rhy ago

In a corporatocracy it's difficult to live this way. But I'm definitely doing my best.

jesus_is_lord ago

Joh_18:37  Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

B166-ER ago

I think we should organize a day, 6-12mo out, where we all "walk out" at the same time to some public area, side of the road... maybe even just step out of your office or class. Though ideally, you'd want a place that opens you up to meeting more than just a few coworkers. But have a set date and time window of 5-10 min where we don't chant, no banners, no signs, no violence. Just state some basic terms ahead of time.

"Are you disgusted by how divided and polarized this country has become by our corrupt and willfully inept government? Do you believe America should be a land of liberty and prosperity for those who built and maintain it? Join your fellow patriots in a public symbol of allegiance/understanding. Shake hands, make introductions, give hugs, thank your fellow citizens to show your understanding of civic responsibility. Hell, recite the pledge of allegiance, without the god part, and salute the nearest flag. Then after 5-10 min go about your day again."

Like a micro protest meets a flash mob. Don't push the dogma of such an event to the extremes, like all blacks are niggers, all jews need to die... What are the core principles of this country that we can all agree on which have been tarnished by decades of malfeasance. This country was at its greatest when we all worked together, despite the differences we practiced at home or in church, we all stayed off each other's toes and we all had a future to look forward to for our children. To guarantee work for anyone who is willing to work, and that such work will provide a livable wage. And for fuck sake, end the charity abroad, until we have premium healthcare for ALL CITIZENS we are in no position to give another country so much as a nickel.

Vindicator ago

Beautiful and inspiring, Putt. I hope you write a book some day. :-)

adflixit ago

based and voatpilled

FuckredditKenobi ago

Then nothing changes.

XSS1337 ago


0fsgivin ago

And be prepared to be wrong and learn for that.

DeadFox ago

Only 40% of the 1% is Jewish.

watts2db ago

Ill try to keep this in mind as I go about my daily interactions

hafen ago

Matthew 7:6

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Abiding by logos isn't just about speech. It's about actions. When to act or not act, in accordance with what is true.

It also can be entirely "true" that in some cases it's unwise to speak the truth.

Yes it's often honorable, wise, and powerful to speak the truth, but there are constraints that humans also have to adhere to.

respond to these empty rebuttals with love.

Yes. Speaking as you say with hate rather than love and you might get people turning people against it. This is, one of many constraints.

just act

For anyone to "just act" would be quite foolish. Adhere to the constrains insofar as your flawed self can conceive of them.

theysayso ago

Putting this on a t-shirt.

turtlearther ago

Oklahoma city was a response to the government burning almost 100 people to death after unconstitutionally trying to seize their firearms you dipshit.

NotHereForPizza ago

And yet you and your friends bombard any contribution I make outside of anon subs (wait... do I post in anon subs?), trying your damndest to get me to stop posting.

Too bad srayzie revealed your gameplan with

You are absolutely incapable of ever climbing out of the shithole you created for yourself here. How much of an idiot do you have to be to continue posting shit that consistently gets you more downvotes than upvotes?


Shizy ago

@srayzie this obsessed faggot is talking about you, but doesn't have the nut sack needed to ping you himself.

NotHereForPizza ago

Or I don't care enough to

srayzie ago

Thank you!

fuckthisshit12 ago

The "truth" can unfortunately be subjective.

There are people that are convinced Hillary Clinton is a good person and that their opinion is the truth, for example.

Without piling on context there is no way to prove to them that you yourself are being honest and truthful.

NotHereForPizza ago

I still wasn't directing that at you, I was merely replying to a post that you made. "You guys" means goats, Voaters, your faggot friends from Reddit.

You're desperate to antagonize me in to leaving this site alone, aren't you?

NotHereForPizza ago

I know I replied to you, but that doesn't mean the following line was directed at you specifically:

It's always tickled me how you guys are afraid of criticizing Putt. He sort of needs us to criticize him.

Are you feeling guilty or something?

FuckredditKenobi ago

You're a great man, I appreciate you.

WereAllFucked ago

Thanks for the faggy words of wisdom but get to the brass tax and tell us who the fuck operates this potentially new honeypot

bibleisplagiarized ago

"new honeypot"

it's not a new honeypot, it's just been on the back burner to ensure you lot say as much damning things as possible.

WereAllFucked ago

potentially new honeypot

potentially new



bibleisplagiarized ago

yeah. i ignored the word potentially to make conversation.

WereAllFucked ago

Most here are also retarded enough to believe Trump isn't a puppet. I don't think Voat was always compromised, but the fact it's still around 3 years later means it now is

bibleisplagiarized ago

the fact that they allow it to exist is evidence enough for me. too many users here believe they are smarter than the enemy. too much arrogance. they fail to realize the corral function, even referring to themselves as goats. it's disheartening to see how much they trust this website to say the least.

WereAllFucked ago

Take a look at my recent post on v/conspiracy and read the comments. These people are nothing short delusional morons who think they're better than the equally brainwashed liberals

bibleisplagiarized ago

will do. yes i agree, i suspect most of them are newfags and/or very young. good to see i'm not completely alone in my hatred of their hivemind-like behavior. i'll keep an eye out for you at the bottom of comment threads.

WereAllFucked ago

Lol thanks. After that post I was brigaded with downvotes so I'm trying to make my way back to 10

Shotinthedark ago

What about those who wish to subvert the truth? Do I treat them with love? That's a tall order to ask.

knightwarrior41 ago

Jesus christ is the truth the way and the life nobody come to the father but by him

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

m-axi-m ago

Speak Truth in Love. Eph 4:15.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Seconded. Also don't go on the defensive, truth bears itself out and arguments against it, even when brought up sincerely, are just diversions.

Of course you can elaborate on the truth, expound on truths you've spoken, but don't get into arguments with people whose goal is to smear the truth or kill the messenger.

There is also no need to be aggressive with the truth, only assertive and confident, not cocky or pushy. Responding to the aggression and attacks you receive with unaffected confidence and calm will throw hot coals on the heads of the wicked, and only show you to be more truthful.

redpilldessert ago

Love your message and 100% agree, but this should not be stickied. Sorry.

Intheknow2 ago


courtjester1111 ago

Roger that.

beece ago

Thank you for a place to have free speech!

coulditbe4Q ago

Any fool and count the seeds in ONE apple.....but only GOD can count the apples in ONE seed. Good post greatly appreciated.

ninjajunkie ago

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16

ScrewdriverOo ago

I do speak truth, I'm an asshole about it. The reason why is because people often confuse kindness with weakness. I say what is real and others love the delusion they live in. I guess I think too highly about the people here because I would expect they would call bullshit out, but they don't.

