SearchVoatBot ago

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cat_of_doom ago

You’ve changed them

Son_of_Hamilcar ago

I'm mostly a lurker, but goddamn, threads like this are why I love you goats. Reminds me of Christmas when my family who into music (boomer deadhead parents) start huming Battle Hymn of the Republic

I play it on youtube. Start a military march playlist on my SJW mothers computer See Erika about to play. Jewtube skips it. I make it play. Brothers freak out, close windows so neighbors can't here. I tell them not to be racist, it is just a German song and Germans are people to, infact you are part German. Boomer dad says thats right and starts singing "Eeeerika!" Brother says he thinks I'm a Nazi. The lulz will never be the same


I cry every time <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

BaldMiscreant ago


No seriously, welcome.

You're in for some shit.

AnonFrankly ago

This strong-arming of reddi-fags is a beautiful, brotherly thing today. Boys, I am proud!

Mayhawk ago

I used to hate Dial, but I think he might be fun to hang out with actually. I'm not sure about you.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Haha man the prevention of a takeover from a bunch of degenerate cucks from Reddit sure makes me realize just how much I love Voat and everyone here.

B-------D ago

Heil Niggerfaggot! My gas is ready.

hels ago

I only ask people to wake up.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

You Niggers don't even know what they stole from you








They want you to be Nazis. They don't want you to be Americans. 90% of Americans said they'd rather lose the war with Germany and Japan than end segregation.

Stop Respecting Their Narrative.

wwwwww ago

@kevdude nigger faggots. .....reeeee

eongoat ago

Walk1 ago

Its time to awaken the Western white races and bring them to victory by saving and preserving them and lifting a people that has been tread on for a long time.

JamalVoater ago

Where da black pipo hang out at around here?

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Have you seen Kyle?

Charilko ago

Aww fuck, is it time for Redditors again?

Here’s some advice kiddos; you’re going to get call faggot. A lot.

eyeswide0pen ago

Sieg Heil! We miss you Hitler. The jews are professional victims and the entire world will know about their holocaust lies and crimes against humanity.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Faggot is what we call people we like.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Hey! It's my morning alarm.

jnola2 ago

Hitler was right.

Jews did 9/11.

Degeneracy is a plague on society, including sick pedo anime.

lion4liberty ago

I have brought shame to my folk, thank you brother. I will work to get better.

ARsandOutdoors ago

volk*. U a ruskie by chance?.... Are you?? Comrade lion4liberty???

jollux ago

corrects folk

says comrade


ARsandOutdoors ago

I was mocking him calling him Comrade lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Work camp for you!

lion4liberty ago

Oh shit, i hope they have an opening in the orchestra for me. Also those pools like nice.

fluhthreeex ago

Konichiwa's and Katana's, fellow Animeister's. Shit-post to your hearts content.

White_pride_cis ago

This song brings tears to my eyes. We helped the wrong side.

Asashio ago

What did I miss? Another ban?

fluhthreeex ago

a... Prank Invasion 🤣

Asashio ago

It's kind of funny how welcoming new users and telling unwanted users to fuck off are basically the same thing around here.

Shame I seemed to miss most of the fun.

Barbarian ago

What's up mein Nazis!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


are you a nazi

lion4liberty ago

Please use the preferred pronoun of national socialist.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

19 downvoats

Kikes not welcome. Leave.

NosebergShekelman ago

Its the Qoomers no doubt

One-Way_Bus ago

It's 32 downvoats now. The soys from Reddit can't win.

ImPhilippe ago

Bunch of Darwinist idiots that helped the Jews plunge to the world into darkness.

Vrblpollushin ago

Smells like niggers in here. Faggot anime niggers to be exact.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

I better not have been the only goat that came to my feet and lifted my glass. My heart weeps for you, Mein Fuhrer.

Drunkenmoba ago

Hitler was a hero.

The jews have corrupted your minds reddit fags.

One-Way_Bus ago

If Hitler had won, central and eastern Europe wouldn't have to face the scourge of Communism. The death of Communism in Russia would mean those Commie movements would've failed in Asia, saving millions of lives.

Hitler should be considered a hero throughout Eurasia, and here in America.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Kikes did 9/11

Heebs sunk the Titanic

And now they're behind every degenerate aspect of our culture.

TeddyJackson ago

And the Catholic Church/Jesuits let it happen? Nah, they are in on it.

2fast4u92 ago

They are slaves to the Jew and always have been. Ever since they killed the Templars if not before.

NosebergShekelman ago

Oy vey you goys are igniting to scary levels and I may go to my goy neighbors tonight and sleep under his floorboards. Voat is like anutha shoah

One-Way_Bus ago

At this point even chinks, gooks, and nips are believing kikes did 9/11.

They realize that Marx is a Jew who created Communism that works to destroy their homogeneous countries with open borders.

derram ago :

National Anthem of the Nazi Germany - YouTube

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