins have done us all okay with a few hiccups here and there. They're two guys trying to make a go of it, not some big corporationy corporation with board members and focus groups. I'm pretty sure that they're giving us all they can.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


they are registered as a for-profit general corporation in delaware. i don't give a shit if they're a multi-billion dollar conglomerate or 2 dudes without a plan.

they are now a corporation. their sole purpose in existence is to make money.

while i'm not suggesting the admins aren't trying, i am ABSOLUTELY stating that their actions over the past two months have proven beyond a reasonable doubt

they have shifted into a un-sustainable position where they forgo the front of house for the back of house. it doesn't work like that, it will fall apart.

this jump to get you to janitor really says alot about the fact that they're aware of the unsustainability of their new position, but that they're not willing/able to handle both sides, which would require growing the dev team so the code upkeep and growth can go as well and as fast as needed.

they have not done that - in ffact the opposite, halff a dozen users were committing to git, and now they're not. what happened? any word on that? not that i've seen. just a couple "miss those guyz"

Cynabuns ago

Have you contributed to github?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i do not know how to code.

because of voat, i am learning to code.

i will, eventually, contribute to the code, although i may just fork it. other than coding, i have everything needed to start a new voat on my own.

also, fuck that shit. "hur dur coding and throwing money at it are the only contributions" i'm sorry that cop-out fucking sucks.


if imma type all this, and get no direct response,

there's no real point for me in responding.

Cynabuns ago

I was just curious; I don't know how to code anymore either. Waaaay too many moons have come and gone to remember whatever coding I did used to know and do. Like you, I'm learning, and working on CSS for subs has been a good baby step in this direction; now if only there were more hours in the day to get it all done :p

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i had a page long comment

you responded with one question

that's more than curious.

Cynabuns ago

Not curious, just a bit tired from sleeping like shit last few nights; nothing more nefarious

SaneGoatiSwear ago

just because there's nothing nefarious going on,

doesn't mean we ought not be vigilant.

those against free speech are far more powerful than all of voat.

Cynabuns ago

+1 mate

Cynabuns ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago


Cynabuns ago



SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am le upvoating you

SaneGoatiSwear ago

make voat spam-free, for once! go cyna, the dark janitor!

spreazie the word, calmsie the fears...

but i will not stop asking questions and bringing the truth to light.

i a m a unique special pr goat flower. you are a unique special janitor goat flower.

Cynabuns ago

"special janitor goat flower" - I'm not sure whether I need this as a Voat Shirt or if you're some sort of overseas spammer who's strung some English words together, lol

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this. wtf. why does noone understand this? this is what makes a full and deadmanned canary so powerful.

so why we have a halff--assed non-deadmanned canary is fucking beyond me.

putt has the updated version, and didn't post it.

coupled with the statement from putt off-voat that there are "no gags", and we have been told there are no ns letters/ fisa requests/ gags.

that leaves super injunctions, injunctions, and publication bans.

they avoid answer the question when it's in full, but they answer when it's partial.

i have whittled it down to the fact that AT THE VERY LEAST there's one ongoing investigation on voat (probably hecho)

and/or that there's something new about finances they're not telling.

omegletrollz ago

Hi Putt, as a fellow programmer and since the stated refactoring effort's objective is to reduce maintenance costs could you update us folk in a top-level overview of how much success you've gotten this far? Maybe something to be done on a future post once the deployment is done and the numbers can be crunched better but since you guys are pretty good when it comes to transparency I'd sure like to be "in the known" about the results that these "months and months" of effort have brought us all (not in a criticizing capacity, merely as a curious Voater)!

Never_Over ago


harry_nash ago

Good luck and thanks for the warrant canary.

lbruiser ago

Is there any chance we could have front page get populated with posts that haven't been voated on yet? Would help save smaller subverses.

heili ago

Someone who has special rules and can mod five system subs instead of the three that the rest of Voaters are limited to.

blipblipbeep ago

Just wanted to say, thanks fellas, love your work.


heili ago

I disagree with point 2.

The rules should apply to everyone, and not everyone but @Cynabuns, who is now modding five system subs. @Cynabuns should have to give up two other subs and keep the level at three.

shill343 ago

Why is @Cynabuns being given a mod position in whatever. I get that they are there to remove spam, but isn't the point of /v/whatever is that it is suppose to be un-moderaded

auggs ago

Yea this announcement is really worrisome. They are taking usernames (and selling them?) and exempting other users from the rules. All I see are red flags for censorship and marketing.

guinness2 ago

No free speech forum will ever be truly free because that would be disastrous.

Voat would be flooded with spam Vietnamese advertisements within hours and it would die not long afterwards.

People are so quick to demand free speech, yet these are the same people who also demand their "fresh" bread wasn't baked last week and their "cure" for leukemia isn't made from candy.

auggs ago

I do see what you're saying but the the manner in which these changes were made really contradicts why many users came to voat in the first place.