ExpertShitposter ago

This is what voat is all about putko. You greatly contributed to the world by making this website in these times of censorship. The entire country of Australia banned your ass. Thats how you know you are on the right track, when the safe spacers want you to stop existing.

ShitonVoat ago

i don't trust you.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I loudly disagree on a regular basis and still have positive karma. Maybe you're just a dick.

bibleisplagiarized ago

that's because you pander. i don't usually do that. it's mostly the christians who downvoat me because i am a loudmouthed pagan who refuses to bow to Jewsus. even so, i still don't trust Putt, and if you know what was good for you you wouldn't either. nothing against white nationalists or the movement, just against those who hold power.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

The hell I do. I speak my mind.

bibleisplagiarized ago

all the while garnering upvoats. the only reason this new account has a positive ccp score is because i haven't shit directly on any of the christians here, which are usually the ones who downvoat me, being a pagan and all.

heygeorge ago

It’s more likely because you shit on people. That’s a good way to earn downvotes. Unless of course you are shitting on a more popular topic.

bibleisplagiarized ago

i don't. so what is your argument besides that one? the truth is there are a ton of people here who downvoat things they don't agree with instead of spam like theyre supposed to. it's fine though, i'll work with it until this site serves it's true function. by then it won't matter.

heygeorge ago

Ok I

ardvarcus ago

The truth is God. And I don't mean by that, God is the truth, I mean literally Truth is God. When you recognize or express the truth, you are with God.

NeverTrustPropaganda ago

the truth is your god is a lying demon wearing a mask. you have been kidnapped and you love your abuser.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't jump to conclusions now. I'm not aiming anything at you. Quit taking our interactions so seriously, like @srayzie,it will wear at you with time.

ephesians5_11 ago


Attac ago

Glad you let your wisdom upon us filthy peasants dear admin philosopher.

Civil_Warrior ago

Naive. Secret societies FTW. An honest man is always in trouble

GumbyTM ago

Yes, they appear to value their privacy.

Why do you think you have a right to know?

everlastingphelps ago

Logos is rising.

NotHereForPizza ago

It opens up an oppurtinity for an attack vector.

Putt never intended to reveal the name. The whole point of calling them an angel investor in the first place was that a particular requirement they had when investing was that they wouldn't be revealed.

Also, you can't blackmail what you can't see, hear, or otherwise notice.

However, provoking Putt, Atko, or anyone else in charge keeps them vigilant. It's always tickled me how you guys are afraid of criticizing Putt. He sort of needs us to criticize him. Use it or lose it.

heygeorge ago

provoking Putt, Atko, or anyone else in charge keeps them vigilant

Well done!

NotHereForPizza ago

Think of it like practicing for the big game coming up. Gotta keep our players fresh.

heygeorge ago

Lol! It’s like running wind sprints.

srayzie ago

If you don’t like how @Puttitout does things, go back to Reddit you stupid Faggot. Do you contribute financially? No? Then FUCK YOU.

Putt let me be your secretary and I’ll take care of little asswipes like this. 😁

@Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch @Shizy

NotHereForPizza ago

Huh? I specifically do like how he does things. You're just acting crazy, as per usual.

shrink ago

Someone throwing money at Voat and saying "but I want to be anonymous" doesn't equate to "you guys refuse to criticize Putt." They are not one in the same.

NotHereForPizza ago

Reread that. It didn't make much sense...

Your logic is not following here. You must have missed something out.

Goys-R-Us ago

We're all going six feet under in a few short years. Who gives a fuck?

drj2 ago

Omg could you imagine what the headlines would read? Under the Trump administration the DHS secretly funded a right wing racist nazi extremeist website

usernameisnotthis ago

who is DHS? i must know so i can admire him from afar.

Goys-R-Us ago

For the purpose of identifying the last resistance to their plans.

argosciv ago

Speak truth wherever you go, with no remorse, with no guilt. Offend, if it means speaking the truth (but to do it with love). Do not hide, do not retreat, do not compromise. Be steadfast. Do not be a coward. Cowardice is never respected.

Okay. Turkey is pulling the strings.

Shitstorm in 3... 2... 1...

CrispyLE ago

Beautiful! Regardless of whether we all see eye to eye right now, we do all need to work together. Love rules all

Aufag ago

Great post from a great goat.

StudSupreme ago

But ALWAYS lie to girls.

Nadeshda ago

The truth is I am surprised you stickied this, but I am glad you did!

Thank you for being you! :)

NosebergShekelman ago

It is strange. He must've got some good weed recently or something and is feeling the love.

Nadeshda ago

Yogus was onto something then?


Hey Mister Shekelman this account of yours, oi vey Rabbi, you certainly remind me of an ol’ goat from these parts, you certainly make me smile, this is true! As for this current character of yours, shaloms and get ready for the feast of unleaved bread! ;)

NosebergShekelman ago

I have that old goat tied up in the basement cleaning my shekels. I might let him go one day when he polishes them to my liking. shaloms

Nadeshda ago

Don’t make me break into your house, being a goat is serious business around these parts, buddy’s of mine at v/thegunclub will be ALL to pleased to move forward with a reconnaissance mission to free a beloved goat...

I am watching you Rebbe’ o.0 !

NosebergShekelman ago

BAN GOATS!! shaloms, you beautiful thang, you

Nadeshda ago

shhhh thegoyem

NO u! ;)

Ccducky ago

Very sad to see the drastic decline in truth

Redcobra ago

Thanks putt,

Ps4Freedom ago

Thank you for your wise words and encouraging us to be better individuals and better warriors. You are very much appreciated, Putt.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Hail Odin! Hail the goddesses! Hail the gods! Hail the folk! Hail the Truth!

NJAnon ago

PuttItOut , This is great thanks.

WhitePaladin ago

You are woke af

drj2 ago

Woke or black pill?

NosebergShekelman ago

Oy vey What kind of goy talk is this?? lol JK

Excellent advice. I've lived by it since I awakened many, many years ago--damned be the consequences. I'm so glad that so many are now seeing it. Its been a long, rough road.

There is a mountain of truth, and no matter how much smoke & fog gets placed around it, the winds of reality will always blow it away so that we can get glimpses of salvation. I hunger

jnola2 ago

Makes me wonder what prompted this? Good speech, regardless.

Heir_of_Sigma ago

Who needs Reddit when you got Voat? Fuck Reddit.

chakan2 ago

He likes it when Trump calls him daddy Putin when he's Putin it in.

lordvain2 ago

I'll stick with Lao Tzu.

Redcobra ago



Thanks @puttitout you are a true hero.


Friendly reminder that the only verifiable truth on this planet, as in fundamentally unshakable, are the laws of nature.If anyone makes a statement that cannot be proven by these laws, then it's a lie.

