Nadeshda ago

This just so cool !

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i dont know how to weld

i should make him teach me

Nadeshda ago

I think you should at least ask, it’s really awesome that he is in your life and you should make the most of it, for sure!

Even if you never do it much you will appreciate the time spent together if not now then later. Also if you have kids this is a wonderful thing for them to see and if you plan on having kids this will be great story to tell around the dinner table one day ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ya he would totally teach me

just gotta make time for it

Nadeshda ago

Hey look what I found a WW2 Luftwaffe Oberleutnant Pilot w/Iron Cross 1st Class consider this a semi-dox unofficial like... hehe... :p

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wow nice

thats pretty darn fancy

hey i got my nomex suit today

its great fabric and unissued

but the pants are deffo too big

maybe i can alter them to make them fit

well see

either way the jacket is awesome

Nadeshda ago

So glad about the jacket fitting properly now the pants, urm well I know you can sew cause you mentioned it and I am pretty sure you can darn too :) here is a tutorial if you haven’t done this before that may be useful.

Obviously ignore the hip curve part as you will not be needing that...

PS: yip I thought the picture to be rather fancy too... I found a whole collection of these, which is very interesting to look at... :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

whoa that actually looks really simple

the pockets may complicate things but i already added pockets from scratch on a couple of jacket tops so no biggie

but what do you mean i dont need a hip curve

youre just saying that because i have a testicle arent you lol

Nadeshda ago

Lol, you just didn’t look very hippy like, that’s all I am saying. Relax it’s a good thing!

Спокойной ночи :)

Rotteuxx ago

I think you could make someone want to shoot themselves pretty efficiently if you put your mind to it ;)

The real question is, does the crazy come naturally or is it imitated behavior... hmm ?

Just got back to work after 2 weeks off, i'll try my best to get that "/v/welding" plate welded up. Might just go do it right freakin now actually !

Rotteuxx ago

No worries !

Battlefat ago

That looks good, mayne, but are you sure it wasn’t missing a retention pin or two? If it shoots like how it should and doesn’t hurt you now or in the future, peace be with you:) Also your Dad sounds like a cool dude with a valuable skill — should learn (while he’s still around to teach you)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

my dad is a cool dude and i definitely should learn

i restored the gun to its original specs minus one particular pin the government doesnt want me to have

i totally comply with this

Battlefat ago

Cool. I’m not an AK guy so I’m not familiar. I’ll look it up...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its the fun one

the saiga moved the fire control group so it needed extra pins which needed extra holes

i moved the fcg back to the original pins and didnt need the modified ones anymore so we filled them

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i must not be banned

i made a useful contribution to your sub

Rotteuxx ago

I was going to graciously flair this post but it appears the flair selection popup doesn't work on mobile. I'm a have to politely & respectfully let @TrigglyPuff know that maybe her css is all fucked up or some shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


fucking up the css and adding flairs is the first thing i do whenever someone foolishly gives me the keys

Rotteuxx ago

Hence why she's on it. A slight oversight on the part of our CSS Queen, nothing else !

I'm just saying that so she won't go all wacky ginger crazy on me & screw up my sub

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome ! I just realized that when I started to let the ban hammer fall the phone rang and then something shiny caught my attention.

I guess your mass banning will have to wait some other time :/

Nice job, we can barely see the slight depressions where they used to be. If something similar ever comes up again, a good product to use is a filler primer like this one. It builds a decent layer that fills small voids & sands down very easily.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

honestly the depressions could be my pneumatic eagerness lol

i specifically wanted the holes filled with metal but i didnt think of a layer of filler on top just to smooth it out

good stuff