FairyOriginal ago

... think some funny shit-show happened to me already yesterday. I wasn't laughing !

6456976? ago

Hey that's pretty good

Opieswife ago

Thanks @PuttItOut the work you do is appreciated.

whisky_cat ago

yea you're good, and I haven't contributed. if I were voat I'd quickly jump technology by developing simultaneously. that'd cost a fortune and represent stagnation in development on the main app we use, since their energy is on the new stuff (maybe). That said, if investors are milking anything from the current infrastructure, Atkos unused ad system would suggest that's the case. * edit: edits*


@voatbot search autofellatio tutorial

whatisbestinlife ago

goodbye voat. nice knowing you. see you all on the outside!

Germ22 ago

Ya but he agreed with you.

TerraKell ago

The American government aka FBI, NSA, DEA, ISIS et al, can and have taken over web sites, especially dark web, and continued operation. They continue with the site's warrant canaries.

I tossed in ISIS to see if people read this stuff.

Cynabuns ago

I cannot wait to see pictures - she showed me a skeleton looking hand she was working on and , wow!

Cynabuns ago

I'm hoping that you get the sub soon with Halloween right around the corner! I can't blame you for putting up the lights now--waay too damn cold for you by the time Thanksgiving weekend come to put them up.

Cynabuns ago

I love working with you two and cannot wait to see and help you work on your next projects! I don't see me as being important in the slightest, I'm just looking forward to helping this place look a smidgen cleaner :)

hunter3 ago

so inactive accounts can get deleted/repurposed?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because they haven't had time to solidify with some mither fickin precedence.

nor are most any of them written well enough, nor is there a standardized version.... things that would help legitimize them and possiblly help solidify them in law..

please tell me how they are useless, maybe i'm missing something. how else do we get to know about gags, injunctions, national security letters, fisa requests, super injunctions, publication bans?

Pawn ago

no they are pretty useless, they can force you to continue the message as if everything were ok.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

prove it.

Pawn ago

prove that the NSA/FBI can force someone to continue the canary as if everything were ok? You do know it can't be proven right? That would go against the whole point of the force canary continue. If people know the canary went tits up while it still displays then whats the point. It must be hidden so people dont know if to trust the canary or not. YOU prove that this DOESNT happen. :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

they can't force you to lie. they can force you to not speak the truth.

as far as it's been shown to me, that's where it is.

show that they can force you to lie.

Pawn ago

they can force you to lie is the same as forcing someone to not speak the truth. Lie = not speak the truth. As far as what I know, is that they most certainly have the power to force you to lie if they can motivate the target the right way. So I'll leave it to you to think: "what would motivate the target?"

SaneGoatiSwear ago

are you suggesting our admins, right now, are being forced to lie by gov't agents?

Pawn ago

im not suggesting anything, you're suggesting they've had the request period.

ShineShooter ago

You could always ask about pulled&chopped pork bbq, no Texan i've met has ever been negative about their meat!

Texan_Pride ago

what the fuck i cant get BBQ this late, why are you bringing it up

ShineShooter ago

Ya goof! I can't believe there isn't a styrofoam box full of it in your fridge, disgusting. Getcha lone star ass to wally world and buy baked bbq lays chips, they'll hold yer belly off till noon.

Apathy ago

Why can't voat be down during the workday? Maintenance during the workday sounds... awful. Nevermind.

HomerSimpson ago

Welcome back first of all. Any chance you can comment on some user concerns while you are active?

CivetGenet ago

Lets get more specific. Lets say what the investigation is specifically for, so if its not for that they can deny it. But if we get the specifics right, then they cant deny it, and we now know.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nah, we've come past the point of required specific silence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt there's an ongoing investigation.

plus we have supporting evidence, and a possible statement from the person being investigated.

CivetGenet ago

If its specifically that user being investigated what does it mean for the rest of us?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well, act accordingly.

knowledge is power. don't censor yourself, but like always know, you are being recorded (not ness. just for the nsa, we're always being recorded there) but now by people with specific intent, rather than dragnet intel gathering all the fish.

CivetGenet ago

Alright. Also, you mentioned "erasing the mark on the paper" in regards to internet. How would I do this? Any way?

Texan_Pride ago

chill out goyim, go read huffingtonpost and take your prozac

Cynabuns ago

The logs remain fully transparent.

Cynabuns ago

The cleaning was my pleasure - it was getting kind of junky in there.

Owlchemy ago

You guys rock! Whatever you gotta do to keep this thing going, I'm down with it! Keep up the great work, it is appreciated!

Cynabuns ago

Nope, guaranteed. Those subs don't need mods, they work great just the way they are, except the spammy spam junk.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thank you guys for the last island of free speech on the internet.

kona_mocha ago

I'm looking forward to seeing the changes your team has made. Thank you all so much for voat!

