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PuttItOut ago

A US agency?


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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GritD2 ago

Verified and not some soros pantifag imitating someone who is real?

Javik2186 ago

Which one? FBI, DHS, DOJ?

PuttItOut ago

I need to see what happens next before I go into further details.

go1dfish ago

Can you confirm it is the government and not something more tame like a hosting provider?

18228485? ago

How are things over at NAB?

go1dfish ago

Going pretty well, got most of the performance issues settled and am working to make it easier for others to run peers now.

18228702? ago

Cool. How are IPs tracked or are they? Could you remove something if ordered to do so by (((them)))?

go1dfish ago

Don’t track IPs, I do have the ability to remove content from my peer, but no ability to force others to remove content from theirs.

18237622? ago

Has nab become a pedo safe haven?

go1dfish ago

No, my policies mirrors that of reddit before they went off the deep-end.

I don't allow r/jailbait type communities/content and I don't take action against drawings.

18237891? ago

I'm not a fan of pedo drawings but get that it's technically legal, we all need to use nab more. It's a superior product

heygeorge ago

It’s the FDA

offender ago

"You see Putt, there's a lot of users on your little website promoting unhealthy amounts of Diet Monster energy drinks. We can't have that."

Javik2186 ago

I got a scare tonight already, one of my roommates said someone was in my apartment room without my permission nor knowledge. It was not maintenance since it took place after 5pm. I always keep my door locked, items hidden, checked everything and nothing was taken. So it could've been them smoking pot again and hearing noises or someone was really in one of my roommates room as my roommates have a fucking problem of leaving their doors and the back door unlocked when they are not home.

I believe this threat thing is an op concocted from 4chan & 8 chan or Reddit trying to take down voat again.

bushka ago

So TexasVet finally called the FBI on us like he said he would.

Zenhael ago

Now would be a nice time to update the warrant canary. Really nice time.

MaunaLoona ago

Why not be transparent and tell us who it was and what content it pertained to.

Whiteflighter ago

It looks like he legally can't.

HateCumbuckets ago

3 isp's have voat blocked here in Australia. Any contact from us?

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh junk. Someone definitely said something then.

BentAxel ago

WOW I never saw that. A. Why in fuck is he begging online. I have little, nay no respect for beggers. Whatever you do, you can do it as a side job for cash. Begging is never the answer. Moreover Vets can get jobs like fucking candy right now.

B. If he's a vet, he should have some sort of support. The VA, they can get him food stamps, here in California we have

If he needs assistance with rent

And finally the local VA will help or put him in touch with someone who will.

C. I thought he admitted he wasn't a vet and seeing this, I'm really fucking pissed because Clearly he is not.

antiliberalsociety ago

He doxxed himself to prove he is, but saw no action and never promoted. I documented all his frauds here and he looks like every definition of the word shill.

Heer_me_roar ago

Fucking faggots...meanwhile Antifa gets run of every liberal city in the country while the nigs murder us daily...and we aren't even allowed to talk about clownworld.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

We aren’t allowed to talk about clownworld? Since when? Honk honk faggots i dont even think it’s a good meme, probably astroturf, but hell if im not allowed to talk about anything god damnit.

Gorillion ago

I bet it's the effectiveness of Clownworld that really got them foaming and poking around.
It's the billion megaton nuke of political mockery. They thought they'd provoke actionable violent reprisals much sooner than this and we just blew out their already tight-as-a-noose timeline by embracing the Clown meme and weaponizing beyond their imaginations.

Already shut down the Library Trannies. 2020 is going to be a memetic bloodbath courtesy of the Honk becoming an extreme shorthand shut-down of any stupid dishonest nonsense coming out of ANY politician's face. Red noses painted or glued on political posters and billboards will be the quickest and most effective narrative-destroying graffiti in history.

You glowing idiots got so wrapped up in The Day of the Rope memes (which was just an illustration of how such political subversions often end for those that consider themselves revolutionaries throughout history - often even independent of who actually wins), that you never saw The Day of Honk coming.

We're gonna wreck you with a fucking silly sound effect. Some 99c cent app will be the end of your masters, and ultimately the end of you. And it was likely invented by some moron in a CIA coke pit think tank, believing that meme magic could be harnessed. You may wanna go thank him personally for setting fire to decades of careful civic manipulation and planning and blowing all your pensions and hidden deep state slush funds. Because sure as shit, someone else has their eyes on that money, and they can see you failing. And they'll literally cut your throats to take what's yours long before any real ground-level civil war shit kicks off and some civilian gets a chance to do it.