Zarni ago

I agree with you. Just be warned that unless you live in the United States, speaking the truth can get you prison time or shot by a firing squad. And we are hanging by a thread on the US.... God bless President Trump and keep him safe. If it weren't for him, we would have lost the rest of our freedoms.

yukondawg58 ago

what is this " love" you speak of??

marmulak ago

I noticed that on Voat people often make these strong appeals to "the truth", but at the same time many of these same people are obsessed with bizarre falsehoods like kooky conspiracy theories, racist/nationalist delusions, general lack of knowledge about people and the world. All this talk of the truth probably makes such people feel super vindicated, but it makes me wonder... all this talk about being right is probably a subconscious compensation for an insecurity about it. After all, people who know they're right don't spend so much time talking about how right they are. Also the whole, "I offend people because I'm right," thing is pretty immature. Being honest is one thing, and being ill-mannered is something else. Better to learn the difference.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, good job asserting that people who disagree with you do it because they are "trained" to. I bet it feels good to be able to casually dismiss different points of view, but beneath that dismissal is a fear that you may be wrong, and a lack of humility to listen to others.

NeverTrustPropaganda ago

this post has solidified my suspicion that PuttitOut is part of something trying to keep the alt-right muddled and confused.

16tons ago

The Truth is dangerous to those "in power" because they wish to maintain it, with as little boat rocking as possible. Will you speak The Truth if it will cost you your job or business? I do it on social media, because I don't give a shit, but there are so many local business owners & just regular people who have told me they wish they could be as free, but they don't want to ruin their businesses or get fired from their jobs.

(((They've))) got us over a barrel with this & The Truth could set us all free, but most people are just too chicken shit to speak it. Even I can only go so far on the main platforms or the ban hammer will come for me, as it will come for us all, should we speak The Truth.

Do what you can, get creative & don't ruin yourself Goats. The Truth will win. I just wish it would hurry the fuck up already.

goatboy ago

The truth.

The universe is the inside. The outside can be smaller than the inside.

NotHereForPizza ago

Truth is an honerable virtue. Too bad honor means very little if you're being taken advantage of or dead.

But, there are very useful and very healthy reasons to avoid being wholy honest with people. For instance, if you've found truth that others wish to hide, you may have to hide truth about yourself in order to stay safe. In the same way, you may have to hide the truth you've found to keep yourself safe, your family safe, or people you watch over safe. This is what grants potency to a dead man's switch.

See, The Jungle, the field upon which men with agency wage battle, cares very little who wields integrity or honor - it merely cares who wins. Don't misunderstand, this new world order the truth has granted us was predicated upon truth. However, if you know the extent to which the founding fathers went to subvert their captors and overthrow the monarchy, you'd understand their desperation to unshakle themselves and their fellow men.

Let me be very frank for once: there are men out there, men who watch us closely, who have made it their "group's" focus to ensure our race maintains itself. In order to accomplish this, they've had to hide certain truths, some in the ways I've described and some for reasons I'm sure many of us couldn't possibly understand. These men are very intelligent and without them we wouldn't have observed America's liberation, the fall of the French Monarchy (although they escaped), and I'm sure significantly more.

Make no mistake, I give high praises to those who wield truth as it's certainly not easy. But, for those that can observe the chessboard, and even more so, for those that can act upon it, the truth takes a backseat when it comes to the continuity of our race. The silver lining here, however, is that this period of necessary obscurity is coming to a close, and with it shall come a Great Awakening, the likes of which our species has never dreamed.

So strap in. This ride is about to get bumpy.

middle-path ago

what is this faggy blogpost

edgydude69 ago

Fuck, does anyone else have a diamond cutter reading this? I’m harder than a cat’s head!

Monkstar1 ago

Don't forget the 1993 bombing of WTC.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Honesty in small things is not a small thing.

Inaminit ago

The world has truth on the run, and she's winded...

NiggerVirus ago

In all honesty Putt, voat is a place where people believe they speak truth but very few of these people seek truth. That takes just a little to much effort...... just like exercise. I"ll keep trying to get them to do both.. 7.1

heygeorge ago

Brown Sound

TetrahedronOmega ago

If one wishes to actually obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge, then I have made it as easy as possible for one to do so via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

Hand_of_Node ago

Below is a glossary for James' comment.

Veridical / Veridicality: Veridicality is a semantic or grammatical assertion of the truth of an utterance. Negation is veridical, though of opposite polarity, sometimes called antiveridical: "Paul didn't see a snake" asserts that the statement "Paul saw a snake" is false.

Sapient: Having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment.

Soteriology: Soteriology is the study of religious doctrines of salvation.

Consilience: Agreement between the approaches to a topic of different academic subjects, especially science and the humanities. In science and history, consilience refers to the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions.

Vis-à-vis: In relation to; with regard to.

Ersatz: Not real or genuine. Made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.

Good to see you're still here.

TetrahedronOmega ago

Hi, Hand_of_Node. You wrote:

Below is a glossary for James' comment.

Veridical / Veridicality: Veridicality is a semantic or grammatical assertion of the truth of an utterance. Negation is veridical, though of opposite polarity, sometimes called antiveridical: "Paul didn't see a snake" asserts that the statement "Paul saw a snake" is false.

Sapient: Having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment.

Soteriology: Soteriology is the study of religious doctrines of salvation.

Consilience: Agreement between the approaches to a topic of different academic subjects, especially science and the humanities. In science and history, consilience refers to the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions.

Vis-à-vis: In relation to; with regard to.

Ersatz: Not real or genuine. Made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.

Good to see you're still here.

"Good to see you're still here." Thank you!

NiggerVirus ago

I'm the only damn friend you have...

Lavender7 ago

Have you been watching Owen Benjamin?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I shit myself today,

To see if i still feel.

I focus on the stain,

the only thing thats real.

The scissors tear a hole,

the old familiar ring.

Try to cut it all away,

but i remember everything.

What have i become?

My favorite trend?

Every pair i own

goes away in the end.

I can't wash it all,

its Even on my shirt.

I will use bleach and down,

I will make you squirt.

I wear this crown of shit,

Upon my liars chair.

Full of broken shorts

and ruined underwear.

Beneath the stains of mine,

the smell wont disapear

My wife is at the store,

i am still right here.