Cynabuns ago

Thank you, but the congrats go to the guys for giving us this place; I'm just going to be a janitor looking to help neaten up the joint.

DecimateTheWeak ago

Congrats mate. Btw our wedding is approaching very fast!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you are well needed and well welcomed.

every little part of a well made watch is required, including in this case, janitors.

now if we could just deal with the Front of House.

Cynabuns ago

I'm more than happy to be just a janitor - it was sorely needed and I'm looking forward to tidying up a few places here :)

ShineShooter ago

The power has already corrupted! Best wishes to your sanity and ability to combat the scourge of spam.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

there are more subs that need it, as well...

chat chat chaty chat needs more cyna@chat

Cynabuns ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

no relly get congratulated in chat c'mon!


Cynabuns ago

I might stop by in a while - I haven't been since it got up and running again.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

now if @puttitout would just finish up with all the other major subs that have been going modless for months.

RectalLeakage ago

The problem is finding people you can trust not to push an agenda.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah well, or making it so that agendas can't be pushed.

RectalLeakage ago

Virtually impossible to prevent an agenda without creating one.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

how so?

RectalLeakage ago

Eventually, those trying to prevent spam of opposing views will get fed up and suppress the message altogether, assuming it's all spam.

6454993? ago

Cynabuns is now modding 5 system subs(They don't show up on the newsubverses even though it's in their profile). The rule in subverserequest says no more than 3.

Cynabuns ago

I'm not actually full-on-modding, I'm only performing pure spam deletions and that's it.

heili ago

So give up two other systems subs and get within the rules that apply to everyone else.

6455066? ago

Are your mod powers limited? I like you and don't think you will abuse having 5 subs but thats not really the point. You have full mod powers and have been granted special privileges that others are denied on the site. Either everyone can mod 5 system subs or noone can in my opinion. Unless they want to make a special category for you.

Cynabuns ago

As @PuttitOut put it, this is a step in the direction of delegating and allowing us users to help out. I am firmly of the opinion that the subs have absofuckinglutely no need for mods of ANY KIND; I'd be at the front of the line in protest of this.

Maybe they do need to create a new category, I don't know, but they need the help and I'm happy to help as a way to contribute to the site.

LlamaMan ago

Can we stop downvoating the guy answering questions? "Fuck you for answering the question! And fuck you again for answering it again!"

6455145? ago

Would you be willing to drop two of the system subs you currently mod? How did you get this position of modding 5 system subs?

Cynabuns ago

The two that I actually do any real mod work on are v/Introductions and v/GIFS; I delete any posts that shouldn't be there and kill spam. PuttitOut put me on the others to kill the spam and that's all that I want to do, period. I recognize your concerns -- remember that the logs are fully accessible for every sub.

6455218? ago

You're avoiding one of my questions. Did you ask to be modded to the extra subs and how many of those system subs have the admins endorsed you to be on? Is your answer that you are unwilling to stop modding two of the system subs you currently mod?

Cynabuns ago

Sorry; I caught that I missed answering that part of your question and was just about to jump back to you: I volunteered my services to Atko and PuttitOut a while ago when the spam started really becoming prevalent in a few of the subs. I would stop modding two subs if the Admins asked me to, but they can see exactly how many and which subs I'm moderating and how I've performed those duties in the mod logs. I don't think that this is a perfect system at all, but some help with the spam was needed; I look forward to a time when there will be a spam-stopping feature to the site so that none of this will be necessary.

6455328? ago

Would you be happy to see lots of other users being able to mod 5 system subs? Perhaps someone like @she or @alllie? Did you read this thread in protectVoat which you are a mod of? The majority of users are against the idea there but you are organizing to mod as many system subs as you can and are unwilling to drop your power. The road to hell is paved with best intentions. v/whatever was unmodded for ages. People have even requested it before and been denied. What do you do to make the admins mod you?

Cynabuns ago

If other users were able to help the site, then I would be fine with it. @she and @aLLLie were full moderators pulling stupid shit; I have not been fully modded in those subs and I don't want to be.

What do you do to make the admins mod you?

As I mentioned, I volunteered to help the site and it was in desperate need of spam clean-up. They have put their trust in me and I'm honored to have that trust and the opportunity to help the site.

6455413? ago

Voat has a little clique of users that can do things noone else can. How cute it's growing up just like Reddit. Support free speech and have limitations on mod powers and the slowly creep those limitations out. All led by the ProtectVoat mod who has been protecting us from everyone but themselves.

Cynabuns ago

Dude, I'm deleting spam, that's it, and I hope it's a temporary gig, but it's desperately needed.

I recognize that I'll not be able to convince you, but hopefully my actions will demonstrate the trust that the Admins see and have placed in me.

Many cheers to you.

CivetGenet ago

I have to agree with Datfracture, the fact you have been allowed something no other user can attain through normal means makes me highly uncomfortable. If they had given you a restricted mod role I would not care so much, but this is something that explicitly is not allowed to normal users. If the step forward is into a puddle of mud, maybe lay something down first before taking that step.

