Goygoygoygetem ago

My wife's cousin, David Brownstein, is a fine lawyer. He also has many connections that have attended fundraisers held by the Mr. Robert O. Work. The one for the ACLU had a great selection of kosher meat.

Israel and the US will prosper over all the things to come from NSCAI. You goy worry too much over these things.

Might I suggest watching some Game of Thrones during this #socialdistancing instead of worrying about things you will not control?

L'chaim little Goy! My wife is making some fantastic matzoh right now and I'm going to have a little taste and then take our miniature schnauzer Hillary for a walk around our gated community.

ScionOfZion ago

The slogan was "Don't be Evil"

earlymac ago

I'm going to keep drinking my beer and going to work like the slave that I am. What else can we do?

AngelsareFree ago

There is a sheriff, Richard Mack, whom SGT interviewed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTHARYfVTZM

Sheriffs are sovereign, and beholden to the people and the constitution, and no other authority. Sheriff Mack is trying to tell the other sheriffs to stop the unconstitutional lock down in their counties. He has an organization that we can join, Join the CSPOA! https://cspoa.org/ and we should pass this information to our county sheriffs. If we get enough sheriffs on board, Mack says this can work.

observation1 ago

You've heard of DMZ zones. We need DTZ zones. DeTechnologized Zones.

Details described in a new Internet Constitution

Starting with the right to be forgotten, no surveillance or radio technology, corporations are not people, and ending with the government cant have a corporation to do something it itself is not allowed to do.

Document to be debated and put together by libertarian and technology philosophers, moderated and open discussion.

observation1 ago

Well shit

Tallest_Skil ago

What are you going to do about it?

Oh, you know.

SoOutraged ago

Copy and paste

Drunkenst ago

Give it a rest.

HatePrincipal ago

artificial intelligence is nonsense.

all computers, from the universal turing machine to ti85 to iphone bbcxl13 are advanced paper fortune tellers that little girls have innate knowledge of, that is how the ancient greek oracles worked, write down any question on a tablet, and the priestesses would process the signs on an apparatus.

this notion of an AI being some sort of private individual thinking thing arises from descartes’ retarded incel construction of res cogitans. idiot writes his thoughts in the extended realm where he writes that thought only occurs in this new secret immaterial unextended substance he dreamed up in 20 years of being a sick little faggot in bed reading all day. before that, mind, gemynd, was just ‘memory’ - keep in mind, mind your manners, not the real essential you. a computer is simply extended cognition: first example of writing in the torah is god commanding moses to tell joshue to write down a memorial to ‘blot out all remembrance of the amalekites from under heaven! dont forget!’ no different than a post it note or a calculator, the signs processed have no meaning outside human cultural conditions: look up. Raymond Llull the priest who came back from the islamic world with the za’ijrah inspired device the ars magna. it could also answer any question so long as you can make sense of the metaphysics at the time.

even fucking alicia keyes understands what the phonetic substance is: “what if the the patterns and things that come up inside you arent who you are, but an impression of who you were.”

nietzsche: your thoughts are not your experiences, but echoes, like the room that shakes as a carriage passes by; i am in that carriage, sometimes i am that carriage

going with the first thought that pops in your head is like using googles ‘im feeling lucky’ button

computers cannot create concepts. and computers cannot solve the halting problem, they cannot say “hey thats not a question, because theres no logically possible answer.” it will just keep searching for a nonsense answer to a nonsense question forever like enlightenment npc programmers trying to upload minds into computers, like scientists waiting for a quantum apple to falle on their heads to prove quantum gravity is a thing so they dont have to abandon materialism in lieu of emergence cuz thats spooky and they know once down that path it just gets inverted to emanations and your back at Plato and forms, recollection/remembrance and no intellectual property rights.

file a fucking civil rights and and national commerce lawsuit against your state governments, ag barr said doj will join in, and doj does not lose civil rights cases period. bring the homeless as a class action, they are easily the most injured party and very high risk according to the left themselves. show evidence that infection rates increase in state shelters vs being outside etc

NicotinicAcid ago

Extreme rambling. This is not how AI works in today's context.

domains ago

Imagine creating an AI whose purpose is to write hate speech about AI...

gorram ago

The government, military, and intel agencies ALWAYS have think tanks, plans, groups, and roadmaps for various Orwellian futures. This NSCAI crap has no more significance than any of the hundreds of other such government working groups.

Does AI not exist? Is China not using it? Should the US government & tech groups NOT organize their plans for some kind of national approach toward the development and management of AI?

Stubbabubba ago

What's the answer here? Only way I see it is for whites to segregate and seperate.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The eternal question: What is to be done?

