brandnewset ago

Where is the fucking sauce

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Lincoln had a teacher named Kennedy who came to his log cabin to teach him.

Kennedy once spilled Log Cabin syrup in the back of his father's Lincoln.


Illumitardi33Orange ago

Nasa is fake and gay

MrPancake ago

Magic isn't real. Evil intention however...

AlphaOmega ago

This might explain why Pauline doesn't have a Wikipedia page but her husband does.

BjornIronside ago

Did you know that all presidents of the USSA are related?

True story

alacrity167 ago

everybody with english ancestry would be! maybe jfk surprises me because i thought he was fully Irish but yeah not a big deal

Fetalpig ago

Barbara had six toes...

Atkho ago

No way man it's totally the lizard people.

shittersfull ago

yeah that makes total sense

King_Freya ago

Ah yes Barbara Bush is the iconic demon. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Orangeel2112 ago

Don't you think when George became as powerful as he was this information was suppressed?? Skull and bones has a great way of hiding information they do not want you to know. You want sauce?? I dug her up and banged her fish eyed corpse then sent the DNA out to get tested.

Tb0n3 ago

Then where the fuck did you come up with it?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Okay guys, you asked for sauce, and since OP is a faggot, here it is.

The FIRST article to say this was written by Joseph Cannon in an article on his web site. However, it appeared on April 1, so it was probably a joke, which is likely since it's entirely unsourced also.

I've read two biographies of Jack Parsons and four of Crowley. I know the lives of these men pretty well. Parson and Crowley never met, they only corresponded through mail. Parsons did his "Babalon Working" rituals with L. Ron Hubbard in the late 1940s. Hubbard later wrote "Dianetics", then created Scientology, basing some of it on what he picked up from Parsons.

The Babalon Working ritual seems to have worked, however. Its purpose was to bring about "The Whore of Babylon", a woman with fiery red hair. Within a year, a woman named Marjorie Cameron came into his life, who was exactly the type the ritual was meant to invoke. She later appeared in a short film "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome" directed by the faggot thelemite Kenneth Anger, in which she played The Scarlet Woman, an honorific used by Crowley for certain magic partners who were especially whorish and devoted.

Tb0n3 ago

The only problem is that magic isn't real.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

How seriously wrong you are.

Tb0n3 ago

How so? The world has billions of camera phones in it now and there's still no proof of the supernatural or magic.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Space is the realm of the demons/trans-dimensional or whatever you want to call them. The Earth is an infinite plane. If the magik garnished real, repeatable and measurable results as they seem to believe would that not be evidence itself that there might be something to it all? Is not prayer and God worship the same as White Magik? The concentration of willpower into an operating function?


Tb0n3 ago


also I don't believe in any gods. and your fan-fics don't prove anything.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You don't need to believe in Gods or any of the fan fict to understand Magik. Chaos magik for instance is the actualization of possibility according to probability and will. No demons/thingys.

Tb0n3 ago

ie The Secret. Favorite self help book of basic bitches everywhere.

JustFuckingDoIt ago

Not with that attitude it ain't.

Seventh_Jim ago

Sure seems like a lot of powerful people get involved with it for something that doesn't exist.

Tb0n3 ago

Proof required.

Seventh_Jim ago

Ah, One of those.

Have you considered how many things you don't hold to that standard, but accept based on faith?

Tb0n3 ago

Your fantastical claim is not the norm. It requires actual evidence as there's no possible way a reasonable person would believe it.

Seventh_Jim ago

I disagree with you premise of "reasonable person". I think you're confusing that standard for "perfectly rational".

How do you deal with problems involving incomplete information, or worse, deceit?

As to evidence, if we speak statistically, purchasing a magic healing crystal is much better for a erson's overall well being than seeing a doctor for chronic pain. Magic healing crystals are better than rational science-based medicine.

Tb0n3 ago

The effect of a healing crystal is inversely related to how sick someone is. If you're not sick and believe in the crystal's efficacy then you're likely to get some peace of mind. If the person is sick, however, it will harm them as the crystal does nothing, and will keep them from seeking actual medical intervention.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

The only problem is that magic isn't real.

It doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. What matters and makes this stuff dangerous is that they believe it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

The Babalon Working ritual seems to have worked

I'm not a believer in magic(k) or any of that stuff, but I'm always interested when there are remarkable coincidences of this kind. It's similar to what happened after Hubbard left with Parsons' money and girlfriend and went to Florida. Hubbard was on a yacht he bought with Hubbard's money. Parsons performed a magical working intended to produce a large storm to drive Hubbard back to shore. Shortly thereafter there was a storm, and Hubbard had to return to shore. This actually happened, and I'm very hesitant to say that Parsons' working produced the storm, but it's certainly interesting. Of course, there's far more going on than we can understand, especially when one adheres to the materialist model of nature. If that is a person's only basis for perception, one excludes a lot.

