kevdev ago

RTS game with multiplayer

Antiracist10 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha legit believes that putting curses to him in for-loops effect him as if it were science or some shit.

So faggots, write a game where you put curses to @SarMegahhikkitha in for-loops.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

This is literally what Sar believes:

@PuttItOut, post this as a thread you faggot.

Antiracist10 ago

@Bojangles, why is @SarMegahhikkitha, like all theists, such a fucking idiot?

@Eagleshigh, believes in stupid shit like prayers and curses.

Antiracist10 ago

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

I didn't code in circular movement. Only "travel opposite" line movement. But when surrounded, the movement came out looking circular as an emergent phenomenon. Neat.

theoldones ago

noice, look up "conways game of life" to study some rules on emergent behaviour like this. some of the things it's possible to build under conways ruleset include:

-self-reproducing growth that slowly takes over an area by growing

-flying multi-cellular "ships"

-static particle guns which always fire an eternal stream of dots

you can find conways-game-of-life programs everywhere pretty much, so find one, and start dropping dots here and there on its grid to see what happens

Antiracist10 ago

Dis nigga thanks I ain't hurd of Conway's GoL. U whack nigga

theoldones ago

i am actually really impressed by this. you did good

Antiracist2 ago

I made this tonight since you suck.

Fuck @PuttItOut.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

This is my "nazis destroying kikes" simulator. Um, I mean, my "ecofriendly resource distribution using minimal fossil fuels" simulation.

We need fossil fuels. For burning ecofriendly kikes.

theoldones ago

neat. you pretty much got my advice down-pat. rig the ants to do your bidding over a map and report back.

Antiracist2 ago

Yeah dawg, it was your shitty advice that I barely skimmed that was responsible for my programming skill and ideas I already had in my head.

theoldones ago

k. it's still pretty cool regardless

Plavonica ago

Roguelike dungeon crawler. So many ideas that could use that basic platform.

theoldones ago

2D or 3D, and which way is the camera pointing?

premade map or do you want procedural generation?

Plavonica ago

I think 2d would be a good start. Pre-made maps would probably be easier to do, but you lose the replayability of the rogue-like.

theoldones ago

i do mostly 3D and don't know the 2D, but what i don't know that well myself i'll try to post videos about

Antiracist10 ago

Make a new genre.

Also, Holocaust Simulator.

Dortex ago

I just want everyone to know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

Antiracist2 ago

@Crensch is also a pedo.

Crensch ago

The user above protects pedophiles, and his summary comment of links doesn't actually describe what he links to.

theoldones ago

top-down, select the people-and-buildings management game like the tropico games?

i've had something of the same idea. this suggestion i find extremely interesting

Antiracist10 ago

No. More scientific. Find area of Europe. Randomly place 6m Jews. Randomly place number of Nazis. Let all nazis travel 60mph. Time how long it takes to exterminate all Jews.

In later versions, nazis have to carry Jews to trains, which cause backlogs at extermination camps when you can only oven X number per time.

theoldones ago

ah okay, so that'd be a select-by-province number sheet game then, yeah? i can cover something like this will simple objects just changing the mega-complex amount of data attached to them

in this case modulating numbers via proper predator/prey rates + random chance + special modifiers will be your hardest issue

antiracist ago

Not a game. A real simulator. I wanted to make a thread about it but @puttitout is a tyrant faggot who doesn't let me make threads.

As the simulator becomes more realistic, the plausibility of the 6m statistic becomes more accurately measured.

theoldones ago

do you want simulate numbers on a city-by-city, or province-to-province basis? both will sort of require the same backbone

antiracist ago

That's later. Big square for now. No roads. 6m J with 50k N. Or divide those numbers to make calculation faster. 120 J and 1 N. Where's Waldo Jews hidden across Europe. 1 N Dijkstra's algorithm on 120 points, at 60mph. How long does that take?

theoldones ago

ah ok, that makes it an object class that does its function like an antswarm. you're asking to make a small population of blocks in 2 opposing teams

create a dungeon-master object all ant objects to call to, and make it so symbiotic code checks can get feedback info from your ants, and tell them whether they're all on or off. J and N and [control] ants all alike. just wire them in.

when you can flip both opposing swarms on or off, wire in appropriate number functions. at that point you use the DM object to set all the ants into their tasks, and then they act out the answer for you, feeding back every single number of information you tell them to feed back

antiracist ago

Whatever nigger just give me the answer damn.

theoldones ago

make an "ant".

make a "dungeonmaster" object.

give the "ant" a script which calls out to the dungoenmaster, and the dungeonmaster a script that calls to the ant.

make this ant do some starting functions, guided and regulated by settings on the dungeonmaster (which of course it's always talking to back-and-forth).

multiply the ant. now the dungeonmaster is controlling A LOT of little ants, which are all doing the functions you want them to

rig the ants to do your thing, and then when you're ready hit the button and watch the swarm play your answers to. tally up important information by making ants give callouts measured over the whole swarm

do you want to me make a post telling you the c# code to do this stuff?

antiracist ago

do you want to me make a post telling you the c# code to do this stuff?

No. I'm being a lazy faggot. You do all the work.

theoldones ago

i can tell you how to make certain components work but i dont know how you want them assembled

the best help i can give you here is give you starting code excerpts, and let you build it how you like

Antiracist2 ago

Crosspost my original comment to v/programming since @puttitout is a faggot who won't let me make threads.

Get some real voat collaborative effort on this. If any of the idiots here know how to program.

theoldones ago

i aint gonna fuck around where the wrath of putt is concerned, sorry dude

i've given you what i can

Antiracist2 ago

Call it Matzees vs. Zikes, where Matzees have hashtag flags, and Zikes are rats with yamaka butts and curly tails.

@Bojangles crosspost the original comment in this thread to v/programming, since this guy sucks tyrant @puttitout cock.


antiracist ago

I know how to program you kike. I just want you to do it. Or do you love Jews soooooooo much, rabbi?

antiracist ago

Make an RTS where Jews can run and hide in forests, in attics, and under cars. And make nazis have tanks, bullets, and flamethrowers with limited amounts of gas and bullets. And trains to extermination camps that have processing rates. The Jews win by minimizing casualties. The nazis win by maximizing casualties.

theoldones ago

assembling stuff in unity is pretty much the tech difficulty level of dragging and dropping assets + some coding

drakesdoom2 ago

Strippers and Coke.

theoldones ago

oh that's always a perfectly essential thing to have, but it'd also be a design element not a genre (unless you applied some extreme creativity to it lol)


Shitposting Simulator

theoldones ago

like on a webpage with various options defining what to shitpost?


I don't know but I hear Germans love simulators so maybe that would be a way to teach them how to think for themselves

theoldones ago

"shitpost sim 20xx" where you select several dank OC memes, posting targets, flick through menus, all with the goal of collecting upvotes

interest in certain groups to certain memes fluctuates based on time, in a natural supply-demand meme market calculation.

random events may generate memes or be exploited for memes. maybe there's an evil plot that needs to be foiled. yeah, this idea works actually, let me right this up a bit more. you'd basically just have to rig up a fake desktop UI with some fancy gameplay elements

does this game look like something like what you're thinking of:

Maggotbait88 ago

The one where liars like you get blood hawked

theoldones ago

are you really being so petty about that PV thread you made that you're continually following me around all day?

get back in the proper fucking thread if you wanna argue that posts topic, mate

Maggotbait88 ago

Well you ran away like a coward.