The atomization of the American family has left us with no ability to organize in meatspace, despite having the community infrastructure all ready to go with churches and civic organizations like the American Legion/Elks/whatever.

So what is to be done? Probably nothing and let it collapse in on itself. The alternative is to set up a parallel government like the IRA or Hezbollah with a postal service and food banks and homeschool co-ops or whatever, so that when the system falls apart, /ourguys/ can be already imbedded as necessary members of the community around which a real government can form. But that requires a lot more work and know-how than shitposting nigger memes.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Honestly, we should be trying to compete against the chinese in the field of AI. You really want the first self aware form of life other than ourselves to be in there hands, to be Chinese? I don't. I also don't want to lose my freedom. I don't want anyone to lose there freedom. Freedom that is at risk due to AI. So we have to ask ourselves, what is the goal of the AI America is building? If the goal alignes with the spirit of this country, we should continue pursuing the goal. If it doesn't, we need to realign the purpose of the AI. Because either way, there is going to be AI.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

After reading the other comments, I was reminded how completely fucking stupid some of you are. If you are reading this, I'm probably talking to you.

Mind_Games ago

I haven't forgotten.

POTUS Trump puts far too much faith in the jews who got him elected. He's a controllable asset and is being outright manipulated by them.

He thinks being an obedient lapdog for them will work out.

You have to control the media in order for his approach to work. The media controls the minds, the minds control the results.

captnemo ago

One positive, as far as I can see Trump has done more to sow distrust in mainstream media then anyone else ( other then voat users ;) which has been great for me to start thinking freely and critically

SleepySleepy ago

Doctor visits with AI? Legacy FDA? Thank you Whitney Webb & Jimmy Dore. Both should be more prominent on Voat.

auto_turret ago

slams down beer

Let's do th.. Oh shit, my brew's foaming over..


Weird that you'd give a fuck. Remember? Probably not, I'm still waiting for you to answer the question I asked you few days ago... that you had no answer for... Because you're just trying to divide and conquer.... Because you're a jew.

auto_turret ago

Gotta have a couple beers in ya if you wanna be any good at it.

Blue333 ago

Google Is Not What It Seems - by Julian Assange

Julian wrote this years ago folks...

auto_turret ago

Right in the cornholio.

Scald85 ago

The right to privacy might be the most subversive meme of the enlightenment. Every secret society believes in it. Why do normies?

Thepotatolobby ago

Mound be praised!

DeathThroesofVoat ago

This happened back in 2016. It's not new news.

fellowwhiteperson ago

You are absolutely correct, @CIA-AgentLong.

Qpsyop2020 ago

What happened to the indictments that were supposed to be coming this week as per that fat lying CIA/NWO larp John Solomon.

Also, did anyone hear EMP expert William Forstchen on Coast To Coast AM this week call out Trump's incompetence and failure to protect USA's power grid from EMP attacks that could knock out our power grid for years and kill 90% of the population? Trump has done nothing about it.

Thepotatolobby ago

Mound building is the oldest religion ever. It's way old.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

And cops have a growing hatred of the people they're suppose to protect and keep murdering us and our dogs too. We are in dark times.

Thepotatolobby ago

You know what isn't a fairy tale? A mound.

onikage ago

@CIA-AgentLong Can you have your bosses invest more money and/or time into this honeypot? It is pretty broken.

CIA-AgentLong ago

I'll send it up the chain.

keksupreme ago

this is nothing...bill gates wants to chip us all...

Deceneu ago

These are complementary.

Mind_Games ago

Eric Snowden and Julian Assange tried to warn us.

Their warnings have fallen upon deaf ears, because the deaf are told that they hear the clearest.

The mass deception is complete. Now they're going after "dissenters" .

xenochrist15 ago

Yes, they tried to warn us, but you have to realize just how dumb the population has become. There are a multitude of factors that have sent us down this path -

* apathy

* over-feminization

* decadence

* lack of critical thinking

* a poor "education" system

* psychological manipulation

* immigration of low IQ peoples leading to the shift in demographics (Kalergi Plan)

* welfare

* The Greatest Generation for allowing poor policies and actions to occur while the their children, the Boomers, enjoy the illusory fruits of their labor into utter apathy towards the future of the world

* The dissolution of the nuclear family and faith in god in favor of the god of consumption (fuck you boomers), etc., etc.