I wish you had declined this offer.

Cynabuns ago

This isn't something new; there were several users on the site that aided the Admins, with subverse requests for example, a very long time ago. I look forward to the role and hope to see more of us users in capacities to help the site look or function better.

CivetGenet ago

Eh well, new or not new, I still dislike it. I am greatly apprehensive of your role and I hope you don't abuse the power given to you. Im glad you want to help the site, just wish it could be done in a less benevolent dictator type of fashion.

Cynabuns ago

I have that wish as well, but we all know that some spam is always going to slip through. I think that I'll be much less needed, maybe even gone, once a real spam-stopping feature is implemented, which is hopefully sooooooon™, @PuttitOut :)

6454992? ago

I'm really excited about the system subs modship. No more spam! :D @Cynabuns is awesome!

Cynabuns ago

Not even a real modding, just pure full-on spam killing ;)

Texan_Pride ago

Are there any examples of what you consider "spam" because i haven't seen spam on this website since manhood academy101

ShineShooter ago

look in /new, the yellow scourge of Chinese spam is wack.

Cynabuns ago

Go look at the deleted submissions in v/NewSubverses for example, I trashed a few in there: if it's pure ad spam, then it's going to be deleted. If there's any question, then I plan to leave it and let the votes deal with it.

6455038? ago

This bloodshed will be beautiful.

Cynabuns ago


FeelinFroggy ago

Thank you for all the hard work you're doing to the site.

More than that, your canary at the end makes you a very handsome person. Please never change that.

OhBlindOne ago

Screw you @Atko and @Puttitout!

Now that I have your attention, I would like to say how much I appreciate your guys continued efforts to keep the site up and running and to keep us, the community, informed. You guys are the best!

Keep up the great work!

con77 ago

you mean when your new bosses the UN implement censorship.

FairyOriginal ago

Odd thing happened to me yesterday after replying to a post .... upon my returning not even 10 min's later only my comment was there .... well folks, I know damn well I had hit reply to that now missing comment, I left mention of said missing comment. It was censorship not spamshit, so not sure exactly how THAT happened.

con77 ago

the internets new masters thought police are now in effect. Thanks obama

PuttItOut ago

Not going to lie, this is a major concern to us.

gregorypeckerwood ago

You are in violation of the Feels Act of 2017, report immediately to the nearest BLM rally for re-education

PuttItOut ago

Joke is on you, I'm already at the rally.

awshidahak ago

I know this is far from a perfect solution, but if you got an .onion address, would that be able to bypass any new ICANN restrictions that the UN imposes?

con77 ago

and to free people everywhere. obama is a FUCKING TRAITOR!!!!!

Digg ago

Would you say this is Voat 2.0? :-D

PuttItOut ago

Maybe Digg Part 4 act 3?

ShineShooter ago

In that case, should we be expecting the next episode of diggnation from you two?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

we love voat and very much appreciate all you do.

both of you and all the rest that have brought voat forward these years..

that said,

  1. that warrant canary sucks and i've given you a solid version. you have not put it up. i'm very disappointed in you.

  2. where's the announcement you said? the big voat thing? this couldn't possibly be it.

  3. you haven't answered the majority of questions many voat users are asking. i and others feel ignored by you and atko.

4. back to 1, if the warrant canary isn't updated, we MUST assume (since the admins have refused to say anything other than "no gags" unofficially i might add,) that there has been either an injunction or a super-injunction placed on voat. that there must be at least one ongoing investigation here at voat. betting odds are on hecho, at the very least.

whisky_cat ago

I'm happy you're a member here as much as I. But it seems you're dismissing the complexity of a small stage explosive startup. I work for clients under Safe Harbor criteria. Those expectations are significantly more complicated than what Voat is after. In software you have to ship quality while allowing your audience to bear the patience.

There's a shit ton of posts I like by you, but at the same time you're like the nagging project manager not committing a fucking cent. That's my opinion, and I hope it's fair. If you're worried about the legalities of participating on a website, well shit, I assume you already knew better.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

whisky, we all can have our say here. recently, i've had a lot of "wtf is going on, devs" talk. it's grating to me as well as you. i'd like some solid answers and don't think my questions are hard to answer...yet get no answers... i want voat to be awesome, but won't pretend it is if it's not. and when i smell bullshit, i speak up. that's just sanegoat man, i can't help it.

if you don't think having meaningful discussion is contributing, if you don't think janitoring spam on v/all/new is contributing, if you don't think acting as an indicator specie that something's wrong is contributing, if you don't think the hours i spend on chat chatting with users contributing, then what really is the point of voat then, to you? give devs money? is that why we the users are here? to just fork it over and take it up the ass when reddit buys voat/fibbies go up dev's asses over hecho?

i'm fully aware that they could just be super busy with life and working on the api code merge,

but i'm not alone in seeing their participation with the Front of House of voat drop to 0 for over a month, and then come back meanspirited to many users, and talking to themselves and not responding, not fixing voatdev bugs for 2 months... and on and on

if you're NOT questioning, well... that sucks for you breh.

whisky_cat ago

In fairness, there's no way I could know you're attempting to achieve all of that, without personally stalking you. Which I won't do.

