Silverlining ago

The Franklin Cover-Up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John W. DeCamp

Chapter 21 Drugs and The Monarch Project On August 18-20, 1996, a California newspaper, the San Jose Mercury, published a series of articles implicating elements of the U.S. government in running tons of cocaine into U.S. cities during the 1980s. Based upon recently declassified government documents, eyewitness reports, and court records, Mercury reporter Gary Webb provided a detailed account of how the Contras financed their war against the Sandinista regime of Nicaragua by flying tons of cocaine into the West Coast, where it would be turned into the deadly, instantly addictive "crack," and sold to such street gangs as the Cryps and the Bloods.

Da-Cat ago

Finders Cult, Franklin Savings Conspiracy & Svali Illuminati stories I buy, the first two have paper trails & the latter didn't profit off extensive stories & went into hiding. DID therapist/expert Ellen Lacter PhD also vouched for her. Corydon Hammond PhD has loads of credentials, exposed Monarch programming & later went offline re same due to death threats.

Cathy O'brien seems compromised by Mark Phillips & the teenage Shaela Miller affair; Cisco Wheeler later repudiated Fritz Springmeier & his affair with her while both married & his claims of being a minister undermines his writings. There's a handful of other similar claimants some with unusual stories of screwing almost every roller in politics & media, in the latter case guys who could have unlimited groupies to begin with.

On the one hand sex slavery & Monarch/MKULTRA programming is well established, but eliminating whistleblowers is par for the course in any other similar scenario, while the people with the most outrageous stories never seem to have one friend or family witness, photograph with alleged rollers, documents or paper trail. Why are the people with the most extreme stories not "suicided"?

The few that can name doctors & institutions seem to lay low & not do tell-all books, while a handful with documented MKULTRA backgrounds had successful lawsuits. I'm puzzled if the squeekiest wheels are left alive as a limited hangout enabling a further agenda?

Most claim "recovered memories" while the more credible like Svali admit there are missing pieces. The woman in OP's post seems too nonchalant about undergoing torture & her handlers frequently discovering her going against them, yet she somehow is freed & now writes about it. Something seems off in these types or there's another agenda than appears IMO.

I've generally taken the undocumented cases with a grain of salt while this latest one now pushes the envelope that begs attention. Targeted Individuals is a spinoff genre that is exploding in numbers while challenging to tell legit from kooky accounts. Mental cases & possession goes back to the BC era so hard to distinguish TI accounts.

This current case calls for a rethink on the genre.

Silverlining ago

The largest “Future Assets” facility is in Maryland, across the Potomac by about 40 miles

That facility has over 200 researchers in it and has a clinic and psychiatric hospital for children associated with it.

Hospital for Children - Baltimore, Maryland 
Johns Hopkins Children's Center - Baltimore, Maryland 
Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital - Baltimore, Maryland

Brook Lane Health Services - Hagerstown, Maryland 
Perry Point VA Medical Center - Perry Point, Maryland 
Potomac Ridge Behavioral Health - Rockville, Maryland 
Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital - Baltimore, Maryland 
Sheppard Pratt Health System  Baltimore, Maryland 

Baltimore looks to be the right distance.,+DC/to/Baltimore,+MD [39 miles]

John Hopkins?

10449101? ago

Who is this Sue Arrigo?

Silverlining ago

She claims she was a sex slave to the CIA Director, although she seemed to be "owned" by a Rockefeller: she was an expert in remote viewing and prophesy. Well worth reading the whole OP

The truth of the matter is that more than sex and drugs, people want to be free of their internal doubts and torments. Men paid a lot more to see me than the White House beauties for that reason. A really stunning girl went for 30,000 a day and Rockefeller was getting 30 times that for me.

Pentagon-CIA-CDC: Depleted Uranium Conspiracy

I am both a mathematician and physician by long training, having spend 16 years total at university

The US veterans returning from the 1990s wars were mostly sick. The US government had not monitored their radiation exposure because it knew that the DU would make them sick and didn’t want the liability

Going to a war zone for a year was like cutting 20 years off your life

dmtMelatonin ago

Uranium is a scam.

Hence why they were parked outside of Pegasus Museum and why Podesta lobbied on behalf of Uranium 1.

It's a ponzi scheme. It will end with the introduction of a world currency.

Da-Cat ago

Some freaky, scary shiznit if true, how is this person not suicided already?

carmencita ago

Thanks for reposting. Great post by OP. I don't have the answer to your question. Maybe someone does.