Silverlining ago

Transcripts - courtesy of Connie

276.1 {Transcribed by Connie Bevan} Okay 276 part 1. Lots of confirmations yesterday. Of course there was the confirmation regarding Andre Taggart. I still don't think that more people have seen the name of Andre Taggart yet but he's going to be the Marine that's been quoted now at the, by Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller, by Gateway Pundit and also by Mike Cernovich. They are quoting the Marine now and saying not only was there this laptop but there was these hard drives. They still haven't said anything about the Blackberries and Andrew looked me right in the eye and said, yes there was about 20 Blackberries that Imran left here. He also didn't mention that the drives were smashed so the new story has come out maybe the drives have been smashed between now and then. But he did say he called the FBI as I reported 75 days ago, he did say that NCIS had come in and so those are three outlets that have confimed my reporting which is very nice to see. So I think we've got more coming with Andre Taggart, and we've got the Blackberries coming. As I've said there was at least 20 in the home, that's going to be in the FBI evidence report. McCabe has now admitted the FBI is involved, finally, after all this time 275 days into it now and we are going to start seeing those evidence sheets, and those evidence sheets are going to show the Blackberries. Now I'm saying that there is at least 150 Congressmen that received Blackberries from the Awan brothers especially Imran Awan. I am going to go out a limb and say at least three upgrades for each Congressman during their time in Congress. So I'm going to say the total number of Blackberries is probably going to be between 450 and 500 Blackberries that the Awan brothers eventually configured. Now I'm not saying that they didn't get friends to do the configurations for them and process those as their work because they were shadow employees after all, but what I am saying is I believe there is 450 to 500 Blackberries processed and I think the number is going to be over 150 representatives who are effected by the Awan brothers scandal.

So, moving on to weapons, the Dilyana weapons, the depleted uranium loophole and so forth. A lot of people saw the Quinn Investigation, the Quinn Investigation, the Quinn Affair or the Quinn Scandal or whatever you want to call it, the Quinn thing in South Carolina, but the FBI has opened an investigation against Quinn Consultants that these were a kind of pay to play scheme in South Carolina regarding the Port of Charleston, the son is also a representative in the state it's very politically charged. We're going to have more for you on that with Lindsey Graham working with the different major vendors, major weapons manufacturers in the Charleston area. We'll have more on that later.

Regarding blood diamonds and the Valmet machine guns from the Dilyana Files of course I'm never far away from Tony Podesta or the MWW clock up here as you can see in the background. We have confirmed as I've mentioned before there is going to be blood diamond trade for both Nigeria and there's going to be blood diamond trade from to country of Congo or through, through Rwanda and, and those are going to be the two funnel points, one for Eastern Africa one for Western Africa to confirm that once the diamonds are cut they are hedged in Antwerp, we believe there is an active trade there now with this, with, between Africa and weapons come one way to Africa and diamonds going in the other direction.

The other thing we've done is started to map the Dilyana Files as far as where the black weapons have gone. We have several flights now going to Finland, we have several shipments of the Valmet maching gun, the lighter AK-47 that they M76 and the heavier duty M78. As we, as you know John Podesta was there recently. We're going to have that black weapons trade for NATO and I believe that's going to go back almost 20 years all the way back to Air Sophia in 1974, so I guess 23 years. So we got that confirmation.

And, of course, we got the confirmation on the Awan brothers ActBlues. The ActBlues if you don't recall, the company called ActBlue created websites for people both on the Congressional side as well as the National election side, the Bernie side, to take in money. What they did was you sent money in thinking you were going to send it to ActBlue and the Awans added the s to trick to trick the software to send it to their accounts at the Debbie Wasserman Schultz account on the Congressional side that's going to be the cozy bears or the cozy dukes they were called earlier and then there's going to be the money meant for Bernie going to be stolen by the fancy bears. The fancy bears are from Ukraine we believe. So same, same methodology though, an inside hack just changing the ActBlue to ActBlues. So we had that confirmation as well. Now a little bit more of the speculative stuff, we're going to...

276.2 {Transcribed by Connie Bevan} Okay it's day 276, you can look up there at the Chrysler building that's 405, that's 405 Lexington. You probably already know that very famous address being one of the most beautiful buildings in New York. Woah, the top sheen is beautiful, beautiful metal at the top in competition with the Empire State Building when it was first built. Why is it significant to the Joe Rago story? Joe Rago, why, why? Because of Green Hills LLC. Who is Green Hills LLC? Green Hills LLC is the management company, a private web management company at that, that manage the sale to Abbot Labs of the Russian Pharmaceutical company called Vero Pharm. Vero Pharm. What do we know about Vero Pharm? Well, Sanctions came in in April 2015, or 14, and we know that it may have been blocked, and we know that somebody may have needed to do some favors to get that approved. At least that is what some earlier reports are saying. We don't know that to be sure. We don't know if the rumors that Joe Vero, or excuse me Joe Rago, was getting tired of Opinion Journalism and wanted to go into Investigative Journalism. We don't know if it's actually a different Wall Street Journal Reporter that was picking up this story. We don't know any of those things. What we do know is that Green Hills isn't there anymore. All of a sudden Green Hills isn't there anymore and there's a shore company that looks like Green Hills in Brooklyn on 2 Webb Street. This is what it's all about, running down these leads and finding out the truth. Why does the firm that is a $305 million dollar pharmaceutical firm all of a sudden one day decide to board themselves up, hey scrunchie, why do they decide to board themselves up and go away. Something is at the bottom of this story. We don't know if Joe Rago was involved in this or not. Somebody did something to pay to play.

