I'm at a loss for words on how to begin this so I'll be direct:
I cannot bring myself to remain on this subverse...
My wife has passed away...
Thank you all for your attention and contribution.
I've passed the sub on to the one goat who created one similar to it, @pm_me_your_boobs2.
seeking_virtue ago
Well. Fuck.
sylen8screamer ago
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.
AnmanIndustries ago
If anything, you should stay. The more experience, the better. Also, when you are ready, you can comfort those who go through the same thing. Also, i need to know why i have this flair
Opieswife ago
Omg I didn't even think of my username when I posted. I meant well.
ExpertShitposter ago
Sorry about your loss. Hang in there mate. Keep your fends and family close, don't deal with it alone for long.
11347695? ago
That is devastating, I'm so sorry. I wish I could say or do more.
Neinlife ago
idiot poser troll
I'll take it into considering, I think for the short term it would be better to let things quiet down and give me a chance to discuss things with the rest of the mods.
My argument would be most men have consumed porn at one point in their life and as I've said elsewhere when I started my sub I contemplated starting a new account but ultimately decided real men don't run from their past. This whole thing was a surprise to me, so for the time being I'm going to hang on too the position. I understand the community didn't ask for me but clearly twee for one reason or another thought I was a good choice.
ExpertShitposter ago
Don't let this guy get to you. He is.....friendly with some jewish shills on this site so dot let your self be harassed by his kind, you own him nothing.
Thanks for the advice. I try to respond to criticism civilly when I can. Also didn't I hear something about someone not denying raping and murdering a child the other day?
ExpertShitposter ago
Consider opinions from people who are actual posters to this sub, everyone else....meh.
Yeah that's exactly who he runs with, the 1990 gang, him and the albatross14 faggot.
Ill keep that in mind.
I figured, must be some kind of pedo rape gang. Disgusting.
ExpertShitposter ago
Eh, such is life with jewish alcoholics: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2288768
mighty is still poking around? someday we will all just be amalek alts.
ExpertShitposter ago
He says hes mostly on reddit these days but he still lurks here 24/7 too. Yeah he and his bois have been bragging about having 200+ alts yesterday.
A whole 200 wow that must be a bear to manage.
ExpertShitposter ago
Well if that's all you have in your life....
Sounds depressing.
Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago
I'm sorry for your loss. Losing your spouse can be even harder than losing a family member, since you know your spouse more intimately than anyone else.
On a different note, I have heard that the best advice for dealing with loss is to "Remember them at their best, and keep moving forward with your life the way they would have wanted you to rather than getting trapped in the past moments."
UnJaded ago
Thank you for all the time and energy you into this sub. It was appreciated by many. We will carry on the tradition of your example. And we are so, so sorry.
Well I tell you what, I'll discuss it with the other mods. Do you care to nominate someone better?
wgtt911 ago
So sorry for your loss.. words are never enough, but know "we understand" as best we can....
coopzy ago
You have been banned from /v/TraditionalHusbands.
ExpertShitposter ago
lord_nougat ago
He probably murdered her as it is!
ExpertShitposter ago
Scruffy_Nerfherder ago
That sucks. Sorry for your loss.
LilBrattyMkr ago
My heart hurts for you. For who are you if half of you is missing? I hope that in time you keep finding little things in life that keep her memory alive and keep piecing you back together.
Im sorry you feel that way, what makes me a pornographer other than my novelty username?
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm going to try and keep things going the way @twee did things, and when he is ready if he would like to come back I'll be more than happy to transfer it back.
Also, I'm not a pornographer, my username is more of a joke than anything else I think it's important to have a sense of humor because when you can't laugh about something that's when it usually has gone too far.
young1 ago
why the fuck does your post history have (((porn))) .... youre gonna ruin this fucking sub . FUCK u phaggots have no mercy do you
Got it, you are trolling. I'm going to assume you change your opinions over time, I'm also going to assume that this sub has many people from many walks of life contributing I'm assuming most have at some point in their history consumed porn in one form or another. When I started my sub I contemplated making a new account to distance my self from my past. I ultimately decided a real man doesn't run from his past he owns it in one form or another so I stuck with this account so anyone can see my history on voat.