In a world where anything can be re-contextualized as "violent rhetoric" or "calls to violence" you thought we would be cornered into acting physically upon purpose-chosen targets (your obvious Soros Color Revolution wannabe martyrs like Goblina, Lanzahogg and that new little tween gremlin pushing Global Warming or whatever) so you could sweep us all away in one dark night with full public support and an iron clad legal papertrail. But now you'll be forced to go after dudes in clown wigs for making honking noises at whatever old establishment psychopath pedo or new central casting shoe-size IQ brainlet you put up for nomination in 2020.

You over-played your False Flags. FF is in the lingua franca now. Everyone's picking up on it. Notre Dame was too far. Sri Lanka and that whole "Easter Worshippers" thing was a monumental fuck up. All you had left was IRL street level violence breaking out to push the last phase of your plans, and you just...gave us this fantastic new memetic Atomic Death Ray when you needed us at our most mentally disarmed and demoralized.

You really are Clowns. Honk Honk, motherfuckers.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You just won Voat. I hereby nominate /u/Gorillion to take over voat from Cuckitout. Who is with me?!

EuropeanEnthusiast ago

That should be it's own post you nailed it, honkler can win this propaganda war for us. Now where to get size 6 gorillion shoes from?

Redpilleveryone ago

A pleasure to read.

captainstrange ago

extreme shorthand shut-down of any stupid dishonest nonsense coming out of ANY politician's face"

God damn, I couldn't have said it better.

It's so motherfucking blatant these days you don't even have to point it out.

You just have to attach a clown nose to it and HONK.

bourbonexpert ago

Great comment.

MrDarkWater ago

Are they the "investor" also?

PuttItOut ago

No. Why does everyone think they are pulling the strings behind the scenes? You guys think I've sold out and that is so far from the truth it makes me laugh.

fluhthreeex ago

Possibly because they operate here openly, with free reign, and nothing is done about them.

Also because they have a tendency to fund tech companies, start honeypots, and the fact that you haven't said hello on camera, done an interview with anyone in the press, and no one knows who you are aside from the "name".

european ago

How much can you say about the motivations of the investors? I missed any details of who they are but expect you cannot say much.

PuttItOut ago

They are like minded. Freedom of Speech is important.

watts2db ago

not everyone thinks this including me

zyklon_b ago

if they named specific goats u need let em know on the cool.

lordvain2 ago

I'm not thinking you sold out, more like being forced. This is a great site. Something seems different. If I offend please drop me a line. I want people to think and engage. It's is less like that now. For the first time I have blocked a lot of people for being dicks or just going off topic. There seems to be a lot more immature comments, and I suspect, infiltrators that are here to discredit the place. I'm not blaming you, I am amazed you put up with us. Thanks for that!

Hand_of_Node ago

Something seems different.

Same as after the great 'outage' last year. Lots of new accounts (including this one), and just a different feel to vibe.

lordvain2 ago

Thanks for responding. It's been quiet. I was wondering if I had been shadow banned. Yep, something has changed.

DiscontentedMajority ago

Hey Putt, thanks for keeping it real in the face of ranting assholes.

I'm not sure why people think our benefactor is remotely inclined to reveal themselves and be doxxed and harrassed by every SJW in the world.

PuttItOut ago

It is entirely this. What amazes me is that spectators change their tune when they are the ones on the field.

Not one critic here truly knows what is on the line.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

We're not mind readers, and you're being opaque as fuck.

Whiteflighter ago

Putt's a great man.

common_sense ago

Because half your userbase is retarded and thinks “the Jews” are behind everything.

Diggernicks ago

Those of us sane people know its really the catholics behind everything that need gassing.

CockroachKing ago

As true today as when the Southern Baptists landed at Plymouth Rock, hoping to escape England's oppressive state religion, Catholicism.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why does everyone think they are pulling the strings behind the scenes?


You guys think I've sold out

We tend not to like surreptition. We're jumpy like that.

big_fat_dangus ago

You gotta remember dude, when r*ddit got pozzed, it didn't happen all at once in one big fell swoop. I happened over a period of several years, in small, incremental steps. Steps like this one. So people who spent those years over there going to point out the similarity.