If i could start again,

a million miles away

I just wouldn't shit myself

i would find a way.卐卐卐卐

Caliope ago

This is one of the principles of The Stoic Way. See v/stoic postings

WhitePaladin ago

You mean the glow in the dark niggers ? Who else can put 150k year here lol.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Putt is a tranny. Thats the truth

friendshipistragic ago

I’m betting he is really big about destroying liberal arguments with facts and logic

Battlefat ago

The Boomers think they have the truth market cornered when they’ve been lying to themselves this whole time. Being offended at the truth is no better than defending lies, but in their case have learned to deflect so long they believe they wear the armor of god when truly the emperor has no clothes. Admit your mistakes with humility and self-acceptance so you may bear the heaviest armor, lest you run naked into battle

TexasVet ago

If you actually gave a fuck about the truth @puttitout you wouldn't make one of the only 3 rules Vaot claims to enforce such a total lie. There has been a harassment campaign waged against me for well over a year on here and you do nothing to stop it. There are clear examples of slander, defamation, harassment and tons of doxxing on me. I have sent you private messages trying to bring your attention to it, and you do nothing. Hell the main culprit just linked to his doxxing post again. Just now.


Dox (Voat) Content contains personal information that relates to a Voat users real world or online identity

Do something. Practice what you preach.

MadWorld ago


If you actually gave a fuck about the truth @puttitout you wouldn't make one of the only 3 rules Voat claims to enforce, such a total lie. There has been a harassment campaign waged against me for well over a year on here and you do nothing to stop it. There are clear examples of slander, defamation, harassment and tons of doxxing on me. I have sent you private messages trying to bring your attention to it, and you do nothing. Hell the main culprit just linked to his doxxing post again. Just now.


Dox (Voat) Content contains personal information that relates to a Voat users real world or online identity

Do something. Practice what you preach.

I believe that you doxxed yourself long ago. That is on you, you faggot.

Nonetheless, @antiliberalsociety please explain yourself, in regard to his accusation.

antiliberalsociety ago

Everything can be found in this post that explains why I do what I do, he is a fraud and with the constant influx of reddifugees there's "a sucker born every minute" if you will; I do a public service to show what he is so no one else will fall for his trickery.

He is legit nothing of what he says he is, he practices nothing of what he preaches, he's always calling for violence and inferring civil war is inevitable. If it's wars and militias he wants, where's his live feeds of him leading the charge? He doxxed himself for promotion, but no one cared. He's out for Internet fame, and I'd guess he's a shill sent in to sabotage the right, using his "vet" status (saw no action, never promoted) as a crutch.

As the FBI most likely told him, you have no right to privacy on social media because YOU are putting it out there. This is common sense shit.

TexasVet ago

Stating my real name does not give people the right to link to my FB, Linkedin etc etc. A recent comment about my brother's real life successes means that even my family memebers are being stalked now too. Defamation, slander, harassment and yes, doxxing are all illegal according to the FBI's cybercrimes website. There have been countless violations of these laws for well over a year now here on Voat. My request for @puttitout to intervene on this issue are very reasonable. Hell all I am asking for is for him to tell them to stop constantly doxxing me.

antiliberalsociety ago

public information voluntarily uploaded

Try again dipshit. If the truth hurts, change the circumstances that got you there. I've never met a real life veteran that cries as hard as you do.

MadWorld ago

Stating my real name does not give people the right to link to my FB, Linkedin etc etc. A recent comment about my brother's real life successes means that even my family memebers are being stalked now too. Defamation, slander, harassment and yes, doxxing are all illegal according to the FBI's cybercrimes website. There have been countless violations of these laws for well over a year now here on Voat. My request for @puttitout to intervene on this issue is very reasonable. Hell all I am asking for is for him to tell them to stop constantly doxxing me.

If I remember correctly, you also reported him to the FBl and nothing came of it. I took that as an implied outcome that you did not have enough to make the case stick; thereof, he did not break the law. So when you said that "there have been countless violations of these laws for well over a year now here on Voat," forgive me that I do not believe you for a second. I think it has become a bit more personal, since you reported him to the FBl, over the arguments that were originated from your inappropriate use of gofundme money.

Why not just man up and admit that your purchase of riffle was inappropriate? Own up to your mistake and move on... If you had done this at the earliest time possible, you likely would not have being under the spotlight. It was only a mistake back then; now you are suffering its consequence for not being straight upfront.

TexasVet ago

"Reported him" - No I made a general inquiry at tips.fbi.gov about online harassment. No names or usernames were ever mentioned. That is all.

"Therefore he did not break the law" - So since I got no response from the tips website all of a sudden our nations existing laws are rewritten? The cybercrime laws are well documented regardless of my results from the tips website.

"inappropriate use of gofundme money" - I already read the user agreements on gofundme. The amount you set the gofundme goal for is subject to scam and fraud laws. All funds above the set goal amount are classified simply as gifts to do with whatever the receiver sees fit. So I did nothing wrong. Hell I didn't even have to wait until I had found a job to buy the rifle, but that would have been foolish to spend it on anything until I had an income again.

Well I can see where there is legitimate reason for debate on how I spent the money. Some have said that I should have paid it forward and donated all of it to some veterans charity or something. They may or may not have a point, but the bottom line is that it was my money to do with as I saw fit. I was gravely concerned that civil war is coming soon to America so I bought a rifle. Fuck it.

kneo24 ago

These are your words you faggot.

I am not bluffing when I tell you that I have reported you to the FBI.

Why are you denying that? If you can't keep your story straight on this, how we can trust you on anything else that you write?

antiliberalsociety ago

You attempted to report me and got shot down because your life wasn't threatened. You even threatened Putt to give up my IP under subpoena. So who's trying to dox who?

MadWorld ago

Thanks for the update, really appreciate it!!

Mumbleberry ago

His YT channel had the links to his FB etc on it until he removed them. His friends list on FB is hidden now too, was full of niggers and muzzy fags

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GoFraudMe comment by @MadWorld.

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antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks for the ping, God knows he doesn't want my knowing about his kvetching for censorship.

NeverTrustPropaganda ago

lol. voat is a corral. realize this and you will find solace.the users are called goats for a reason. puttitout has revealed his true intentions with this post, namely (they will challenge you as they have been trained to do) which obviously will strengthen the resolve against much needed dissenters. Putt makes it very obvious that he wants this to be a festering echo chamber.

TheBuddha ago

I'm curious as to which drug fueled your post, Putt. Weed or alcohol would be my guess!

Not really. Nice post.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Reminds me of this awesome song by Casting Crowns:


petevoat ago

I saw this one coming ...

lord_nougat ago

As foretold by Q!

CarpenterforChrist ago


DillHoleBagHands ago

This is the first thing I saw on Voat this morning. Feeling kinda low today. You put a little pep in my step.

Thanks Putt.

Holonomic ago

Very much so :)

Payattention ago

There is a certain group of people that can't handle the truth. Truth can be ugly sometimes. Fear and cowardice has been pumped into most people their whole life. Fear is truths enemy. Eliminate your fears and truth will enter your lives. Don't be afraid to call out someone ignorance or evil habits. Don't be afraid to tell someone NO. If someone is more concerned about an investor of a website then the fall of their culture then they should reorganize their priorities. If they want know what the investor stands for ... then ask if you are unable to see. Privacy is usually preferred for humble people.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/TellAnon comment by @17917943.