Howie ago
young1 comment history
Net Neutrality - Follow The Shekels by Crensch in politics
[–]young1 -7 points (+1|-8) 12 hours ago
sticky this shit on the front page PUTT u phaggot
permalink context full comments
Q compilation Dec. 10 - 12, 2017 -- Who is winning? Who are the targets? by LightlyToasted in pizzagate
[–]young1 -3 points (+0|-3) 12 hours ago
do you not see the fucking images posted above? wow bro you must be the 4-6% forever brainwashed hes talking about . get the fuck off voat and go back to reddit
permalink context full comments
Someone on 4chan predicted Moore would lose and implied they let the Dems cheat so they could be caught by ElementalPee in whatever
[–]young1 -18 points (+3|-21) 13 hours ago
LMAO BTS a larp HAHAHA fuck off phaggot
elitch2 ago
The downvoats seem to indicate otherwise, faggot.
Le_Squish ago
Go in peace and take care.
albatrosv14 ago
I'm still calling this bullshit. Folks, don't fall into this trap.
ExpertShitposter ago
Everybody knows who you are faggot face, and nobody cares about your opinion. Go back to your rPV sub jew.
albatrosv14 ago
Nah, a pseudokike. Even username checks out for being the opposite of what this subverse should be about.
jerry ago
Sorry for your loss
dbvapor ago
Really sorry for your loss.
Ina_Pickle ago
I agree with you 100%. It is understandable that Twee is lost in his grief right now. But that's no reason to screw over a community that supports him and is sorry for his loss. It's like he is saying fuck you to all of us for still having a living spouse.
Funkypurplekitty ago
I don't think his intent was to screw over the community, in fact I'm sure it was the opposite. @pm_me_your_boobs2 has proven to run v/traditionalmen well so it stands to reason he can run this sub well also. Twee spent a lot of time on this sub, I'm sure he tried to leave it in good hands.
Ina_Pickle ago
Traditional men are masculine. Masculine men have a tendency to enjoy the female form. It makes sense that a man whose boob assessed would run a traditional men sub well. That does not give me the translate into running a traditional husbands sub well, unless you were implying that traditional husbands are unfaithful.
Funkypurplekitty ago
Just because someone likes boobs does not mean they are unfaithful first off. I am certainly not implying that traditional husbands are unfaithful.
I am implying that the sn or even past posts does not mean he can't run this sub well. I believe he is in line with the values here. everyone is always growing and striving to be better. If you have looked at v/traditionalmen there is no porn or boob posts there.
Ina_Pickle ago
In that case let me go change my sn to pm_me_your_dick_pic. I wonder how well that would go over in v/traditionalwives .
I already know what my husband would say about that. Hint: he wouldn't be a fan.
ExpertShitposter ago
So you really aren't a trany. Awesome. I honestly thought you were a trany for some time just because of that one drawing you made.
Voat and jews made me require medication. Fucking shills.
Ina_Pickle ago
Ah Poor dear sweet naive ExpertShitPoster. Did it not occur to you that maybe my husband and I are both trannies?
But seriously, a tranny?
ExpertShitposter ago
Well you made this post: https://voat.co/v/ShittyMSPaint/1628164
I've never noticed you on voat before that post.
And that post, in combination with me being in full voat detective anti discord-1990 mode, and certain accusations that have been going around about various people at the time made me INSTANTLY pull the trigger on you.
The Jews, the severely mentally ill 1990 group, the /b/tards that have moved here.......they have made me suspect many things, and many of them i have discovered as truths.
I am the law.
Ina_Pickle ago
I was attempting to show their delusional state of mind. Ha! I can see where you'd get the wrong idea though.
I just realized I never made expert shit poster art. It will be glorious.
It will.