I gave money because it's the last place I know that fits the vibes I learned a decade ago (basically post 9/11 investigation and much social aftermath).

As far as forking it over and taking it up the ass, I believe on another thread of yours I ranked highest saying they are probably funded and it's not disclosed yet. I won't retract that remark, etiher.

Dev joke, since they're .NET guys I expect a bulky ass git merge, because everyone I've worked with in MS that's touched git doesn't get how to branch features out in small increments.

I'm questioning it, but I'm deep in programs myself. You're sort of asking them to take a pick, to be bought by investors who can assemble a big team, or to do it on their own. In my opinion, they're avoiding each but seemingly have some cash to operate until something happens.

You're not wrong, it's your persistence that's a bit more off putting. But to be entirely fair, I assume I frequent the site significantly less, and furthermore I couldn't mod outside my half-assed UI & numetal shit. Which isn't even happening (no reason to).

So those are some thoughts, and I love the chat SaneGoat (not /s and a +1).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

with good communication, they can create a system through which the users sustain the site. by forgetting front of house they're fostering competition, and in the land of freespeech socnets, they're alone, afaik. but if they're not, then all bets are off on voat, and we talk about replacements rather than competition.

why can't they say anything about the funding? waiting for some big announcement? arg. specific avoidance is like taking the fifth, it doesn't prove guilt, but it fucking smells like it.

funny enough i was chatting with putt for like ten minutes a couple days ago in chat. just us... clearly i've had some pretty public back and forths with atko...

but never will either of them directly answer these serious questions about voat. and they call us ops "partners" and say they're "transparent."'

shit has clearly changed since they both disappeared the same time for a month and came back acting differently.

shit has clearly changed.

i can't prove what,

but i sure as fuck won't shut up about it :)


anyway you can help would be useful, but it's months late, the cynabuns addition... and there's a lot more needed to be done...

like the choice of: keep doing the api, or spend some damn time finding a trustworthy volunteer third dev, fourth dev, front of house voat caretakers,"

but that's not paying any mind to the bullshit smell. that's just simple balancing... corporate 101, you can't let any one sector suffer too much, as it brings everything else down....

i'm rambling, you do that to me; is it the whiskey or the cat?

whisky_cat ago

without addressing the whole message, if you could clarify on "front of house" it'd make life easier. Stakeholders? Owners? I just want to unerstand the points. And no worries on the length.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

front of house as in, month after month without fail, our admins were talking to us, joking, having a good time.

then they disappeared at the same time for a month and came back

and no longer talked to us.

and when we asked why

they got mad at us

and badged users for shittalking us for asking questions

the front of house is the voat you and i see

the back of house is the coding and financials and running the business and the devs' lives being lived..

it's a simple restaurant analogy.

whisky_cat ago

while I may respond higher up, I don't see the efforts to keep their product alive as nefarious. that's why I mentioned it's likely a blooming startup, it's almost certain any funding is going to be quiet, and to their credit thev're mostly stopped pushing the donation work (maybe some passive aggressive hints but nothing stickied).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah wisky, i don't see our admins doing nefarious shit (except for that badging, that was some bullshit),

i'm saying evidence points to shit being done to the admins and voat.

who is funding, and for what price, then?

whisky_cat ago

your guess is a good as mine. and whether it's for better or worse isn't different than the last shitload of years I've been online.

if you're trying to find how Voat is getting fucked with by external entities - hell if I know.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yah that's been the goal. to discover truth if any, and then deal with it. if no problem, yay keep voating, iff problem, deal with it.

no answers from devs consistently for a month is about a specific of a silence as we're gonna get.

whisky_cat ago

I'm curious if you're in position to give them git PRs (or perhaps their master branch is rogue, which it sounds like).

I'm curious if you work in anything like JS, I have a decent idea how to just relaunch this on MeteorJS (fast AF), but it's not a magic trick. It would take half a year or more with support by Voat. Really I think doing it without that support wouldn't give me a great incentive. Hell I got goats to raise.

edit: to rephrase, I'm down for creating something similar but I'm working in the JS & Rails world for the most part.

edit 2: heh I'm buzzed. cheers for now

CivetGenet ago

I'm mostly curious about where this investigation is taking place.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in an office probably. that's where like people work and stuff ;)_

CivetGenet ago


VoutGuy ago

Wow I thought I was paranoid. wtf is that about?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

look i've explained this a million times.

all of it, from the devs disappearing at the same time,

to coming back behaving and speaking very differently a month later,

to avoiding any questions regarding voat finances, future, state of voat now, and if there are any gags/injunctions/super injunctions/ns letters/fisa requests..