Tb0n3 ago

Coincidence or myth. Either or. And the thing about coincidences is that there's a million times where it doesn't line up, but your association with the one time things do is so strong you don't even think about the million failures.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Whatever you say. I don't have a dog in this fight, so you're welcome to your opinion.

Tb0n3 ago

Cool cop out, bro.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You're the one staking out territory when neither of knows enough to say anything with certainty. I just wish I could be so certain of anything as you are of this. "Either/or"? How would you know. You're just as uninformed as every other person on the planet.

If you're looking for someone to give you validation, go somewhere else. Troll someone else's comment, I'm not interested.

Tb0n3 ago

Here I am, giving rational explanations to beliefs of the supernatural as just the human brain being pattern seeking and imperfect and then you say I'm disingenuous? It's not fucking hard to figure this shit out. Unless somebody gives actual evidence of magic it just doesn't fit the known laws of physics and our well defined reality.

TrialsAndTribulation ago


tallarn ago

Crowley hated Parsons, from what I heard.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

True story. He thought Parsons and the entire LA OTO lodge were like children playing with things they didn't understand.

last18500 ago


Pizzalurker15 ago

According to wikipedia:

“ Barbara Pierce was born on June 8, 1925, at Booth Memorial Hospital, a Salvation Army facility at 314 East 15th Street on Stuyvesant Square in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Pauline (née Robinson) and Marvin Pierce. ”

Anglingnagger ago

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know

Whoa, whoa, whoa

God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson…

ScreaminMime ago


Poopydick1 ago

The article that started this said Barbaras mom was at a Crowley sex party, never confirmed any children

beefartist ago

Also Disney and NASA were trying to break the firmament.

70times7 ago

Didnt it already break during the antediluvian flood?

stbelmont ago

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Enoch 89:2-3

89:2 And again I raised my eyes towards heaven and saw a lofty roof, with seven water torrents thereon, and those torrents flowed with much water into an enclosure.

89:3 Again I saw, and behold, fountains were opened upon the ground of that great enclosed area, and the water began to swell and rise upon the ground; and I saw that enclosed area until the whole ground was completely covered with water.

Psalm 148:4

Praise Him, you heavens of heavens,

And you waters above the heavens!

satisfyinghump ago

Here's the rocket hitting something. Put sound up, it's clear it hit something.

Skip to 4:05 and listen,min about 8 seconds it happens. :)

satisfyinghump ago

No, a crack appeared and water poured out. That crack was even spoken of as something that magically appeared by civilizations who survived. Listen to the other replier. Look up operation fishbowl and watch the videos of America launching rockets straight up and what sort of cloud forms from the explosion. It genuinely looks like projectile smoke going upwards only to hit an invisible barrier.

beefartist ago

Great word choice. My layperson understanding of the bible is that the heavens were opened and the waters above were loosed but I can't recall for sure if the firmament is mentioned again, although it would make sense to me that the firmament did more than just hold the waters up. There are plenty of videos of rockets hitting it, as well as a failed US government attempt to blow a hole in them (operation fishbowl).

Phantom42 ago

Right... Now that you and 70times7 are talking about it I'm curious...

What's the deal with the firmament?

stbelmont ago

Not a full answer but




Referring to Russians 17:53-18:03

19:53-20:05 ending on a page with 2 scripture verses to read

beefartist ago

@70time7 will correct the parts i mess up hopefully and probably has a better handle on the story than I. The Bible begins with the book of Genesis detailing God creating the Earth. He creates a "dome" (the firmament) which creates a space with water below and water above. The great floods (documented in other places/cosmologies than the Bible as well) are caused by God allowing the water of the heavens to fall upon Earth (as punishment for being a bunch of filthy Sodomites) took much longer than the commonly understood 40 days for things to "dry up". Fast forward 1930's and onward; the Nazis and US are both being REALLY interested in rockets, Antarctica, and occult stuff...both groups raced to explore Antarctica because the globe isn't a globe at all (the provable lack of curvature makes this obvious)and there is supposedly some INTERESTING shit below (technology/ancient stuff)and beyond (oasises of incredible land) the Antarctic. Guys like Disney and Werner Van Braun worked with both sides to try and get past these barriers (likely satanic/promethean goals). There are accessible videos of modern rockets hitting the firmament and the purpose of the heavenly bodies is to act as an unending sky clock for us humans. There is SO much information but I will leave this last part : The Swastika is both revered and reviled because it is a representation of Ursa Major (the big dipper)

stbelmont ago

@70times7 You were paged above with a typo.

beefartist ago

and again, thanks!

satisfyinghump ago

Space is water. That's what the firmament is holding back. It's even spoken about in the Bible, as the primal waters.

beefartist ago

Could be? I know what you are driving it (Genesis) however I wonder if there is any left after the floods? That being said that could explain stuff like those crazy lunar waves

stbelmont ago

There's still water up there.