Personally I don't believe you sold out or got zogged or whatever, but it's easy to understand the people who do.

lord_nougat ago

Incremental steps, and now they mainly take excremental steps.

european ago

Boiling frog metaphor

big_fat_dangus ago

Indeed. The real shitty part of it is, the ostensibly conservative holdout areas are neutered beyond what should even be possible. Remember when t_d got scammed for six figures by some random nigger chick in a MAGA hat? Or the pudgy dope with his obese nigger wife posing with their newborn gape mouthed, cross eyed goblina baby?

Try saying the word "jew" there, in any context.

Not "gas the jews"

Not "fuck the jews"

Not "I don't like the ways in which jews are changing the country"

Just the word "jew" as a communicative. See what happens. What saddens me about rebbit isn't that it's basically the worst that liberal thinking and jewish subversion have to offer, it's the whimpering, mewling, submissive Quasi Modo that remaining conservatives have allowed themselves to become. The only real redpilled shit you're gonna find is in the gaming and cringe subs.


Speaking of T_D and Jews. I got a 3 day ban yesterday for the exact comment:

"Thank fuck some non boomers on the Donald can realize all these "coincidences". No one gets kicked out of a dozen rentals for no reason, now imagine 100 countries"

This was in regard to a jewess journalist(suprise!) parading as a white and me being pleasantly surprised in the comment threads for once that some of those fuckers in T_D were noticing her (((heritage))). They said I broke rule 3 "No racism or antisemitism" I didn't even mention the bitches race.

So I messaged the mods something along the lines of "Why is this lady white when she's 'self' hating but jewish when she's a vicitm? How in the fuck did I break your rules?" Gotta be atleast one uncucked mod there because I got unbanned and no response to my message.

teamviewer ago

That place isnt for us. I was a daily visitor with an old account, I got fed up with being banned every fucking week and deleted my account. I went on a warpath and deleted all accounts to the sites I used to frequent. The glory days are over. It's time that we all start working on ourselves and getting our futures in order to prepare for whatever bullshit happens.

toobaditworks ago

Protip: lay low for a while or post under another name so that account isn't seen by the mod who tried banning you.


Yeh, that's the plan. Why does everything have to be controlled opposition....sigh

big_fat_dangus ago

Reminds me of when someone starts shitting on corrupt banking policies or the like, and twitter jews start oy veying about it being anti semetic. Like wait, isn't that an admission that jews and corrupt banking are linked in some significant way...?

That is pretty funny that they banned you just for describing the behavior without naming who was doing it.


Reminds me of when someone starts shitting on corrupt banking policies or the like, and twitter jews start oy veying about it being anti semetic. Like wait, isn't that an admission that jews and corrupt banking are linked in some significant way...?

You mean like this ?

Written by a literal Rabbi, the meme's write themselves at this point.

That is pretty funny they banned you just for describing the behavior without naming who was doing it.

When I saw two of the OG mods being slowly replace due to "personal issues" I figured this is how the sub would end up. The new mods are steering the goy at TD the way they want them to go, just like Kushner with Trump(I do think he was genuine at the beginning). The only mods that ever comment on the sub are the old mods, never the new ones. I wonder why,

Diggernicks ago

Right, just like breaking a horse

First you strap a blanket on it back, it fights a bit but eventually settles down after a while.

Then a saddle, same deal it may take a little longer for it to accept the straps and weight.

Then you add the weight of a man and bit and bridle and the slavery, err training is complete.

lord_nougat ago

One you lock the target

Two you bait the line

Three you slowly spread the net

and four you catch your man

PuttItOut ago

You're right. I just think the past is the best predictor of the future, and my past has been consistent concerning Voat.

Even with this said, a healthy level of distrust is a good thing concerning important matters.

lord_nougat ago

That sounds sensible.

But I don't trust it.

PuttItOut ago

Neither do I. They told me to say this. Or else. /s

This is a joke!

european ago

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

Is it?

lord_nougat ago



The_Ghost ago

You still haven’t specified what counts as a threat.

MrDarkWater ago

Why does everyone think...

just spitballing, queer. calm down, otherwise you look suspect.

Whiteflighter ago

He already confirmed that he and @Atko remain majority holders.

Gorillion ago

I want to believe. But Atko posted the exact same "I love you guyz" Christmas or NYE post two years in a row after he departed. Felt like a lazy copy paste by an agency intern left to do a shit-kicker's job on a major holiday while everyone else was out having a good time.

Whiteflighter ago

Then he came back to fix a problem.

