Runaway-White-Slave ago

Idk, I kinda appreciate the white sharia meme, and it's because even "traditional", "Christians" and such have no appreciation for actual tradition, or even Christian tradition.

Christians don't even seem to know the New Testament says women aren't to preach in church, and that the man is the head of the family, and that a woman's place in a marriage is really to support her family and man... No even so called "Christian" women want to carry on like worldly whores.

And I mean you say the word "traditional" probably half of those who hear it will think Christian, at the same time having no respect or appreciation for what the book even teaches. Yet you say "Sharia" and people instantly get "Old-School traditional" {with some demented quirks}... People get the marriages where the man is clearly the head of the relationship and family, it's taking it to the extreme, but when modern "Christian" women want to go around with bull-dyke hair cuts, blue hair, tattoos, piercings, want good little cucked "Christian" men...... So yeah the "white Sharia" meme is stupid, and exaggerated satire, but if you were to say "traditional", "white traditional", which some would think synonymous with "Christian" or "white Christian", they're still likely to think absolute degeneracy... The "Sharia" designation gets the point across by snagging back that Overton Window that's done shifted so far left it's insane.

And of course with all the baggage attached to the term Christian, from Catholic pedophiles, Jim Jones cults, David Koresh {who didn't deserve that shit regardless}, I mean all the crap associated with it to the point it almost holds no meaning in the minds of the masses.... What's so bad about the baggage associated with Sharia, when it's 100 times more effective at sending the intended message?

It's kinda funny, the whole White Sharia meme is pushing the same traditionalist message you support, it's just doing it differently. I mean I get it, who wants to be associated with that Taiwanese lady-boy bangin Anglin....? Who wants to be associated with the pedophile protecting Pope should they be up front about their Christianity either for that matter.........?

freedomite ago

Just quit dancing around the bushes and actually say what you want. National Socialism. That's it. That incorporates all the tradition you could ever need. Easy, simple, just as scary in the mind of the eternal normalfaggot. No need to associate yourself with sandgoblins or pedophile popes when you can just associate with good old fashioned Hitler.

10346525? ago

Gotcha- followed you back. <3

10346495? ago


10346441? ago

Is Andrew the one who started this? Gah- it's the most destructive meme ever and I've been very vocal about that over at Gab. Counter productive at best.

10346355? ago

I agree wholeheartedly. It's the dumbest meme I've ever seen.

Cheesebooger ago

Just look at those shameless witch faced jewess'

10346092? ago

Storytime: I bartended my way through college in a big city and saw a lot of different types of people. I'm going to tell you the story of two different girls. Both girls were beautiful young women- it's fair to say they were both 9s.

One woman was in college and studying some pretty serious stuff. She'd come to the bar where I worked and the guys would go crazy trying to buy her drinks. She would usually just have one... occasionally two and didn't give out her number or try to hook up. She also paid for her own drinks. She was genuinely just trying to make friends. I didn't have to look after her because even though she was young, she had a good head on her shoulders. The regulars ended up respecting her a lot and people treated her like family. She got in touch with me last year when she was coming through my town and we met up for dinner- her life is going really well and I'm proud to call her a friend.

The other girl- just wow. She was also very beautiful and right around the same age. She started coming into the bar and was taken by all the attention she received. She'd accept all the drinks offered to her and was on a mission to 'get laid'. Was disappointed that two weekends in a row she left with a guy she didn't even know... When I would see her come through the door my heart would sink- she was full of awful decisions. Some of the guys knew her reputation and were eager to chat her up. It was sad.

It got to the point that one day I saw her come in and I asked the bar back to watch the bar. Went outside with her and leveled with her and told her some uncomfortable things. Let her know that she was destroying herself and her future with all the booze and all the men- that she'd never have a happy life and may very well end up raped or worse... that she'd been lucky up till now. Told her that the city wasn't for her and that it was eating her up and that she needed to go back to where she was from. Lastly, I told her that she wasn't welcome back in my bar not because I hated her, but for her own good. She cried and I felt bad for her but stayed firm. A month later I'd heard that her parents came and got her and took her back home. Wonder what ever became of her.

Moral of the story: If you want to mix and mingle- feel free. Just don't get drunk and leave early- nothing good ever happens after midnight. You're not missing anything. If you can't handle your alcohol and it makes you want to get laid- DON'T DRINK. This means you are likely allergic.

facevalue ago

What if you can handle the alcohol but it still makes you want to get laid? Thankfully it has the same effect on my better half. Bartended through college huh? I would've lost that bet. That means you arent Baptist innit? I'm going to go with... Catholic?

Don't mind me, just being an ass.

10348067? ago

Grew up Baptist and switched to Presbyterian later. Bartending had the best hours and I made good money- could get by and pay my bills and rent. I put myself through college so it was definitely the best option for me. I wouldn't recommend doing it unless someone is really tough though- it isn't an easy job and it's hard to see people turn into ugly drunks. :(

facevalue ago

Especially difficult for a woman. A friend of mine owned a couple bars years ago and I'd hear about shitheads harassing and robbing his female (mostly) bartenders after they locked up at 3-4 AM and were walking to their cars. Had another friend who managed a bar and heard similar stories from him about people hiding around corners in the middle of the night waiting for girls leaving work with cash on them. I was shocked that it's a somewhat common thing.

10348227? ago

I was shocked that it's a somewhat common thing.

Yes. It's extremely common. Unfortunately there are a lot of dirtbags in this world.

The way I handled the security issue is I catered to cops and firemen. I let the cops drink cheap and have their night out and the firemen came in on a different night- I didn't like the two groups to mingle so I made it clear who had what night. Anyway, on firemen night, one or two would always stay with me when I closed and counted the bank. Then one of the cops on duty would pick me up and drive me home every night I worked. They loved me and honestly, I loved them right back. They were really good to me and kept me out of harms way. Looking back, I'm convinced God had his hand on me.

10347836? ago

Was disappointed that two weekends in a row she left with a guy she didn't even know

may very well end up raped or worse

Fuck you stupid cunts. You blame guys for raping when it's quite obvious the guys aren't the problem here. Dudes don't go out just to rape, I don't need to be told not to rape, nor do I like being told guys rape a lot because some stupid fucking skank drinks too much and is promiscuous. So done with that feminist bullshit mindset.

10347864? ago

Ummm, that's not what I said and not what I meant. To clarify, I was worried about her getting wrecked and stumbling home and getting pulled into a stairwell and raped- that kind of stuff happens in big cities.

10347897? ago

I copy and pasted, you can explain it away all you want, but as far as I am concerned you are basically saying all guys are rapists because this one stupid bitch can't control herself.

10347935? ago

Yeah, okay.

10347963? ago

It's like saying "don't walk down the street, you might get hit by a car" Is the equivalent to "don't get drunk in a stairwell in a big city, some guy might rape you."


10348015? ago

Yeah, cause drugged up homeless people happen to rape sometimes. When I lived there, 3 girls in two weeks were pulled off the sidewalk when walking home alone drunk- this was during that period and the guy hadn't been caught yet. Security footage caught two of the attacks. I don't think for a moment that most guys are rapists but the fact remains that their are some seriously messed out criminals out there that do. Enjoy your flair, jackass.