Genesis 8:2

The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;

Psalm 148:4

Praise Him, you heavens of heavens,

And you waters above the heavens!

beefartist ago


satisfyinghump ago

Here's the rocket hitting something. Put sound up, it's clear it hit something.

Skip to 4:05 and listen,min about 8 seconds it happens.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Based off Byrd/highjump/fishbowl i'd say the firmament is full and intact. I don't believe it is something that can be destroyed, I don't believe in a perimeter but rather an infinite plane. This is Earth. Up is up, down is down. Low earth orbit is under the firmament. I think Schumann resonances have an important role to play that is not fully understood.

Consider the resolution of the human eye and its ability to distinguish two points at a distance. This is observed by the converging lines of perception forming a "false horizon" and easily proved by laying on your stomach in a field and watching someone walk away from you (you could use a camera too). Your angle of view determines the convergent point for the false horizon. This phenomena would be observed on both a sphere model and on an infinite plane model.

When a ship disappears bottom first, it is because of the ocean waves between the observer and the bottom of the ship are two points that no longer become distinguishable from eachother and hence they "converge" into a false horizon. This is proved by watching a ship disappear with your own naked eyes, only to be brought back into view with modern viewing equipment.

How could modern viewing equipment do this? Resolution of the equipment verses the resolution and biological limitations of the human eye. The equipment as a higher resolution and as a result it can distinguish two points with greater clarity. All of this is observed at a range well under the needed distance to get the SAME effect out of the actual curvature of the earth.

Meaning; most people attribute the "bottom up" effect to the actual curvature of the earth where in fact it is actually due to their perception alone. The height required to actually observe the curvature of the earth is over 40k ft. All arguments saying the curvature of the earth is proven by x object disappearing are false conclusions.

If you can understand the above, Congratulations you understand the basic concepts of vision. The argument of things disappearing bottom up is the first permutation of logic where people get it wrong. If they can't get this right they will get everything else wrong and its why they think flat earth is so easy to disprove when in actuality they are just ignorant of how ignorant they are.

show me one single repeatable measurable experiment that conclusively demonstrates that gravity could be the only and singular plausible explanation.

show me one single example of matter inherently attracting matter without medium by gravity that could not otherwise be explained.

Show me an iota of dust being attracted to anything due to gravity alone without any other plausible explanation.

Density mechanics explains observations.

Video backups :

Simple Proof that the ISS is Nothing More than a Hollywood Production - YouTube :

The ISS Exposed - YouTube :

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon - YouTube :

7 Rockets Hit Dome! - YouTube :

Flat Earth Awakening ~ Fake Space Documentary 2019 - YouTube :

Are We Spinning? - YouTube :

Astronauts Gone Wild - YouTube

The have the capability to fake it with the sets already made. But they wouldn't do that would they? Child fucking and eating satanist jews wouldn't lie to the goyium about space would they? They control history and science. Learn.

Tom buy my tshirts delonge coms

The lie starts with two for one experimentation. You are living in a world reflective of mathematics alone and completely void of all basis in actuality.

Space is fake and gay.

Gravity is fake and gay.

NO spin, NO curve.

Who is behind the "aliens" narrative?

Who opposed Tesla and the knowledge of the aether?

When was the Aether "disproved"?

Who is Albert Einstein?

Is he a kid fucking jew?

Does the theory of relativity and gravity counter the theory of the Aether?


Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential & inherent in it. And this is one reason why I desired you would not ascribe {innate} gravity to me. That gravity should be innate inherent & {essential} to matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of any thing else by & through which their action or force {may} be conveyed from one to another is to me so great an absurdity that I beleive no man who has in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent {acting} <7v> consta{ntl}y according to certain laws, but whether this agent be material or immaterial is a question I have left to the consideration of my readers.

Thats from newton himself.

satisfyinghump ago

Have you seen the videos of supposed Russian astronauts in space but it's clear they are fighting with black wetsuit divers under water?

satisfyinghump ago

Thanks so much for sticking to facts and posting such a wealth of info!!!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are welcome. I have made a few pasta's on the subject but this is my most used one. I am in the process of creating a new pasta that debunks some of the popular debunks and strawmans.

i_scream_trucks ago



Rellik88 ago

Question on the whole never been to space thing. Not only would they have to fake every video of people in space. They would have to fake a whole area of science Cosmology. They would have to fake every satellite, every telescope. There would be so much to fake that some where someone would fuck up. Also Im suppose to believe government bureaucrats are the ones doing this? The same ones inept at there jobs?

satisfyinghump ago

Full disclaimer, I lean towards the whole "space is not real" or rather "space is not what they claim it is" theory.