Posted automatically (#33068) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Anarchy99 ago

God Bless

MyDrunkAccount ago

My father used to say, "The truth is like a rock. You can hand it to someone, or you can throw it at their head."

ShitonVoat ago

your father was retarded. throwing a redpill at someone's head is a surefire way to activate their defense mechanisms.

MyDrunkAccount ago

At what point does that saying endorse one over the other? Truth is like a hammer, you can use it to build, or you can use it to destroy. Glow niggers are like guitars, you can let it sit in a corner as a functional decorative piece, or you can play it.

TheKalergiFan ago

Yeah no shit, that is what he means

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That's pretty good.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Ha, suck it @fluhthreeex. Dad agrees with me.


@puttitout, how do you identify these days? I don't want to offend and I know you can be a bit sensitive about gender stuff.

con77 ago

There can be no coexistence.

Momo_Applebach ago


Momo_Applebach ago

oh gee wow I sure am scared to disagree with the status quo now

you'll find me sweeping the floor in the corner

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

So that isn't an acrostic.

Momo_Applebach ago

What happened buddo?

Fullmetal ago

Did you molest a choir boy?

fluhthreeex ago

Why would anyone still be hung up on the "investor" when no one actually knows who "putt" is?

fluhthreeex ago

While it's not entirely relevant as "people" can be created out of thin air (Q), at this point after so much hiding and dodging the question, the lack of fucks given about obvious ZOG-bots, spammers, and shills, one is left only to conclude that this place is a controlled honeypot.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


YoHomie ago

Sometimes I just like to give people shit.

hugellama ago


C_Corax ago


ThoughtTheDragon ago

This is a good word right here. It is veritable and erudite guidance on what we stand for and how best to further it.

heygeorge ago

Does anyone else think the sidebar ad is a raging clue?

TheTrigger ago

So you think it's either Ted Kim or Andrew Lee? Interesting; London Trust Media's investment portfolio certainly raises an eyebrow, in this context: https://londontrustmedia.com/brands/. I thought voat wasn't posting any new ads on the sidebar, so didn't bother to disable adblock after a reinstall. That's definitely a new(er) ad. *strokes beard and mumbles to himself*

DeadFox ago

Wouldn't be surprised. PIA was running a sponsorship deal with Chris Cantwell.

Anarchy99 ago

And no plane wreckage was found anywhere

Lyonessrising ago

Bullshut I had family doing clean up. There was plenty. Besides Q already answered that question question. Deal with it.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Q said some unsubstantiated bullshit as always so you're wrong

Hope this is a joke

Anarchy99 ago

Fuck off Jew. Your family didn't clean up anything

KosherHiveKicker ago

.... and yet the passports of the "terrorists piloting the planes" managed to survive intact, and be found.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Logos! Says Owen Benjamin We are Sparta!!!

bibleisplagiarized ago

lol Owen Benjamin? the same guy who cries on camera over people not apologizing to him? keep him.i find inspiration in more able men.

NPCGator ago

Jesus spoke the truth and the jews killed him for it.

Drunkenst ago

John 14:6

doginventer ago


Dajoos ago

Another friendly reminder that the last edit time on the warrant canary is still Christmas 2018

olltre ago

so that means they got served a warrant in December?

Dajoos ago

Probably. Unless putt has simply forgotten to update it, but it's been brought up several times and he's had several announcements. He used to mention the warrant at the end of every announcement.

akilyoung ago

I have been doing this, because my spirit tells me its my calling and purpose and reason why I am HERE.

No doubt half my family / friends think I am insane, but the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear are waking up.

It is my job to disseminate truth, and I was gifted by God with a special ability to be able to perform this task successfully: 'Idontgiveashitwhatyouthinkaboutme', aka thick skin.

Spreading truths is not for the faint of heart, it requires thick skin and the ability to not care about peoples judgements about you.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Exactly. God bless, brother.

BackAsswards ago

Exactly how is this site funded again?

GreatestOfAllTime ago

Speak truth to power, but do not mess with those forces unless you are willing to take it all the way. You may lose your ability to earn a living, friends and family will turn on you, you may be turned out of your town and community. You will be tested. If you can’t gandle that, better to stay quiet because once you bend he knee, you don’t stand back up.

Gorillion ago

Don't forget the direct hit on the Pentagon's forensic accountancy department.
Trillions just disappeared like magic.

Dbano ago


Mumbleberry ago

Eat shit, kazcuck

Neon_Scrotum ago

There are at least two problems with the high-minded dictums expressed in this post: (1) what IS truth? one man's truth is another man's anathema; so who is right?, and (2) if you really do speak the truth (as you believe it to be) wherever you go, you are not likely to go all that FAR before someone else's "truth" could possibly result in your injury or death.

Go speak the truth about race realism in downtown Detroit and oh yes, love those who express their rebuttals with gunshots to your vitals. Or go to a radical madrassa in Pakistan and speak the truth about Islamic extremism there, and see what interesting forms their rebuttals take.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Look not for the truth of man, but that of God.

Momo_Applebach ago

truth is the sun

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Israel is responsible for 9/11

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Well said brother.

Russianbots ago


CrustyBeaver52 ago

The truth is easier to remember:)

Snailracer ago

The phrase "speak truth to power" was coined by Bayard Rustin when he co-authored a book of the same name published in 1955, his name was redacted from the book before publication because he faced criminal prosecution for having gay sex in public. He was an advisor to MLK and a friend of Thurgood Marshal. He was a civil rights and reluctant gay rights activist.

In 1986 he gave a speech entitled, "The New Niggers Are Gays," in which he said, "Today, blacks are no longer the litmus paper or the barometer of social change. Blacks are in every segment of society and there are laws that help to protect them from racial discrimination. The new "niggers" are gays.... It is in this sense that gay people are the new barometer for social change.... The question of social change should be framed with the most vulnerable group in mind: gay people."

After Rustin's death in 1987, Ronald Reagan said, "He will be sorely missed by all those who shared his commitment to the twin causes of peace and freedom. As few men have, Mr. Rustin understood that the struggle for the two is inseparable; either we achieve them both or neither. Mr. Rustin held to this belief all his adult life. This took great physical, intellectual, and, most of all, moral courage. He was denounced by former friends because he never gave up his conviction that minorities in America could and would succeed based on their individual merit. But, Mr. Rustin never gave an inch. Though a pacifist, he was a fighter to the finish. That is why over the course of his life he won the undying love of all who cherish freedom.

iLuvJews ago

"Mr. Rustin never gave an inch.... having gay sex in public..."

ShineShooter ago

Hell yeah brother! I'm surprised how little flak i have been taking for it.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Nice text and all, but this has me wondering..

