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Dismember ago

Well looking at the accounts on the ban list, SBBH has a bloody nose as well. Look at this for example:

Let's see if Voat is serious about it or being selective.

heygeorge ago

I believe that thread (@cynabuns, please see above as some of these users are showing up as active) and another one insulting @nadeshda were jumped into at a slightly later time, once the newness wore off and people weren’t commenting. All it takes is one user to ignore a random comment, and then once the thread is over the manipulator can take over and no one would even notice.

Unless you’re insinuating that @thebuddha is vote farming! Lol

Cynabuns ago

Active? I thought I saw only numbers - did I not go deeply enough into the post? Let me know

heygeorge ago

The account names are numbers (without questions marks) in order to obfuscate. It seems to have worked!

Cynabuns ago

Indeed it did! That's what I get for looking at stuff past my bedtime LOL!

I'm on it :)

heygeorge ago

Check our the thread antagonizing @nadeshda, too, if you haven’t yet. It’s the same sort of set-up. My interpretation is that whomever it is decided to take advantage of SBBH ‘regulars’ being used to receiving non-sensical comment notifications and ignoring them. In one of the threads, they insinuated automation via a comment. Unfortunately, at this point, it’s possible the upvotes given/received were only within its own circle which may complicate discernment.

Nadeshda ago

Yip I found it, didn’t leave much of an impression at the time and missed the comments after that were farming. Nice catch George!

Here is the link @cynabuns

Cynabuns ago

Perfect - tanks!

MadWorld ago

Those were the same usernames found in another thread
