chirock ago

There's only one way to find out.

SirNiggsalot ago

Saracens should be deported from the Realm

TabascoTabasco ago

Like any white person would touch a muzzie female......

vastrightwing ago

She was compromised by Epstein or Bill.

Smokybubbles ago

Fucking savages need to be deported en masse.

Scrooblemeyer ago

After complete castration, of course.

CheeBooga ago

"shut up, goyims, and let the nogs rape you"

SpacemanSpliff187 ago

I hope she gets gang-raped to know, for diversity sake

HeavyBrain ago

She doesn't, muds raping mud girls she isn't saing shit and almost no white would bother raping muds.

carnold03 ago

Moslem children are regularly raped by their male relatives, especially the boys. Pederasty and homosexuality is rampant in Islamic societies.

SirNiggsalot ago

It's their culture Sahib

hollywood2020 ago

so she's willing to take a dozen muzzies for the good?

Feldorai ago

She's a Jew. Study Phenotypes. The surname, and "religion" they are born/ raised in, are irrelevant. The biggest identifier to know for a fact that a Jew is a Jew regardless if they are Muslim or Christian in faith, black, brown, East Asian etc. are through phenotypes.

Big/ hook nose - a Jewish phenotype

baggy/ saggy as fuck eyelids which get worse with age - a Jewish phenotype

a natural Grinch-like grin when they're neither smiling or grinning -- a Jewish phenotype (Note: Everyone has dimples, this is not what I'm talking about being a "natural" phenotype that helps you to identify what is called a "Grinch-like Grin", if you don't know what the Grinch-like Grin looks like then seriously look at the most famous depiction of the Grinch from Jim Carry, the Grinch is neither grinning or smiling half the time, THAT is what the natural Grinch-like grin phenotype that tells you a Jew is a Jew comes from that best explains what I mean by "Natural Grinch-like Grin".)

Scrooblemeyer ago

With a name like Naz Shah I think she's probably a muzzie herself. She looks like she could be one. And that's likely why she's telling the white girl victims to shut their mouths.

Herpderpicus ago

A Pakistani Shah who was married off at 15 under sharia law. Maybe, probably muslim? I dont know, quite a stretch. /s

Gizmongo ago

Dirty paki cunt