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kestrel9 ago

I was wondering if you decided to post publicly after I posted a criticism. Also whether you consider leaving out critical responses to your pm an indirect form of tone policing. Had you posted your discussion on PV from the beginning, ALL responses would be available for people to read i.e.

I however just received the feedback from a couple of the users I sent the message too including a couple of dismissals from two of them that clearly won't have the will to work together at this point.

For the sake of transparency, shouldn't all the responses you received be made public? Shouldn't people get to read ALL comments in response to your inquiry? I thought that's exactly what PV fights for every second of every day, to make sure that ALL comments are visible, not just the ones that you feel are appropriate for what you're trying to accomplish. If I responded 1990 ten or twenty times, shouldn't that commentary be respected as well and included in your full disclosure that you are engaging in on two subverses?

"But all seriousness aside" /s Glad to see you were out having some lulz while you were working on your 'can't we all just get along project'. /s

@Crensch @Vindicator

sguevar ago

For the sake of transparency, shouldn't all the responses you received be made public?

Sure I can do that however the couple of dismissals were in fact yours and u/Crensch and tried to avoid them because of the fact that you are not willing to work together and were unproductive. Plus I was trying to avoid you two making a fool of yourselfs but sure. I can certainly posts the screencaps of your two responses:



Shouldn't people get to read ALL comments in response to your inquiry?

As your group failed to character assassinate me and your attempt seems to be directed to the same intent you are still avoiding the fact that the ones I posted were actually constructive criticism. For example: u/PeaceSeeker wasn't fully onboard with this proposal and u/Dismember also thought it would be better if I brought it in public but wasn't sure if it was too soon given all the drama around it.

Even u/virge that I truly dislike propose a constructive criticism but you two didn't you gave arrogant dismissals over the fact that your group couldn't attack nor my honesty, my consistency nor my character. Even though you so vehemently tried and apparently keep trying. So there is that.

"But all seriousness aside" /s Glad to see you were out having some lulz while you were working on your 'can't we all just get along project'. /s

So because I am working on something serious I can't laugh at something funny? Or should I deshonestly make a "shitposting alt" because of fear of people like you so dishonestly taking a comment out of the context it was made on? I mean. Nice poor attempt with your /s to try to attack once again the seriousness I put on this but was kind of closed minded and superficial to say the least.

Here I tell uMadWorld that an user shouldn't have to create an alt account to shitpost (or comment on a shitposting subverse for that matter):

Post in question:

Comment Mad made: and I quote:

In this drama, I think the reason for the use of alts to shitpost was to separate the main accounts that have to uphold their integrity and the perception of certain public image, and the alts that can be used to fully express themselves without damaging the image of the main accounts.

Which is exactly what you are trying to do here (laughable to say the least)

And my response: and i quote:

I disagree with you here. Even if your description of their intent is correct, context is everything. Shitposting with the same account on a context in which shitposting is in order should not inflict in an account's credibility. and @srayzie and @shizy should be entitled to shitpost as to post credible posts in their subs and others with the same account.

Those that take the content out of context can easily be proven full of shit afterwards and actually builds up an account's credibility.

So as your leader the "typhoon" put it... consistency.... thanks for giving me another chance at proving mine own.

Enjoy your day.