pimplepeter ago

I can't believe these reddit faggots actually thought they could come here and exist. Makes no sense. It's like a nigger trying to move into the country in a community of white people who hate niggers. absolutely retarded.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Can you link to the good sub please?

croyt ago

fuck reddit niggers

LionElTrump ago

Did posting pictures of cats for points not work out? Now the weebs are going to start posting anime pics of adolescents, same ole clown strat

freedumbz ago

This isn't even a new sub. It's plebbitards taking over an old abandoned one.

Gigglestick ago

I know @jkisaprank is the one who suggest it. (According to front page)

Womb_Raider ago

So you're telling people to limit their speech on a free speech website?

I don't see why anyone should ask your permission before they make a subverse. Who are you again? Nobody.

ratsmack ago

Nobody has a problem with the speech... it's just the vote farming going on here.

Pay attention. :)

YoHomie ago

Don't like the content, don't upvote it.

UnknownAlias365 ago

That's not how vote farming works, retard.

theoldones ago

it works out more like this.

if you are an enemy, we'll find you shove you into the gas chambers.

Womb_Raider ago

You sound mentally ill.

theoldones ago

i dont care.

we hate your ilk anyways.

Womb_Raider ago

Morally upright and considerate? White? American? Libertarian-conservative? I bet you do.

God bless.

theoldones ago


Womb_Raider ago

I've been here a year and a half longer than you... I left reddit just as reddit was declining in quality. You're making a fool out of yourself.

BlueDrache ago

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nig

Nigger nig nig nigger nigger nigger nigger nig.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nig

Nigger nig nig nigger nigger nigger nigger nig.

Nigger nig nig.

Nigger nig nig.

Nigger nig nig.

Nigger nig nig.

Nigger nig nig nigger nig nig nigger nigger nig.

muffalettadiver ago

Reddit is here? Turn them to goats or make them leave. Like 4chan....

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol it's hilarious because that is EXACTLY what happens.

muffalettadiver ago

That's amazing!!! lol

It's been a long while since I have seen that second one.

Gigglestick ago

I binged "welcome to voat" and boom, didn't even have to scroll too far to find them. This was the first one that shows up lol

DammitMan ago

I’m the one that stayed. Thankfully I wasn’t on Reddit more than a couple months, but that made no difference to goats!!! I like it here. Never thought I’d get all warm and fuzzy being called a nigger faggot.

Gigglestick ago

Glad to see ya you fat gay kike.

Seventh_Jim ago

This warms my faggoty cockles.

Legalize-Murder ago

Stick with reddit you fucking tranny loving faggots.

Gigglestick ago

Member for 1.8 days? Yeah, go fuck yourself.

Legalize-Murder ago

Suck my dick faggot I've been here for over 3 years, I'm not getting doxxed or worrying about muh points.

Gigglestick ago

awww poor baby never been doxxed before? Fuck yourself, clown.

Legalize-Murder ago

I was wondering where the hate came from my man, and no I have not been doxxed i try and keep it locked tight, new accounts somewhat regularly.

Gigglestick ago

My mom made me a blanket.

Gigglestick ago

That's smart. I got doxxed in real life. Bitch took my video when I was drunk in an uber, said I asked her for sexual favors when I didn't, She got it posted to multiple local and national news websites and it even aired in my home town and on my hometown newspaper site. Shit took a damper to my social life, seriously.

Legalize-Murder ago

That's fucked up man, I stay away from any woman who isn't my wife.

Gigglestick ago

Yeah, well I'm single. It was a long week after work pulling 75 hrs, went to have a couple of drinks, forgot I didn't eat, blacked out, took an uber home, asked her a stupid question and then she got on facebook and made it seem like someone shot her puppy. It was bull shit. I'm trying to get a lawyer and see what defamation or slander or libel case I can get.

Legalize-Murder ago

I wish you the best of luck brother, its ridiculous how much shit has changed. Rake her through the coals.

Goathole ago


NosebergShekelman ago

Use their jew babies as fire wood. wait...I'm jewish!! What am I saying oy vey!! Voat turned me into a Nazi!!

HillBoulder ago

It was only a matter of time until at least one of you filthy kikes became what you hate. Took long enough!

BaldMiscreant ago

They don't hate us, they fear us.

NosebergShekelman ago

I was gonna put myself in the oven but my wife's making a pizza oy vey wot do?

HillBoulder ago

Eat your final meal. We know the jew and cheese pizza have a very special relationship.

NosebergShekelman ago

Foreskin pizza for everybody!!! But its $4.00 a slice haha shaloms

SearchVoatBot ago

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Womb_Raider ago

Imagine my surprise

Walk1 ago

Redditors can go back to the sewer where they belong because they provide nothing for us whatsoever but leftist ideology and should be crushed in the most ruthless manner possible.

anamazonslittle ago

TD's been surprisingly race-realist lately...

When they can get the jew dick out of their mouths. If they're coming around on the "DAE muh baste black MAGA," maybe there's hope for some of them.

Decidueye ago

Considering they thought SOTU was amazing 8D chess, I'd say most of them should remain in The_Cuckold.