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GothamGirl is so upset and offended that she was doxed!

What she doesn't seem upset about is that the person who doxed her is her "new husband"

Just a few minutes ago she wrote this

So let me get this straight you retarded cunt, you're so upset by people reposting what your husband wrote about you, while you're not upset in the slightest at him for doing this to you on the first place?

How is that even possible? No self respecting woman would remain with, and then go on to marry a man who did that! You're either the lowest doormat on earth, or you're a liar and a fake!

Post a picture of the two of you together! At this point I don't believe that you two are actually married or involved. It makes more sense that you're just working together to troll and disrupt voat.

@InSaneGoatPosse @HollaKost

Gothamgirl ago

Hahaha looking at you tagging and talking to yourself. The real great awakening is you're a certified psycho.

Now me @zyklon_b are the same person?🤔 🤣🤭

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

material possessions have nothing to do with a mother's love. Jesus your brain works like a nigger's.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Trigglypuff seems to think so

There you go spending money on someone to buy your love. I bet your daughter in law can’t stand you.

Gothamgirl ago

I gave them car when he joined the military because I care.

Go fuck yourself with your fake bullshit. You should have faked your ugly self better in your fake pictures since you are into faking just about everything else. Fake fuck.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

How could you afford it on welfare? Fuck me, no wonder migrants are flooding into your country for welfare.

HollaKost ago

I gave them the car when he joined the military because I care.

Or maybe you gave them a car so your daughter in law wouldn't press charges for your death threats!

Yeah, it really sounds like you care mother of the year!

Gothamgirl ago

Never happened.

HollaKost ago

What? Are you calling zyklon_b a liar again?

He was right about your address, kids name, obesity, and being a psycho bitch, but he got it wrong that you threatened to kill your son's wife? I'm not buying it hippo.

Gothamgirl ago

No he tells everyone all is satire upfront, yout a dumb fool who believes otherwise.

HollaKost ago

No, that's a lame attempt to not be accountable for anything he writes. He doxed your address and your kids name. How is that satire to you? You can't really be this desperate for a man that you will lie to yourself to be able to tolerate what he has done can you?

Gothamgirl ago

We have been together for 1.5 years and married for a few weeks, get over your obsession with us we are forever and there is absolutely nothing you can do or say whore. Go push your skank self somewhere else.

HollaKost ago

Good! Be together forever! You two trash losers deserve each other! It still doesn't answer why you're such a doormat that you put up with and make excuses for what he's done to you! Fucking fool!

@zyklon_b is such trash he lost his own kid. She's destined to ride the nigger cock carousel from her daddy issues and neither of you care about the poor kid! Sick!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Can’t sit until Zyklon has a nigger grand baby hahaha

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You should have faked your ugly self better in your fake pictures since you are into faking just about everything else including your weight

You’re so jealous. You haven’t seen the nudies cunt. You only saw 3 profile pics of Srayzie’s face. That was enough to make you lose your shit. Kek!

HollaKost ago

Bitch is obsessed!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

HollaKost ago

Yeah what a joke! There ain't no way to help this

Gothamgirl ago

Haha no the nudes were already shared on BEATLESTROLLARMY

There is nothing that would make me jealous of a jewess whore, and if she herself thought she was pretty she wouldn't need try to convince anyone by sending nudes for attention.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

if she herself thought she was pretty she wouldn't need try to convince anyone by sending nudes for attention.

According to your PM screenshots, she didn’t share the pics for attention, but because she has a freak side cunt. Or maybe those PMs are fake too.

The pics you guys are spreading aren’t even her. You guys suck at this lol.

Gothamgirl ago

You me skank side don't try to sugar coat it. Everybody already knows.

HollaKost ago

You know all about skank sides don't you. Your baby daddy got DNA tests because he did't trust your skank ass!

HollaKost ago

Haha no the nudes were already shared on BEATLESTROLLARMY

That brunette woman in the slutty photos you posted looked nothing like the photos of Srayzie. You're a liar and a fraud!

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yeah right, I seen her fat ass in an office chair, on her Twitter it's her..

HollaKost ago

I seen her fat ass in an office chair, on her Twitter it's her.

Should have stayed in school.

Gothamgirl ago

It's taken 4-5 of you all day and night jewing yet your educated? and still can't beat me. 🤭😆

HollaKost ago

and still can't beat me.

Beat you? At what? I beat you at life in all ways you nasty skank.

School was boring and leaves people in debt. I did pretty well financially without it

It is pretty boring for those who can't keep up. Too bad your money can't buy class.

Gothamgirl ago

You didn't beat me at shit. Your life:

  1. Set up a bunch of sexual internet names

  2. Find men

  3. Send unsolicited nudes

  4. Create a name like Holla-kost to tell them price.

HollaKost ago

Haha! Ain't me bitch!

Here's you though:

  1. Be a jealous bitch
  2. Be a jealous bitch
  3. Be a jealous bitch
  4. Be a jealous bitch

Trollstomper ago

It doesn't look like that to the rest of Voat, honey you're looney tunes.

HollaKost ago

You talkin' to me faggot?

Trollstomper ago

Yes I was.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Her twitter only had a face profile sitting in a car you stupid cunt

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

She has nigger kids. Obviously zero self respect. It tickles me senseless that ZykonB the Nazi has a race-mixing wife and mulatto step kids. Hahaha!

InSaneGoatPosse ago


Gothamgirl ago


HollaKost ago

You do realize that your name is now forever linked with crensch's guntpiggy post about you? So any time anyone looks up your name, they're gonna find your voat screen name and see the kind of nasty shit you have involved yourself in!

What a public service this has been to show you for the piece of shit you are!

Crensch ago

Err, I made a single comment about that?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Even Nazi Zyklon has a half Filipino daughter

Gothamgirl ago


InSaneGoatPosse ago

He’s a fake too. He doesn’t stick to his own race.

Gothamgirl ago

You a fake you Jew fuck.

HollaKost ago

Doesn't it make you mad that he called your kids half nigger spics when he's got a half breed child of his own?


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Right? Lol

InSaneGoatPosse ago

What’s fake you fat jealous bitch?

Gothamgirl ago

Whats to be jealous of I saw the pics.


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Where’s the pic stupid?

HollaKost ago

That's why a picture of them together has been requested. They have both posted their individual photos recently so they aren't worried about showing their faces.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

All I see is a fat hand and a tattooed hand

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I agree!


I unbanned her so she can come here and post a pic of them.

Right @gothamgirl?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Good idea. Get your makeup on skank


And pull out another goodwill dress from the 90's!

HollaKost ago

Where's the pic of the happy couple?

Gothamgirl ago

Keep begging. I don't submit to Jews.

HollaKost ago

Just niggers.

Gothamgirl ago

My dress is from Macy's have you ever heard of it peasant?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Who gives a fuck? Where is a pic of the 2 of you together?

Gothamgirl ago

What pic of us together? Why would I ever give you?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You don’t have to prove you’re together. You show pictures anyways. I’ll assume you are not together then. It’s all an act.

Gothamgirl ago

No one cares kike.

HollaKost ago

Macy's is great, I just don't shop in the old lady section like you do granny.

Gothamgirl ago

You probably can't shop there at all 🤭

HollaKost ago

Hahah! Oh please! You know you got that cheetah rag on the clearance rack!

Gothamgirl ago

Nope $72

HollaKost ago


InSaneGoatPosse ago

Lol. If she only knew...

HollaKost ago

Dumb botch acts like Macy's is top tier in shopping!

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't. I was correcting you faggot don't change the meaning of my words Jew

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I know lol.

InSaneGoatPosse ago