ExpertShitposter ago
Funkypurplekitty ago
you would get some flack I'm sure as he is. Although it does seem a bit worse for a women to have that sort of a sn than it does for a man to.
Would it have been better to change his sn before starting traditional men? maybe but then he would have got flack as well, bc hello now account starting a traditional sub.
Ina_Pickle ago
I get that you are incredibly sad, but that is a testament to the strength of your marriage. That said, why would you pass such an important sub onto a person who does not respect sanctity of marriage. Pm me your boobs? Seriously? I don't actually have a problem with that user, but I do have a problem with anyone with that mindset being left in charge of promoting the sanctity of marriage.
GateKeeperSobriety ago
May you find peace.
0011011000111001 ago
I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope the best! Keep your head up!
dooob ago
Horrible news, i wish you all the best in your life, i hope you find happiness and love again.
11344172? ago
I'm crying for you. I'm so sorry. <3 <3 <3
Spaceballs-1 ago
Horrible news. Please accept my condolences.
Vvswiftvv17 ago
So sorry
Dildo_Face ago
OK bye.
LostandFound ago
I am terribly sorry for your loss. I do not know you and I have no place to say anything to you but could not pass this and not extend my deepest sympathy for you.
s4mhide ago
Fuck.So sorry for your loss. Shit like this seems to always happen around the holidays..
frankenmine ago
Words mean very little at a time like this. But please feel free to reach out (to me, or to anyone else here, or to friends and family in real life) when you need to. That's how we get through. It's the only way.
11343728? ago
Oh Twee, I am at a loss for words. I am so sorry. Please don’t dissapear all together and make sure to grieve and do it well taking your time with the process.
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.
KekistanEmperor ago
Sorry goat.
Usereman ago
Have you a pet dog ?
I'm not saying that a pet do will replace your woman but it will help you getting passed this terrible challenge of life. I'm sure your wife wants you to be happy and get on with your life. I'm sure she also wants to be remembered as well, so put a soft spot in your heart for that woman but don't let it consume you.
SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago
I am so sorry to hear that, twee. You have my condolences. Let me know if there is anything you need.
Funkypurplekitty ago
thats sad that you are leaving because of the owners sn. If you decide to subscribe again you will see that things will still be supporting the traditional movement.
LostandFound ago
ignore, not sure if this ac was sold recently but look at the comment history its been poision as of late.
literallyoprah ago
You will not be missed. Nobody here is your actual friend and you will be forgotten.
elitch2 ago
He's saying that this is neither the time nor the place for such comments.
elitch2 ago
My condolences on your loss, mate.
casualgoat ago
Hold steady brother. Sorry for your loss.
hairybawbag ago
Sorry for your loss :( .
scoopadoop ago
I am sorry for your loss
Cheesebooger ago
Condolences. It wil ltake a while but you will walk out the other side of this dark forest.
Funkypurplekitty ago
I'm so sorry for your loss
turtlesareNotevil ago
Sorry to hear that.
albatrosv14 ago
And another pseudokike taking over a sub.
lord_nougat ago
He murdered her, obviously!
Khorrl ago
So sorry man
Gowdy ago
Grief can be all consuming. I've seen it destroy folks. There's nothing wrong w/ it but just live a life your wife would be proud of. It's too damn easy to give up but somehow I doubt that's you.
gabara ago
Awww. Really sorry to hear that.
middle_path ago
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Volcris ago
My condolences for your loss. While this community can be abrasive, it also is fairly close. Many of us here would gladly listen if you need to talk, and we are all hoping your transition through this dark chapter of life is as gentle as it can possibly be.
Othmar_Regin ago
Don't be sad at her bodily death, she went back to the source, will likely be reborn soon in a new body and will not remember the pains of this life
herbert_west ago
Most of us don't have a traditional wife either, so no reason to go. Sorry for your loss though.
Funkypurplekitty ago
Of course all of us welcome him to stay but I'm betting it's just too painful for him to do that right now.
mindtrip ago
You will lose someone you can't live without,
and your heart will be badly broken,
and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved.
