Mick ago

I missed seeing this when it was originally posted. I came here from your merchandise post guitar link.

As a keen guitarist, I have to say that looks like an absolute beauty. Fantastic job, mate.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx m8 ! I appreciate it.

Who knows, maybe one day you'll get to try one of my creations, sort of a back-burner project for when I go fully self-employed.

2nd one I made

My first 12 string

Mick ago

They are truly rare beauties. Real craftsmanship!

You'll do very well in your future endeavours, I predict :)

Rotteuxx ago

Aw shucks Mick, you made me blush like a jew roasting in an oven.

Thx !

Germ22 ago

Why is the bracing and the neck out of wood?

Rotteuxx ago

Tradition & esthetics mostly... I also enjoy mixing wood & metal in my projects.

I don’t have free access to a milling machine, although I'd love to machine a neck out of aluminum. Carbon fiber & acrylic would be something to try also.

For the bracing, mostly the challenge of mixing wood & metal. They have nice acoustic properties together. Welding the bracing inside would add finishing work & weight also.

Germ22 ago

I know nothing about guitars, but would one machined out of a solid block of aluminium sounds any good?

Rotteuxx ago

Probably... necks are made of hardwood and the strings rest on a bone nut & saddle so not much vibration dampening occurs. It would be heavier for sure, I'd go for a hybrid neck... just the rounded back in carbon fiber or wood.

The body would have to be hollowed out so a welded back would be required. Thin walls too to take weight off