Although even I have an issue with wondering about what the fuck all the thousands of staff at nasa are doing.

Although it is clear to me the photos and video shown of supposed planets do not match what telescopes from earth see.

It's possible they are carefully feeding the scientists specifically crafted info which the scientists respond to with theories.

Although I can't imagine not one nasa scientist owning their own telescope and coming home, and at night using their telescope to look up at a planet they supposedly looked at with "the Hubble telescope", and see the two images DO NOT MATCH.

What the planets actually look like from earth can be easily described as bio or rather sonic luminesense. Check out the strange experiments of scientists blasting high frequency into a liquid environment and the bright light they create.

It's eerily similar to the Bibles claim "let their be light" and it was!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You do realize how incredibly easy it would be for them to fake any of the "videos from space" right? You are aware that the sets and stages have already been made and are admitted to exist, just for "training" purposes. You don't need a massive conspiracy to take place with a large amount of people to be involved.

Very few are involved. As for the mathematics, all of the math is correct. The problem is that you are living a world reflective of mathematics alone and devoid of all basis in actuality. Do video games work? Is the math/ programming correct? Is it reality?

Two for one experimentation, and you are too stupid to realize it.

HbMcNutt ago

They do fuck up, there are many instances where you can use gamma filters to detect falsities in their photos. It alwaya gets scrubbed and "debunked"

beefartist ago

Haha or when a "space mouse" scrabbles across the screen :)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Point out all the bubbles and wires and screen tears and backdrop fails all you want, the greatest point is right in front of you and many miss it completely. The head knows which way is up. You can't fake that. Look at all these laughable fake videos and watch the actors heads, they can't help it. The head will always attempt to align itself UP. Every time without fail.

beefartist ago

Good point...fake space is as obviously fake as the curve and spin of the Earth...there is a reason people LOSE THEIR SHIT when you question globe Earth or space shenanigans.

Patranon1 ago

The coronavirus is a pretty big world wide fake.

BjornIronside ago

Satellites are balloons. nasa is the single biggest consumer of helium on Earth.

Telescope faking? Why? I have a telescope. Not sure what you're on about. Unless you think that what you see through a telescope even vaguely resembles a nasa painting. It does not.

No, not the "government bureaucrats", their paedo-satanist masters in the vatican.

edit - as far as "faking space", that's clearly what's been happening for decades. You think they landed on the Moon? in this?

satisfyinghump ago

When people see the lander in person and notice it really does look like metal from umbrellas and tinfoil/mylar blankets, they really begin questioning it.

My favorite is the boot stamp in the moon dust NOT matching the actual boot worn AND ON DISPLAY IN THE SAME MUSEUM. The fucking boot treads/prints don't match.

i_scream_trucks ago

Studied for tens of thousands of years in detail by countless individuals far smarter than anyone youll find on voat or reddit.

Is fake because internet says so.

beefartist ago

The sky clock is one thing, pretending like we can visit it is another. The whole point of the ever expanding universe idea is to make you feel small,and unloved and hide God's existence

Rellik88 ago

Couldn't God be the thing that started the big bang? Couldn't he be the one, that made suns and planets be made with nothing but gas and gravity and time?

beefartist ago

Couldn't? How could he not be the one? Something cannot come from nothing except where God is concerned, and if that is the case then it didn't come from nothing at all! :)

I think I heard E. MIchael Jones talk about this. Owen Benjamin (I am sure he is not the first) mentioned that when it comes to the question of the chicken or the egg the answer is God :) I don't know if big bang is real, I have my doubts but frankly I think the people who come up with this stuff are talking out their asses, EVEN if they are correct :)

Stubbabubba ago

Not saying I believe this but from what I gather low earth orbit is where the satellites are, just under the firmament. You can see lights through the dome but there are no planets. Those are all faked. It is t just our government but all of the major world governments. Most people think there are still separate countries but it is already one world govt. Any astronaut footage you see is fake.

Boltsky ago

So Crowley is George w bushes grandfather?

voatdied ago

can we get some sauce please.

you went to the trouble of organizing this drivel, why not save your links along the way as well.

HbMcNutt ago

This is well know in occult books

DrSelfAppointed ago

Ok. So your source is " it's well known in X, I swear."

Q badged, Looser

ScreaminMime ago

Well then, I'm convinced! /s

fuspezza ago
