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sniper98g ago

/v/GreatAwakening/ has always been where QAnon and old goats get together. @srayzie is one of the best mods I've ever seen. She has kept it real through multiple rounds of fag mod take overs in other Q subs.

srayzie ago

πŸ‘†πŸ»Thank you my new best friend. πŸ‘πŸ»

Rotteuxx ago

one of the best mods I've ever seen

You're a stupid bitch who bans out of sheer vindictiveness because you can't handle people disagreeing with you.

You're a piece of shit cancer mod.

CantBuySkills ago

I don't follow q... cuz it's bogus... but I can smell a (((shill))) from a mile away. Go back to your shareblue board meeting and tell them you can't beat us.

Rotteuxx ago

Another moron who knows fuck all about me on Voat and calls me a shill because I speak my mind.

You retards are fucking hilarious

CantBuySkills ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way. On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part. Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value. This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Rotteuxx ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way.

What way am I trying to get ?

On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part.

Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value.

You called me a shill when I've been around doing my part in building up this community for 4 years, you utter fucking moron.

This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Calling me a qtard is another great example of why you're a fucking moron.

srayzie ago

Are you hoping for a bonus check by the end of May faggot? I’m blocking you. I never realized what a whiner you were.

Rotteuxx ago

Reeeeee !

Can't address anything I said so you build up a strawman and block me

You need medication bitch

Shizy ago

You need medication bitch

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🀣🀣🀣

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

Rotteuxx ago

And here comes the lapdog, perfect timing since @Srayzie just claimed to have blocked me. The timing is impeccable !

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🀣🀣🀣

So you're saying I'm a follower of @Zyklon_B ?

Back it up, show us proof of your claim. How have I been a follower of Zyklon ?

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

You just did hun !

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizy ago

look at me zyklon_b, look at me. I'm being a good boy and being mean to that bitch Srayzie for you

What a good little lapdog YOU are. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ–•πŸ»

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying that @srayzie's and your own utter stupidity isn't reason enough for it ?

CerealBrain ago

Quit being a major league faggot bro, the both of you, Voat should vomit both of you out.

@zyklon_b I want yer chubby girl Gotham give her TO ME.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck off, either you expose bullshit or you condone it.

CerealBrain ago

How bout I jack your fat ass up?

Rotteuxx ago

You'd fucking love that, faggot

CerealBrain ago

Would fucking own you bro..

zyklon_b ago

its @crensch the incel that cannot get laid so no worries

Phantom42 ago




CerealBrain ago

Jew in disguise, nice going jew.

zyklon_b ago

oh shit thanks for following me. i am flattered

maybe @kevdude n @crensch will cry to admins and they give her a pussy pass badge