Yet, out of all of that listed I'd say the worse crime is the first one on my list: apathy. Everything I've listed stems directly from apathy. Apathy by the individual is the ultimate sin, the real virus which infects and keeps all of us in the status quo, the most important state of control for those in rule. Order out of chaos aka maintaining the status quo which is a perpetual state of apathy towards life itself. It's knowing that the house has termites, mold, and crumbling foundation, whatever, but refusing to eliminate them for whatever excuses one can come up with until the roof collapses in on itself. That's the problem - the people who truly don't see the signs are to be forgiven for the ignorance, it's the ones who see the writing on the wall and do nothing that are the problem - you and I.

CheeBooga ago

Uncle Ted tried to warn us.

doginventer ago

Er, that would be an ecumenical matter.

sohelpmehannah ago

Their brazenness will be their undoing.

When this hit the critical stage, the entire thing will be easily defeated by a small army of rebels. All of the information management is centralized - not only in specific companies, but all these companies seem to be operating in the exact same region.

How easy would it be for a handy group of rebels to bring the entire thing crashing down.

PoquitoMojito ago

The number of major power lines going into the San Francisco Bay Area isn't large. How would work-from-home look with rolling blackouts?

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

star wars.

constitutionranger ago

Not easy at all. They have a completed surveillance grid worldwide with an army of brainwashed order following agents ready to go to war with you.

sohelpmehannah ago

The surveillance grid is incredibly vulnerable.

Misanthropadapolous ago

The counter is the eye for an eye doctrine of information warfare. Make the whole world blind.

sohelpmehannah ago

The deep state relies on the technology and (((money))) to keep their surveillance up. We the people do not have any surveillance systems at all - other than our eyes and ears.

Killing the technology of spying will not change the people's abilities, but will completely wipe out the deep state abilities.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=bGMkSNj_-7Q&feature=youtu.be :

Security State Using Coronavirus To Implement Orwellian Nightmare - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ChiCom ago

Start going right when I want to go left, saying up when I mean down, ugh - being surveiled makes you dishonest.

TheSeer ago

God is real. So is Satan.

There are people following Revelations either as a blue print, or because of fate. I am sure there will be many that are pissed off by this statement.

It isn't that hard. You simply don't get the Mark of the Beast.

Mind_Games ago

God is love.

Satan is merely the absence of love.

Religion is merely instructions on how to move the herd.

steven_feelsperg ago

God is order.

Satan is chaos.

Order requires discipline, sometimes violent.

whatisbestinlife ago

god is order

satan is disorder

humans are chaotic

70times7 ago

What are you going to do about it?

Warn folks the end is coming.

Soon the roman church will have her mark of authority. Soon the united states will enforce it. Soon the catholic and (so called) protestant world will come against Gods faithful few. Then come the plagues.

It is at the door.


"Soon the roman church will have her mark of authority. Soon the united states will enforce it. Soon the catholic and (so called) protestant world will come against Gods faithful few. "

I'm assuming you're talking about the RFID chips?

70times7 ago

Rfid maybe for "enforcing" their mark, but that is not the mark itself.

God has a mark also. Scripture says His people will also be marked in their foreheads. (but not their hands. God does not accept forced worship unlike rome/satan)

Revelation 7:3 - Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

These are symbolic spiritual marks. Not physical ones.

Gods mark of authority.

Romes mark of authority.

Rome likes to boast about her mark. She takes great pride in it...

"Sunday is our MARK of authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" - Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1,1923.

"Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sabbath to Sunday) was her act... And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things." H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons. Nov. 11, 1895

The mark of the beast issue is about one thing. Gods law vs Romes law.

allogonist ago

The end isn't coming though. This is a system designed to preserve itself forever.

CyborgCuttlefish ago

the apex predator of bureaucratic systems

70times7 ago

The end of this probation is coming. The cities will fall and sin will be judged.

Even 5 more years would be borrowed time.

boxofcrackers ago

that's seventh day adventist BS

70times7 ago

That is biblical prophecy. Being fulfilled before your eyes.

You do know the pope has been going around preaching his Laudato si for a few years now. The same Laudato si that instructs we must set aside sunday globally as a day of rest.

Blue laws got the ball rolling. Conditioning people that certain activities need to be ceased on sundays. Buying cars, banking, mail etc.

Its staring you in the face. And you mock.

Free will.

People who take your position, a mocking position, are who will receive romes mark in their forehead. They dont even have to threaten you. You will accept it gladly.

wondering12 ago

I'm fascinated that this would get downvotes.

NotaQjackass ago

Q fools.

ATF-AgentGrant ago

I was forced to downvote it.. because surveillance, ironically.

constitutionranger ago

Don’t worry, once you kill some kids you will get promoted straight to the top of your organization.

ChiCom ago

Thanks for being honest