SearchVoat ago

The original post you've quoted here is out of date in some respects. I'll work on a new one when v2 is stable. In particular, the "exact phrase in double quotes" search can be so slow it's basically unusable, on the old system, and I don't think wildcard* searches* still work. Everything works fine on v2 (probably).

Vindicator ago

Could you ping me if/when you update the tips post? I'll replace this.

SearchVoat ago

Sorry, I take it back, it's mostly accurate after all. Couple of typos in the "NSFW" section: should read

It's just that the more sophisticated search options (double-quotes, minus sign to negate) uses MySQL full text search which works, but is incredibly slow.

Vindicator ago

I edited the OP to replace that bullet point with your updated version.

TreborPJ ago

Unfortunately, I have never gotten search voat to find what I search for. I'll have to adjust with these tips. Thank you.

SearchVoat ago

I'm always interested to hear about specific examples that fail to find results, if you can provide me with any.

blagjesus ago


Vindicator ago