FuggBenis ago

Well putt.

fuspezza ago


fuspezza ago

For the most part all the users here In Voat vibrate to the same Frequency

Dovecote ago

These are the things I taught my children as they were growing up and making conscious choices about the kind of adult they wanted to be. It made me smile to read these words of wisdom.

Whiteflourguy ago

Truth is I hate Niggers and Jews but feel there is nothing I can do about it, Straight White males have been dealt a rigged shitty hand.

Hand_of_Node ago

"Hate" is a destructive emotion. Transform it when you recognize it within you. "There is nothing I can do about it" should be a temporary condition, as in before you've learned the skill of rising above, transforming, or separating your self from, your emotions. Straight White males are simply optimal. There's no substitute, so being a straight white male can never be a rigged, shitty hand, in and of itself.

Whiteflourguy ago

Bullshit, If there was 1 job open and 5 people applied and 4 were white and 1 was not, guess who would get the job?

Hand_of_Node ago

I question why white guys are "applying for jobs" in the first place. Secondly, even if they are low IQ, why are they applying for a job at a place that would hire niggers or jews? You're essentially describing defective white males, which is a different category. I only hired whites, and wouldn't have considered hiring a non-white. What kind of life are you living that this is even a thing?

Whiteflourguy ago

You question why White guys apply for jobs? You want us to be Niggers and suck on the Government tit? I had a great job then then company went belly up and was bought by Russians

Hand_of_Node ago

I expect white guys to own or run businesses, at minimum.

hugellama ago

I'm sure there is some 1% patriot willing to donate $40k to keep this FA experiment going. I would if it were the correct % of my net worth.

WhitePaladin ago

Thats delusional, grown ups dont do that, oh and btw its more like 100k

DiscontentedMajority ago

My money is on Notch. He's red pilled as fuck and could fund vote out of his pocket change.

WhitePaladin ago

Delusional as fuck.

drstrangegov ago


smokratez ago

Yup, fuck jews and the satanic trannies that worship them.

TheAntiZealot ago

Is /u/PuttItOut Christ returned?

fuspezza ago

I hope not, I'm sorry to say but Jesus was a Jew.

TheAntiZealot ago

So was Hitler's doctor, one of his senior advisors, and (if I'm not mistaken) he called a jewish Nazi general "an honorary Aryan" once his ancestry was discovered.

fuspezza ago

The piece of shit like that would inject a mixture of drugs in to his body rendering his mind useless. Great example bro

NeverTrustPropaganda ago

the beliefs of these people are so fucking muddled it's bordering on ridiculous. the same people who think current world jews are of the Synagogue of Satan, meanwhile, if the "true Jews" were revealed, they would worship them happily along side their kiked god. fully ignoring the content of the talmud because they think the primary reason kikes are evil is because they killed Jewsus, the king of kikes himself. they use many mental gymnastics to sway this idea, but obviously, it is ineffective.

LazyJello9 ago

Can you be truthful about the Server Purge? Are you ever planning on deleting the current DB?

albeit ago

There are a whole lot of people out there who know this, who don't use this (or similar platforms), and who are good people but feel powerless.

Seek truth, stand for truth, for the truth will always triumph. Trust this, it is a universal principle.

I recall not long ago Putt replied to a comment I made, disagreeing with me. I replied, spoke the truth as I know it, and was downvoted a wee bit. And that's totally fine, I have high (over 90%) confidence that his heart and judgement is in the right place. And confidence in most goats too. You all know who you are, and mostly know if you ain't. I don't trust people easily. Thanks for the hard work Putt, It is appreciated! For the most part we don't want to know who you are, see what you look like, etc - opsec for everyone. With a little luck and time, one day the "inmates [won't be] running the asylum" and more than some semblance of justice will be restored. Godspeed.

C_Corax ago

It's an old goat. If you look at the stipulations that was made, it's very clear it's someone who wants Voat to remain the way it is(minus the downtimes). And that is all any of us really needs to know.

olltre ago

so your saying... YOU ARE THE INVESTOR. thanks fam

satisfyinghump ago

You're surprised at goats lack if real world concepts?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Well said

Tallest_Skil ago


And that is all any of us really needs to know.

No, we need to know the truth.

If I had such fundings to casually toss at something such as Voat, the last thing I would want to do would be to dox myself or my businesses that allowed me to sponsor such a thing in the first place.

This sort of thing can't exactly stay silent for long.

Some of you really aren't connected with how the world works..

For example, some of you actually think secrecy exists or that peaceful solutions are possible.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't need to know shit.

Tallest_Skil ago

You forgot the ‘goyim’ on the end of that.

Goys-R-Us ago

He could have paid in Monero. (The payment remains a secret between him and Putt).

No way could he have communicated with Putt anonymously to arrange the payment. Such is the world we live in.

B-------D ago


Erebus ago

I mean, I know why, but will never truly understand how it got to the point where the people that run companies are so near-sighted that they pander and will enter the political, go public with some comment or company action, and then alienate any portion of their customers. Sure, there can be ethical dilemmas that you face but, really, how many of these CEO’s are having to steer a company toward anything other than political correctness?

Goys-R-Us ago

Because companies like Apple and Gillette are owned by the globalists. They don't care if they lose a few million or billion here and there (they're trillionaires after all) if it furthers the agenda. You think your three hundred shares of Apple make a fuck bit of difference? Lol. The entire world is owned by the globalists. They want to make it official with a one world government.

Tallest_Skil ago

And that is all any of us really needs to know.

No, we need to know the truth.

If I had such fundings to casually toss at something such as Voat, the last thing I would want to do would be to dox myself or my businesses that allowed me to sponsor such a thing in the first place.

This sort of thing can't exactly stay silent for long.

Some of you really aren't connected with how the world works..

For example, some of you actually think secrecy exists or that peaceful solutions are possible.

Legalize-Murder ago

What's your full name bud? I want to know so when your book comes out I can buy it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Harrison Bergeron.

Legalize-Murder ago

Read it.

gabara ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

And that is all any of us really needs to know.

Thank god we have the thought police like yourself telling us what we can and cannot ask questions about! /s

Fuck off faggot.

C_Corax ago

Sup redditmod_is_hyyerr!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Imagine being called out for being a faggot and THAT is your response. As I said before, fuck off faggot. Nobody here needs you telling us what we can and cannot ask questions about. If that's what you think should be done, you can fuck right off to North Korea where everyone else thinks just like you.

heygeorge ago

your a soupbox mod lol that explains it

It’s an honor to be nominated, and a privilege to serve.

C_Corax ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

Quite the intelligent response. All 3 of your brain cells must have been working overtime to come up with that one. Good job!