Silverlining ago

276.3 {Transcribed by Connie Bevan} Okay day 276 this is part 3. Well, we got Andrew McCabe, the Director of the FBI to actually look into the Awan brothers for the destruction of evidence of the hard drives at the home of Imran Awan. Maybe we can get him to look into the two Egyptian pilots right over here that drop the roller bomb here and then up on 27th Street. Maybe we can do that. Maybe we can have a look into Monica Peterson's death in Haiti instead of asking for two hundred more agents to run the ratlines in Iraq with special treatment from the State Department's Patrick Kennedy on special blackberries that were done by Anthony Weiners trusted staff.

Well, he should probably look into Bio Fan, Bio Fan, the sale of Bio Fan to the Awan brother's company which was Nanoset, Nanoset Technologies with Suraiya Begum. I didn't sell Bio Fan to Marc Weiner, the Awan brothers and Suraiya Begum sold Bio Fan to Mark Weiner. Now Anthony Weiner was in Congress at the time and Anthony Weiner's trusted staff was the Awan brothers configuring laptops and blackberries for things like Andrew McCabe's agents over in Iraq instead of Haiti and also all the people negotiating our Iran Iraq deals all over the world from our State Department.

It's time to look at the blackberries, it's time to put somebody on the case, it's going to get foreign intelligence agencies out of the United States, G4S English firm working the ratlines of Washington Harbor, the Awans Pakistani ISI doing Spy Rings in Congress. I think that's pretty well nailed down right now the Daily Caller. And you've got Egyptians coming through, pilots coming through out towns, dropping off bombs, and taking diamonds back for the Podesta's to Europe. It's time for this to end. As Trump said today we're not going to drain the swamp, we're going to drain the sewer.

276.4 Greenhills set up Luxembourg company so NATO generals could save on tax. [ nano nutshell - sl ]

276.5 {Transcribed by Connie Bevan} Okay it's day 276 part 6. So everyone says Joe Rago, Joe Rago, there's no way Joe Rago could have reported on the Clinton Foundation. He was an opinion guy he worked for Paul Gigot at the Wall Street Journal here at News Corp. So he wasn't in any position to do any reporting on Green Hills Limited buying drug companies in the former Soviet Union that had specialized in generics and knock-offs of U.S. firms, right? Well, the Clinton Foundation is right there, 1271. He wouldn't have been in a position to report on pay to play which is KKR just right around the corner up there on 57th street, he wouldn't have been in a position to report on blood diamonds with Diamond Way right there across the street. Who knows? All I'm asking is that we ask questions rather than just bury the stories. Who killed Joe Rago if he didn't die of natural causes? Or what killed Joe Rago? Just asking questions here in front of the Wall Street Journal and News Corp.

276.7 {Transcribed by Connie Bevan} Day 276 this is part 6. All the world is a stage we simply play a part and the man at the center the world stage right now, right now, is Andre Taggart. The Marine who stood at the steps with me and looked me directly in the eye and he said, not only were there laptops, not only laptops with government markings, there were blackberries, there was a pile of blackberries, 20 blackberries with government markings, and that is the key, the key right now to the entire case falling apart and for this whole saga to be over, for this whole house of cards to fall.

Andre, you are on the world stage right now. The whole world is looking at you, you, to do the right thing. This is your time, Marine, this is your time to stand, to do what's right rather than the pressure or the orders you may be under, this is the time to do what's right, and make this world and this country a better place. Do what's right, Andre.

Silverlining ago

Connie Hope your entire investigation since Day 1 is being archived and secured. One day when the whole thing explodes, and if there are any honest historians left, the story of this massive conspiracy will need to be documented for all time. I just hope the story will have a happy ending rather than describing how they took down the whole civilization.

Silverlining ago



Confirmations yesterday - Andre Taggart - tenant in Awan home with congressional blackberries - drives now smashed - Awan configured - 150 representatives affected - FBI involved - evidence sheets - DU loophole - Quinn scandal in South Carolina - pay to play at Port of Charlestom - Lindsey Graham working with Charleston area arms manufacturers - Tony Podesta and MWW clock - Dilyana10 - blood diamonds and machine guns thru Nigeria and Congo thru Rwanda - diamonds etched in Antwerp - NATO black weapons trade goes back to Air Sofia 23 years ago - confirmation on ActBlues - fake site stole Bernie's money and sent it to Debbie WS - Cosy Bears / Dukes Awans on congressional side - Fancy Bears - from Ukraine - stealing Bernie's money.


405 Lexington Av - Crysler Building - Joe Rago wanted off editorial onto investigative reporting? - Greenhills llc managed sale of Vero Pharm to Abbott Labs - building boarded up - moved to Brooklyn 2 Reve Street - sanctions block - favors needed to permit sale - pay to play

GreenHills Ventures, LLC. Main Offices: The Chrysler Landmark Building 405 Lexington Avenue, 26 Floor New York, New York, 10174 Main Telephone: (917) 368-8390

GreenHills Ventures, LLC. Satellite Office: The Hemsley Building 230 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, New York, 10169 Main Telephone: (917) 368-8390

Also [ I don't know if there is linkage - sl ] - goldbergs on each company brothers or related? - no common personnel on scan -


Andrew McCabe looking into Awan laptops destruction - how about the roller bombs

Biofan sold to Nanocet with Saraya Begum Mark Weiner Anthony Weiner's trusted staff - the Awans

Trump - We're not going to drain the Swamp - we're going to drain the Sewer.