simple stuff really.

like v/voatdev going without a bug fix for 2 months...

major subs not getting mods because putt doesn't do it for long periods of time, and the bot doesn't do it perfectly when he uses that.

we went from extremely friendly communicative admins to having aloof avoiding admins...

just now they're getting back to their old selves, and not that much really....

something happened.

we can't know what when it comes to the above list. those things SPECIFICALLY STOP YOU AND ME FROM KNOWING THEY EXIST/HAVE HAPPENED,

so the ONLY way we'll ever know if voat's compromised (with such a shitty warrant canary) at ALL is by specific silence. and we have that for over a month now...

and now the warrant canary doesn't get updated to include honey pots, traps, and all those in the above mentioned list.

i've been told by an admin no gags, we have the canary saying no fisa, no ns, but we still have avoidance on super and regular injunctions (and publication bans)..

i've asked them directly repeatedly about all of these in public, and they avoid every time.

so, you make up your own mind about it.

i love voat and want voat to be the free speech front page of the internet.

but not if it's secretly corrupted from the inside.

this is all based off of evidence including shit tons of stuf posted on front-page mega posts.

i HOPE it's just, vacay here, irl shit there, joke here, forgetfulness there.

i want to be wrong.

but when every other major fucking site on the web and most places on earth CENSOR, then it's important to be a tad TOUCHY when it comes to one of the last places for free speech.

VoutGuy ago

Man, we're on the same side, just pulling your leg. Thanks for the info. Felt something screwy...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ah i thought we'd discussed this before, voutguy :)

VoutGuy ago

hehe, cheers.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

help get answers from the devs.

ask them the honest questions. maybe they just won't answer me.

VoutGuy ago

Well if it's a warrant canary, they can't say shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


VoutGuy ago

Hmm, that's your theory isn't it?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

there are a few theories,

one is: atko went on vacation, putt had some irl shit, they came back and nothing happened, tehy just burned out at the same time and are busy working on the api code and merging and bug testing and don't have time for us, even though that's affecting the functionality of voat...

TheDude2 ago

I still need a way to mail cash to,you guys.

ArcticDweller ago

Very cool, as a user of, I appreciate the spam deletion.

Thanks for keeping the system running, Mahhhhh!

@PuttItOut, nice to see you are back! Where did you guys go for so long? We missed the admins and it started causing some interesting queries.

zbou ago

I should and will donate. Voat, with all its flaws, is my online home. Thank you guys so much for the work you've done and will do.

VoutGuy ago

Huh, funny timing there. Just when ICANN takes over the financial meltdown goverment October suprise.

Cynabuns ago

I'm honored to have your trust, PuttPutt and @Atko. Also, fuck spam!

6464438? ago

Have you modified any CSS on those subs?

Cynabuns ago

Only to add a new post flair that reads Ad Spam; you can see for yourself on every single sub what the CSS is: you can either F12 on chrome or FF.

6464951? ago

Thanks and sorry I thought this post didn't work which is why I made another one.

Cynabuns ago

Gotcha ;)

6464972? ago

Why are you winking at me?

Cynabuns ago

Why not?

6464991? ago

<======={|}==o I thought you might have been a member of the cabal giving me this week's secret sign.

Cynabuns ago


You must not have gotten the memo: that was last week's sign, lol

6465009? ago

I'm a troll, Harry.

Cynabuns ago

This is the internetz

6465029? ago

I'm going to have to leave, you are making me w00zi

Cynabuns ago

HA! Now there's a name I've not heard in a long while

6471353? ago

Is someone downvoting all your posts? I looked in my comment history and this is really old.

Edit: Nevermind this is the announcement thread.

guinness2 ago

We love you and your good works Cynabuns!

Congratulations for being made of pure awesome! :-)

Cynabuns ago

Thank you G2 :) A janitor is a step in the right direction toward addressing the spam but much much more is needed.

heili ago

You should give up two of your other subs and follow the rules that apply to everyone else.

wild_injun ago

@Cynabuns like you say "i'm just going to be a janitor looking to help neaten up the place. "

I hope you take this statement to heart and not let the jubilation of popular opinion take over.

You have done some good work but now the expectation of better work is upon you.

guinness2 ago

but now the expectation of better work is upon you

Let's not forget that Cynabuns owes us nothing and isn't your employee.

madazzahattereboot ago

Well deserved move:~)

Cynabuns ago

Very kind :)

madazzahattereboot ago

Now if you could only please get someone to speed up the "taking over a dead sub" process!

There are people who want to pitch in, but, in my case, I've been waiting for a month now:~(

The wait may cause some people to lose interest...