C_Corax ago

Less is more

aLegoInYourShoe ago

It's an old goat. If you look at the stipulations that was made, it's very clear it's someone who wants Voat to remai

Yes clearly goy no need to even be skeptic you stupid goy

smokratez ago

Soup dox retard faggots need to all be hanged.

Womb_Raider ago

If they're US citizens, perhaps one day we'll get that wish granted... They're trying to sabotage the Q movement's momentum and failing miserably.

zyklon_b ago

hey smoky are you gay?

NosebergShekelman ago

He totally wants to be gay with me

FuckredditKenobi ago

do u blame him?????

zyklon_b ago

he sucked my dick under the church pew

lord_nougat ago


zyklon_b ago

hahah @smokratez

heygeorge ago

Smoky! Always nice to see you bubble up in the meta threads.

tokui ago

The truth is there are always exceptions to the rule...

CarpenterforChrist ago

Wrong. There are no exceptions to God's rules.

Goys-R-Us ago

That's true. God created good and evil. God created light and dark. God created everything. Therefore God is both good and evil, light and dark, love and hate. No exceptions to that postulate.

CarpenterforChrist ago

You are quite confused. The creation of evil was started by angelic beings thinking they could be like God. If God was evil, why did He give us a path to salvation and heaven?

FuckredditKenobi ago

How did the angels know evil?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Evil started when their pride and arrogance made them think they could be like God. This led to them being fallen angels. It's in the Holy Bible if you care to know more.

Goys-R-Us ago

If you believe all that malarchy well, what can I say? It's allegory for men trying to understand their own nature.

tokui ago

Prove it.


CarpenterforChrist ago

Proof will be when you're dead. By then it'll be too late. Faith is an amazing thing if used properly.

tokui ago

Fuck your circle jerk logic.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Love you too! God bless.

Konran ago

Paradoxically if we take this as a truth and we find that if there is always an exception to the rule then there must be an exception to this rule too. If it is always then the rule itself speaks an untruth.

Therefore we accept that there is either only sometime exceptions to the rule or the rule itself becomes invalidated by its own claim.

tokui ago

Aka, This truth is not true...

Gödel is not just math. Gödel includes the set of Voat.

Shekelstein6M ago

Only if you consider an observation to be a rule.

Konran ago


heygeorge ago

Nice, dude.

Good on you for unplugging from TV.

Salicaz ago

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Squalk ago

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe

God complex.

It originates in the diary of English occultist Aleister Crowley (first published in 1952)

English occultist Aleister Crowley has featured many times in my 'awakening' and he triggers alarms.

can you elaborate as to why you selected this latin 'saying'.

Salicaz ago

V for Vendetta. I know the mask has been co opted by faggots on the chans but the character speaks volumes to me.

Telling the truth is one of my core values and paired with that character makes the quote quite fitting.

Fits with this post too.

Squalk ago

thanks for answering.

AnmanIndustries ago

And not telling the truth, by avoiding saying anything, is still not lying.

neogag ago

Cool but don't let your online popularity get to your head. Never act based on your ego. It's a very easy trap to fall into, especially online.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

A god's descent to mingle with the mortals

That's called posting to Reddit.

BeetleLord ago

Over the past few years, I've made sure that every person I keep in my life has come on-board with the core ideas that get people called "neo-nazis" or "far right identitarians" on the internet. When people aren't caught up in internet politics, it's actually very easy to redpill them on these concepts.

albeit ago

I can't imagine living a life where people close to me believe in lies that would lead to destruction.

I can imagine it, and live it. So do a lot of goats. Unfortunately, not everyone can be brought around. But it's still worth trying, and telling truths that are (conveniently) ignored/lied about by MSM / "conventional wisdom". The trick is gauging the audience. Sometimes you learn something in return from them too. Other times, you get to an agree-to-disagree point. Often you can plant seeds that get their noggins joggin' more.

Cognitive dissonance is one of the biggest barriers. For example, there are many "liberals" out there who will vote for democrats because they think rich people are screwing America and the non-elite folks are being shat on - at the same time openly saying most politicians are corrupt, supporting the Second Amendment, and owning many guns.

Schreiber ago

rich people are screwing America

Is not that simple. Rich people want to be richer/remain rich and screw everyone else. That's why they're the richest.

But then there's a different kind of those. There's the conservative, and then there's the degenerate liberal. Conservative jewish billionaires in eastern europe are focusing on keeping status quo and dominating the business, milking the goyim, etc, but that's it. Then you have the degenerate liberal jewish billionaires in the west who commits extreme crime to humanity by doing things like gender reassignment surgeries of children and replacing their hormones.

It's important to note that liberalism is the pinnacle of evilness. It is what pushed the muslim to behead faggots and the like, simply because that it's something that needs to be done for the good of humanity, but modern day christian cucks have no balls to carry their God's will.

albeit ago

everyone with liberal ideology must be purged and the ideology removed and suppressed from the earth. I will gladly kill a billion of libtards

During GWB's first term I remember online shills incessantly name-calling "libtard" on comment sections like Digg's for things like opposing going to war with Iraq, disbelieving the official 9/11 narrative, opposing the "PATRIOT Act", suspecting that warrantless wiretaps were occurring, etc. Those comments back then weren't quite as hateful as what I just read, but there is a similarity.

Now here's an overzealous comment calling for a cold-blooded massacre that would make the combined death-toll of: Holodomor, Armenian genocide, (((alleged))) Holocaust, Mao, Khmer Rouge, Wounded Knee, 1940's post-war Germany and more - dwarf in comparison. If antifa handlers went deep on a drug bender, they might say something like what I just read.

Schreiber ago


Killing a million faggots is not massacre, it's street cleaning.

albeit ago

kill a billion


Killing a million

Hmm, that count was lowered by 1000x. For some reason, revisions of that magnitude remind me of (((official holocaust statistics))).

libtards faggots

So.. never mind murdering a billion people someone labeled "libtard" (many for being retarded, many for supporting liberty). Killing a million anons who post on the chans will clean the streets (for a second time this week).. hmm. Wonder what I'll hear next.. maybe I'll be name-called, or worse - told that I am not a well-adjusted member of society.

Schreiber ago

^look I caught a faggot

All you sodomites can't keep your degeneracy in the bedroom. This is exactly why you cunts are the biggest problem.

albeit ago

What you "caught" was someone who caught you moving goalposts and larping as some hot-shot Internet Tough Guy. Triggered? Nigger please!

Schreiber ago

Faggot making excuse?

Only faggots would be triggered over the suggestion to exterminate faggots. Truth.

albeit ago

Faggot making excuse?

At least you admit uncertainty. In turn, I admit you’re at least not a nigger. Maybe a gook, spic, or something else haha. You apparently have an affinity for labeling/ad-hominem arguments. And projecting what you hate upon random people.