It seemed like Atko pretty much owned it all then gave putt some for taking over.

symantec ago

Jesus, this is the only place on the internet you can call the lead chief of the entire website a queer and not get your shit deleted and your account banned. At least that's going for us.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Putt is strong with the bantz.

watts2db ago

very true

MrDarkWater ago

hah, that's right, and I'm also just an asshole.

PuttItOut ago

I wouldn't have it any other way (the shit talking). If politicians faced their constituency directly in the way I have to with Voat, the world would likely be a very different place.

BigFatDaddy ago

I would totally voat for you as Fuhrer.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I like you more every day.

watts2db ago

that is absolutely the truth

Vindicator ago

I do believe one of them has been :-)

MrDarkWater ago

Right on, man. It's great here.

beece ago

I saw some guy directly threaten the to kill President Trump on Voat. I typed my response/name callout to the dumbfuck and as I posted my response to the fuck he had deleted his post and it was gone and I don't remember who it was, but that shit happens and it shouldn't.

lord_nougat ago

...and then everybody clapped!

PuttItOut ago

It's important to note that Voat didn't delete this post, it was either a mod or the author.

My hands are clean.

9000timesempty ago

So you admit Voat has been infiltrated?

Is there not a vetting process or etc to remove malicious mods?

We believe, since you will not point out the offending post(s) that have "law enforcement" contacting you, that Voat is compromised.

Is that what you want us to believe?

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Lol wow.

PuttItOut ago

Only a great mind can take what I said as admitting Voat has been infiltrated.

And lol, most mods on Voat are scared to even delete spam.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @EdSnowden.

Posted automatically (#34991) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

EdSnowden ago

Would you mind updating the warrant canary?

Original_Dankster ago

^ This x100

VicariousJambi ago

Isn't the point of the canary to tell us if he cant talk about it?

EdSnowden ago

It’s to prove to us he hasn’t been served a warrant or gag order without telling us anything. It’s concerning that he now admits he’s been contacted by at least one US agency but hasn’t updated the canary.

VicariousJambi ago

With the gag order I'd be surprised if he could mention anything at all. The fact that he can tells me theres no gag order.

But, yeah. 100% update the canary anyways just to be sure. Its suspect if he doesn't do it after doing an announcement like this, just common sense.

heygeorge ago

The canary has been clearly dead since the black rifle coffee takedown request.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I should mail them a dead canary with a complaint letter attached.

heygeorge ago

So long as this is satire, I think it’s fair to say

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Oh, yessir absolutely satire

Everything I say on this site, should be considered satire

Except the parts where I bitch and moan about @gabara eating several Japanese towns and cities, that's the absolute truth of how I feel. He's ruining the worldwide kelp industry!

gabara ago

The kelp was dressed slutty.

watts2db ago

that and the thing with the f' your optics guy

lordvain2 ago

Yep, it was about then thimgs changed.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

This contact almost certainly isn't in the form of a warrant or gag order. And therefore should be posted immediately.

antiliberalsociety ago

@TexasVet finally heard back from the FBI did he?

Jewnoculars ago

You’ve made it your life’s work to fuck with this guy, huh? I admire the dedication.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sapling account

It's a PSA warning others that he is a fraud, and not to trust him or give him money. As seen here

voatre ago

Bet they paid you well to install their malware

VoatIsNowDead ago

Yep... if he doesn't make the source code for this place open so we can take up the reigns of not being a bitch to censorship then we'll have to make our own.

PuttItOut ago

Oh please do. Hit me up in 4 years if you make it that long, we will have an interesting convo when you actually have some experience.

Nice new account. You should make some over the top threats too.

VoatIsNowDead ago

What are you on about? You've gone crazy. If you were for free speech you would set your code loose so it can live on. Wtf is going on right now????

PuttItOut ago

You lack context. The code was not updated because very knowledgeable hackers were exploiting things before we could address them, by literally analyzing the code line by line.

You don't fully comprehend the amount of effort involved with writing code, at scale, then having that code exploited by paid groups.

But even now you can run Voat using the code in the repo, it's just an old version, and doesn't have any of the in-progress features we've been working on.

C_Corax ago


VoatIsNowDead ago

If you'd like to court me you'll have to try better than that. If you don't think this is the start of the slippery slope then you're a fool.

He has done loads for the free speech community but he's obviously been threatened to the point he no longer wants to be as bold. Fine. I understand that. Pass it on to somebody else to take the flak if that's the case. He most likely can't release the code now either because of the 'investor. What a day.