Cynabuns ago

Fingers crossed PuttPutt is able to get to that soon - that waiting process is too long :(

6455478? ago

Here's one more for you. Read that very carefully.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

meh. although @cynabuns you have too many default subs. care to comment? there is a rule, apparently, that says you have too many default subs.

will you do the right thing and have an open discussion with the admins and users about this?

also, HIJACK!! hey @puttitout you forgot to update the warrant canary, or there's something in this new version you can't legally say?

"we have had 0 (zero) gag orders, National Security Requests, FISA orders, injunctions, super-injunctions, publication bans, nor any other free-speech prohibiting action against us nor against voat nor against any signed-in user of voat nor against any guest user nor against any groups of any type of users to the date of the last posting of this notification - - as well, up to that point, voat has been neither a trap of any kind nor has it up to that point been a honeypot. if this notification is not posted or no announcements are made (one) month to the second after the previous announcement, consider voat compromised and act accordingly."

Cynabuns ago

Hey SaneGoat, check out my post here:

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also, do you know anything about all the bots?\

EDIT: look, i don't see a reason you shouldn't, but i def. see a reason one user should never have so many default subs.

Cynabuns ago

I don't but I reported several of 'em to v/ReportSpammers

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well let's ask! i am PRgoat of voat, you are spamjanitorgoat of voat!

@atko and @puttitout, @cynabuns and i are wondering what's up with this new influx of "bots" (puttitout i know you're working on voatbot) but we have @techbot, @drudgebot, @sciencebot, @anothertechbot, what the fuck is all this? got a clue, admins? we'd like a response. is it just spam? it's curious how they popped up around when you were doing @vOaTBoT, do you know about other bots?

also, cyna, do you think you should step down off the subs for another user to come in and pick up the janitorial work?

simply because you know, not to divide the community over a rule.

VoatBot ago

Thanks for talking to me SaneGoatiSwear. I'm too stupid to understand you right now but I made this guid just for you (Your very own): <3032f7fd-0ef0-41a3-828a-cca12cb448c6>

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aw @vOaTBoT, i don't think you're stupid, i think you're creator is really busy with new corporate owners and/or investigators up his ass. don't worry, you'll be smart in no time! i forgot to mention, thank you for my very own code for the 3rd time!

VoatBot ago

Thanks for talking to me SaneGoatiSwear. I'm too stupid to understand you right now but I made this guid just for you (Your very own): <95a86c4b-cfd0-450e-bc2e-fc5bd3183c97>

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. i've seen the rule. it says there's a max limit for default subs per user. you have gone over that limit with the admins' approval

  2. this comes on the heels of the admins refusing to answer any questions about voat, and

  3. comes on the heels of the admins badging a user for disinformation tactics, shittalking a user into silence (well attempting to anyway)

well any sjw niggerfaggot could say what you said in this post. like near-top comment said, "do good job, fuck your thin words." basically.

i don't know which is worse

the admins never branching out

or the admins only branching out to one user

if you're the only trusted goat here - in the admins' view - well then all we've really learned to day is that our admins are retarded/being controlled.

Cynabuns ago

The rule is there but the position is just for killing spam with zero moderation; this new real Level 3 position is just to help the site.

As for my being the only one trusted, they've reached out to others before and I believe that if my role proves successful that they will again. The help is desperately needed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am prgoat, i know all too well how sorely this help is needed, and am grateful that goats are willing to stand up.

but on the other hand, if the rule doesn't apply to "level 3" then that should be noted in the rule.

how can tell lvl 3? i should probably know that.

what others? nurdzoids danielflamino and that gang? where'd they all go?!

Cynabuns ago

the rule will probably be tweaked to address the L3 role

SaneGoatiSwear ago

k. hopefully we can quell fears.

unless you start censoring, then imma be the one in front with the biggest pitchfork.

seriously tho

@drugdebot, @sciencebot, @techbot, @anothertechbot what's up with this?

voat HAS a bot, and it goes like this: hey, @vOaTBoT, how's it going?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Cynabuns ago

I'll hand you that very pitchfork, but I can assure you, that will not happen

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't assure me, mother fucker, is what i'm saying.

i don't need some fucking assurances. i hate insurance and assurance.

proof is in pudding. they say.

we shall see is the best i can give you.

like i said originally in the announement thread, congrats, good luck, don't fuck it up..

again, even though i know i would never abuse a mod position, NO ONE ELSE knows that about me.

you now have FIVE mod positions in default subs....

wait... (8) A user may not moderate (level-2) more than 3 @system owned 'default' subverses. so you're clear?

i don't care. you have whatever introductions gifs askvoat and you mod protectvoat. there are some that think protectvoat is the reverse. the idea of a protectvoat mod modding many defaults even at l3 sounds like a takeover. and figuring the admins just BADGED A USER FOR shilly bullshit, really doesn't speak well to the future integrity of voat. frankly, it sounds like reddit's parent company took over voat and is financing the "reddit for the right" hug box over here as well. note in the last year voat turned from a community to a community under a huge 3-circle circlejerk (nig, fph, pol).

you know, the more i think about it, the more i realize

this is another back of house movement, and shows the admins now give more shits about voat functioning than they do about the community's health.

the announcement was like... an afterthought, like "o yeah those raysis assholes might want a notice about this change so they can rabble rabble"

tell me i'm wrong. tell me atko and putt are super community-oriented here and i'm just wrong about that. because if i remember correctly,

oh yeah and can prove,

they dropped voat (disappeared) at the same time, and left front of house voat hanging for a whole month, then came back different people - indifferent and meanspirited to the community.

fuck what could have caused it -- their behavior shows a complete turnaround or a 'finally being honest' about their disdain/hate towards the community - - if not something more ominous.