But his is also the good news.
They live forever in your broken heart that doesn't seal back up.
And you come through.
It's like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly,
that still hurts when the weather gets cold,
...but you learn to dance with the limp.
~ Anne Lamott
YoHomie ago
Ham sandwiches.
RabbiMohel ago
That's awful. Sorry to hear that. Fuck.
goatsandbros ago
God be with you in your difficult time, brother.
Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago
Sorry for your loss.
Anam ago
I am very sorry to learn of your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences.
Opieswife ago
You are in my thoughts. I hope in time you can find a semblance of peace, eventually even hope for happiness. For now go on for her, wake up each day take a breath and remember her love for you, let that get you through the day. I hope you have a wonderful support system, friends and family close by to be with you through this difficult time.
goatboy ago
Your wife died and you went on an anonymous internet forum to tell anonymous strangers that you will not be anonymously communicating with them in the future...
Please forgive my insensitivity and skepticism, but what the fuck?
albatrosv14 ago
Oh my, seems you are being downvoated for not falling into emotional tactics.
I was almost believing him when i read the post, but when i checked to whom hi transferred the rights... fuck it, i call bullshit.
Its_Just_A_Ride ago
I really thought OP was just some rando shitposting and mocking the other obvious mod infiltrations, but nope, this guy is actually the [O]...
Obvious fuckery.
Whats next, FPH owner give it up because hes suddenly fat now? Niggers owner gonna leave because hes got revitiligo?
If this guy really lost his wife, that is some cruel irony, but this is still suspicious as all fuck.
middle_path ago
Aren't you being a massive hypocrite by wasting your time typing all this out?
albatrosv14 ago
You are being naive, middle. Take emotions out for a minute and think logically.
middle_path ago
Is it really so hard to believe this happened to Twee, making him no longer a husband and he doesn't want to constantly be reminded of what awful thing has just happened to him?
Also, what's logical about assuming he is using this as a rouse to swap mods?
albatrosv14 ago
They are using emotions so that everyone would believe it's true. Look to whom he transferred the ownership.
@middle_path probably knows me by now we have both been here on voat for a long time. I've also been on traditionalhusbands for a long time and I saw an vaccuum for un married guys and I felt there needed to be a space for men to figure out how to be traditional in the modern world. So I created v/traditionalmen. I considered creating a new account but decided it would be better to keep honest about my past than just be some anon asshole who appeared to be new. You think I'm a shill or whatever else look at my history, you'll find some pictures of topless women but no actual porn. You'll find some dirty jokes and comments from time to time but if you are a adult male and you don't make a dirty joke once in a while you are for sure not traditional. I'm not even trying to say I'm the right choice for the job but twee apparently thought I had a shot at doing it well.
albatrosv14 ago
Okay, we will see.
middle_path ago
It's clear you are a SRS shill because you like bewbs.
Clearly, all trad men hate bewbs.
middle_path ago
He just looks like a normal user to me. What makes them suspect?
albatrosv14 ago
He is same roleplayer as Empress is. Maybe even same person.
Volcris ago
In this situation I would say it's better to err on the side of believing OP. If he wanted to just hand it off to a shill he could have done so quietly, not in a front page post.
coopzy ago
What is deflection?
albatrosv14 ago
That's exactly the whole point. Cause look how successful they are, almost everyone believes him.
inthenickoftime ago
Oh fuck off.
I'm honored. I'm sorry for your loss I can't imagine how difficult things are for you. If there is anything I can do let me know. We will all be here for you anyway we can.
glassuser ago
Sorry for your loss.
edistojim ago
Condolences. So very sorry.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
middle_path ago
I am so sorry for your loss. I won't ask any details, as you probably don't want to give any.
I know nothing I can say here will help, but if you need a friend, I'm here for you. Hope this isn't the last we see of you.
barraccuda ago
Salute, O7 Take care old boy