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MadWorld ago

XD I demand 25 global stickies on every Sunday!!! Three is not enough!!

think- ago

I think three is just fine, but I would like to see a sticky with poetry every Thursday. :-)

@PeaceSeeker @SandHog

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Can we get a philosophical stickie as well?

think- ago

Oh yes, please.....maybe on Mondays?

....for some food for thought for the week.... ;-)

@TheBuddha @Peasceseeker @Madworld @PuttItOut @sandhog

TheBuddha ago

I suspect you need to build and maintain it for quite a while before you get a sticky. We are going on two years with the guitar thread. I suspect that's why he agreed to sticky them.

think- ago

I have maxxed out the number of subs I am allowed to own and moderate. But I admit that I'm lazy anyway. I thought that maybe Putt could write a nice text, or choose one, and sticky it. ;-)

@PuttItOut @sandhog

TheBuddha ago

Then drop one?

think- ago

Never let the future disturb you.

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

Marcus Aurelius ("Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, Book VII, (8))

copypasted from

@PuttItOut @Peaceseeker @Madworld @sandhog @shewhomustbeobeyed

think- ago

@RogerByam - please see parent, and convo above. Thanks.

RogerByam ago

Good idea. @Had still does the daily stoicism quotes in v/whatever. Perhaps they can be stickied/incorporated into something you like? I can help too.

SandHog ago

I think Buddha was referring to one of the subs you mod so you can make a philosophy one when he said 'drop one'.

think- ago

Haha, thanks! I already dropped some in order to create new ones.... ;-)

But I am looking for someone who would want to mod the v/TransgenderMadness sub, and run it....;-)

SandHog ago

Lol I ain't doing it if that's what you are thinking. The last thing I want to do with my time is volunteer to monitor what those degenerate, mentally ill, faggots do every day.

think- ago

...oh damn, you just know me too well.... ;-P

think- ago

@sosat_menya_reddit - please see parent.