How is this "what you missed" when the original isn't even 3 hours old?

virge ago

Once a day, feel free to visit the subverse if you like.

How is this "what you missed" when the original isn't even 3 hours old?

Everything linked falls under a criteria for age and visibility that puts it into the category of what most people missed (low views, low comments, low upvotes).

This content is a la carte. Consume it however you wish.


That's retarded, it isn't even three hours old. What's the point of reposting inane garbage when the original hasn't even been up long enough for people to see it?

virge ago

That's retarded, it isn't even three hours old. What's the point of reposting inane garbage when the original hasn't even been up long enough for people to see it?

You're not the intended audience. The intended audience gets home in the evening and clicks the subverse.


The post intended audience hasn't even had a chance to see it then because it was just posted a couple hours ago. This isn't fucking reddit, there's no reason to be reposting fresh content