syntaxaxe ago

I think the inequality and scarcity of resources in much of the world is easily explainable by the greed and corruptibility in human nature.

That isn't to say the elites aren't satanists; only that this might happen regardless of whether or not they are.

theoldguy ago

Somebody would fuck it up and others would turn the stuff down somehow, it's the nature of the beast.

kissmywhitebooty ago

If anything, Satan would promise free stuff to everyone in order to enslave them.

SaveTheChildren ago

I don't think satan has that kind of power tbh, if he even exists.

Classified ago

Define satanist por favor.

SaveTheChildren ago

Worships Satan

SaveTheChildren ago


SaveTheChildren ago

If the ideology isn't the cause of what?

I'm implying that only satanists would wield so much power and wealth and not just immediately end world hunger, clothe and give fresh water to everyone.

SaveTheChildren ago

How does this address the question I asked?