Seriously though, I enjoyed this little chat. Maybe you’ll actually find a faggot to fight next time, and best of luck to you!

Goathole ago

You woke up in a cold sweat again didn't you.

johnmclean ago

very wise. reminds me of when i was a "Falun Dafa" practioner.

Anaximandel ago

Beautifully said.

Now be truthful about that investor to us.

You know, like you said you would.

DiscontentedMajority ago

That's some deep shit. Thanks for the words.

scrimmmy ago


PuttitoutIsGone ago

Damn. New Putt is weird. That's the truth.

Cutsprocket ago

Gal 4.16

FannyKaplan ago

I try not to give advice cause I'm the last one to take it.

Shekelstein6M ago

Jews did 9/11


Gas the car, finish the race now!

NosebergShekelman ago

NOOoo reeeeee

The goys sank the USS Liberty and tried to frame us poor, poor jews.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Tell us something we don't know.

Shekelstein6M ago

Ducks are serial rapists and have corkscrew penises with barbed spikes on the penis head

CarpenterforChrist ago

Why do you even bother?

Shekelstein6M ago

Why do you?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Because it's my mission.

iunno ago

Jews did the holocaust and 9/11 is a lie.

fuspezza ago

Wow wow wow easy chill with the anti semitism twords Gods chosen people, you can only speak other truths. You wouldn't want a rabi to get offended to the Point he botches a circumcision for being so distracted he bites down on a little more than the tip.

NJAnon ago

I think anyone who self identifies as a JEW on VOAT should get free down votes, regardless of how many points they have. I for example have none, but it would even things up if I did. Otherwise there are soooo many Jew Haters (I don't know what else to call you guys) like you and so few Jewish people like me, that you make everyone here look bad. Even yourselves. Good idea? I'm not a tech person. I really have no idea.

Acerphoon ago

Go ahead and down vote all my points

You barely contributed here to begin with. 23 comments isn't a lot.
Also, don't take it the wrong way, but most jews can't be trusted. Most of them are against white people and even the supposedly "right-wing" jews are usually against white identity with a ridiculous double standard when it comes to Israel. (See: Ben Shapiro)

There is barely any good jews out there.

NJAnon ago

How many Jews do you know? And I have not been on VOAT very long. As far as Jews not being white? What does that even mean? I look white, and I don't hate anyone. We are not taught that, and do not practice hate. But I am finally understanding that there are evil people who really do run the world (unlike the Jews) and they blame us for what they do. The Rothschilds have been intermarried for centuries into European Royalty and Catholicism and are mostly Christian now or maybe Luciferian, but they do not represent us in any way. Christians and Jews worship the same God, and the Satanists who seem to hide behind every culture are not Jews. The fake online Talmud quotes are not real, and either are The Protocols of The Elders of Zion. It is such a cop out to blame the Jewish people for everything. It hides so much that needs to be addressed, and now I see why people do it. So I learned something here. The QVR people have said so too. Thanks for responding.

FuckredditKenobi ago

Hey, what do you think of Jesus Christ?

NJAnon ago

I have read the New Testament and I like his teachings. I think they are in keeping with Jewish Tradition, but I think when they made Christianity the official religion of Rome, the Romans changed some things to suit themselves. I don't think Jesus would have called his own people the " Synagogue of Satan".

FuckredditKenobi ago

a Jewish rabbi that lived before Jesus

His name is Jesus Christ kike, atleast go one day without telling the goy how much smarter the Jude is

burnthegoyimhaters ago

denounce your fucking jewness, and no.. Jews think they are superior in every way while being paranoid schizophrenics. Especially the Ashkenazi

ShitonVoat ago

lol. this is a site for the alt-right. not for jews. as much as it hopes to be, it is not a bastion for free speech. so go back to reddit. more jew friendly there.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Identity politics is fucking stupid.

I don't identify with the left or the right.

I acknowledge the jews manipulate both sides and side with neither, as picking either side is always siding with the jew.

NeverTrustPropaganda ago

the best route is to remain sovereign. these monkeys are vying for your mind on both sides. pay attention to who posts here most often. recognize the tactics they use to sway the masses. vague language, inflammatory words, begging the question. etc. they know what they are doing. my account has such a low ccp for calling such things out. no accident, voat is just as compromised as any other site, and i suspect puttitout is complicit. that's why he suffered no ill when he was doxxed. he is theirs. hell, to even make this comment i had to make a new account, fucking ridiculous. @shitonvoat is my acc.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

You're sounding a bit paranoid buddy. And yes Voat is compromised just like every place on the internet. Trying to let people know that it's a thing is definitely important i guess. As long as you're with actually gassing the kikes this time and at a minimal shipping all the sub humans back to Africa. Lets be humane about this.

Schreiber ago

And yes Voat is compromised just like every place on the internet.

That hard truth that naive voat fanbois don't want to admit.

FridayJones ago

Oy gevalt, it's another Shoah in here I tell you!

Shekelsteinblatt ago


KVD ago

I'm offended by this.

TheyWantToKillWhites ago

Love it. Thanks for all you've done.

TradMan ago

Thank you.

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

Fantastically put(t), I vote this as a perma-sticky of some sort, perhaps on the sidebar as our Mission statement.

think- ago

That's an excellent idea imo.

midnightblue1335 ago

Good insight and advice.

But one has to wonder- what lies prompted you to feel the need to make this statement?

NotHereForPizza ago

While I don't make a habit out of thinking things are about me much if at all, there was a lengthy and interesting exchange you and others here should check out in my comment history last night. This is sort of a curious post to wake up to.

Although, Putt speaking in vague platitudes about the very thing he avoids doing himself needs to be explained. It makes Putt look hypocritical, but you, as members of the audience, need to have explained to you the reasons for which Putt can both promote honesty and integrity and simultaneously avoid the two traits.

Read the post I made here. It offers an explanation to why Putt has contradicted himself. Also, the comment made by @C_Corax offers some equally necessary insight to understand what's going on here.

OdinsWrongEye ago

I immediately wondered the same thing. Maybe it is a canary?

Kidding. It is some kind of reflection while drunk or high. I bet it is unstickied by tomorrow.

Lobotomy ago

May not be any one thing, but I've been seeing some disinfo memes about how jews owned the majority of slaves in America instead of the whites, which isn't true. The Jews ran the slave trade, we bought their goods.

gramman74 ago

Happy hanukkah

Lobotomy ago

Stay mad, whites were the slave owners.

gramman74 ago

How is Wishing you Happy Hanukkah, angry.

I'm sure a lot of you fellow whites owned slaves

Lobotomy ago

"anyone who disagrees with me is a kike"

Keep crying, disinfo.

fuspezza ago


Lobotomy ago

Sounds like you can't handle the truth, bud.