Wheatstone ago

White woman extracts narcissistic supply from little black boy!!!

This boy now has a 50% chance of committing suicide!

She is a psychopath and she knows what she is doing. She gets to publicly abuse a child and virtue signal about how great she is!

These pathological satanists love to turn people into gender disphoric copies of babomet. It's a form of satanic ritual humiliation and torture. This little boy is being psychologically raped by this sadistic cunt.

We should all report her narcissistic abuse games to the police!!!!! Demand her arrest and the rescue of this child!

derram ago

https://archive.ph/c8mbD :

2019-04-18 | Charlize Theron: My child I thought was a boy is... a girl! | Daily Mail Online

'For years now, rumours have swirled that Charlize has, in fact, been raising Jackson as a girl. '

'Take, for example, the case of her elder child, seven-year-old Jackson, who was adopted as a baby and introduced to the world as a boy. '

'But when asked about it on a sunny morning in Beverly Hills, Charlize is matter-of-fact. ', "As photographs have appeared of the child wearing skirts and dresses and with long, braided hair, Hollywood gossips have wondered what on earth Jackson's mother thought she was doing."

'No one could accuse actress Charlize Theron of following the crowd. '

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