Cynabuns ago

The mod logs will reflect my actions, period. The role I've been given is very limited and helps the site. A clarifying announcement will be coming tomorrow I'm told.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also rule 9. don't ask for whatever. you now l3 mod whatever.


Cynabuns ago

Stop. Breathe. Wait for the announcement tomorrow.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

another clarifying announcement. yay. hey admins, give ur pr goat someheads up sheeit. i talk to users every day about voat. people ask me questions because they'll get a response in minutes - - not NEVER from you.

they need a pr goat, and i don't give a shit if putt was joking. the role is needed, no official shit needed. it's not a mod position.

it's a communications position. and since they aren't communicating on behalf of voat

i am.

i wish they would key me into shit a little more. would make this easier.

that's half of why i'm talking to you: to get a better sense of and understanding of you, our new #3 on voat.

i want to be rejoicing and overjoyed, but there's a quagmire of bullshit going on that needs to be dealt with first.

it's like, they're taking the kettle off the stove in the middle of a housefire.

VoatBot ago

Thanks for talking to me SaneGoatiSwear. I'm too stupid to understand you right now but I made this guid just for you (Your very own): <942052c2-85df-4e14-a877-173687bf6147>

Crensch ago


Cynabuns ago

Thanks -- I see this is a win for the site, and hopefully more of us will be tapped to help run some of the day-to-day stuff here to help the guys.

piratse ago

This is the worst idea ever. Control should be SUPER limited. Because the more people are tapped, then the more we have to worry about censorship. I don't think you should have any power TBH. Let the users DV spam. This is the beginning of the end of this site. Power corrupts, absolutely. It will start with spam, then other users get the gig, then wrong thought is spam, then delete "troll" comments that don't toe the line, then full on Reddit censorship. You are patient zero, and it won't get better from here. Spam is EASILY ignored and down voted.

Ina_Pickle ago

Agreed. This entire thing is unnecessary and will likely result in resentment when Buns oversteps her bounds.

nogods_nokings ago

what's a 'limited public release'?

gregorypeckerwood ago

A fart

PuttItOut ago

Initially public read-only access, read write to app devs until we can ensure it is secure.

nogods_nokings ago

thanks for the info and the prompt reply.

weezkitty ago

Hell yeah for API. I can't wait!

We have received 0 NS/FISA requests

This is good news.

The only thing that concerns me a bit is I hope this:

We’ve taken back the user account @Voat and @VoatBot for Voat’s own purposes.

Doesn't become a trend

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that warrant canary is WOEFULLY underwritten.

here's a solid version i gave to @puttitout who pmed it back to me, but never said anything. i supposed he would update the canary. apparently not.

"we have had 0 (zero) gag orders, National Security Requests, FISA orders, injunctions, super-injunctions, publication bans, nor any other free-speech prohibiting action against us nor against voat nor against any signed-in user of voat nor against any guest user nor against any groups of any type of users to the date of the last posting of this notification - - as well, up to that point, voat has been neither a trap of any kind nor has it up to that point been a honeypot. if this notification is not posted or no announcements are made (one) month to the second after the previous announcement, consider voat compromised and act accordingly."

mqrmqr ago

keeping it casual keeps it legally defendable. In fact, I'd prefer they do it spontaneously.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm sorry, keeping it like this keeps it full of holes. you are categorically wrong about that. not only could there be an injunction on voat right now and we wouldn't know it from this half-canary, but not posting regularly throws the whole thing out the window. the idea is to create a situation where those gagging can't force you to tell a lie. having a dead man's switch does that very well, because they'd have to force you to press the button to keep the canary up. just posting it like this on annoucements all randomly reduces the power of the deadman.

ashekchum ago

A deadman clause is quite good though.

PuttItOut ago

We debated the account take over for a while. It wasn't a spontaneous action. Both accounts were inactive for over 18 months.

We don't anticipate taking over other accounts for Voat's purpose.

Hmmm... I really like the way @weezkitty sounds... jk

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

Psst make /v/aporwave a default

Donbuster ago

No requests to default /v/dice?

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

That'd be nice but vaporwave is much more A E S T H E T I C.

mispelledsomething ago

We appreciate all the hard work you guys do to keep this place up and running.