AmaleksHairyAss ago

they bring me down spiritually.

I reject this premise. I reject the idea a person has a spirit to be brought down. A person is a complex set of points of view, emotions, desires, and needs that by no means move together or can be influenced all at once. So rather than "it brings me down" it makes more sense to say, "it discourages parts of me I would rather encourage". And in identifying these parts, we are able to directly and easily counteract the undesired influence and learn what is there to learn.

A beautiful flower may grow in the sewer.

middle_path ago

Well I suppose they make me bring myself down spiritually.

Doomking_Grimlock ago

It would if I gave a fuck. I've spent so much of my life being shit on by so many different types of people and seeing so much negativity in the world that the only way for me to survive, to go on with my life, to not find a nice tall building and just walk off the edge, the only way for me was to stop worrying about other peoples' shit and focus on myself. I had to learn not to put so much stock in the things I couldn't change, to stop worrying about people I didn't know and couldn't help.

Once I figured that out, life got easier.

middle_path ago

I only worry about what it will turn Voat into. Spitting vitriol and fear just makes for a fear and hate based community, something I don't want Voat to become.

Doomking_Grimlock ago

I understand your fear, but I'm afraid that there's really very little any one individual can do about it. There are those that feel as you and I do: that this hatred and anger is toxic to the community as a whole. They might be a minority, or they might be a silent majority. The only way to combat these sentiments is with direct confrontation, but many are either I'll equipped to do this, or have not the time, patience, or energy to fight the good fight in any meaningful way.

I'm still very young, but in my admittedly limited experience, humans don't seem to be capable of anything more constructive than swinging from one extreme to the other. There are a few who can find the "middle path", but it's a fine line to walk, and it's often very difficult and tiring.

You can leave, or you can stay and fight. Ultimately, you can only control yourself, not the environment you choose to exist in.

Voopin__Voopin ago

for me, its not the posts. Its the shit shape of the world that prompts the posts.

i take weekly breaks for a few days, and it helps me ignore all the stupid assholes that are making this world worse every day. I come back to voat, and then read of everything happening, being done by these stupid assholes i cant influence (and in the case of politics, should be able to influence, but still cant). I feel the same anger and frustration as the poster who goes on an epic rant.

That said, i do have news and politics blocked. i still see plenty enough to know whats going on, just its not repeated quite as much.

And then i go to the positive subs. Like i said the other day, justgrowit is my favorite sub on here. All the figurative bullshit cant weasel its way into gardening. I also feel good about people trying to make the soil better, as i see it like a small "making the world better' type thing. I.e. helping heal the earth. Feelsgoodman.

middle_path ago

All the figurative bullshit cant weasel its way into gardening. I also feel good about people trying to make the soil better, as i see it like a small "making the world better' type thing. I.e. helping heal the earth. Feelsgoodman.

Fuck yeah, man.

prodigyx ago

Voat is the most realistic place on the internet. You may see it as people filled with hate, but I see it as a place where people are free to express their opinions without fear. I think it is beautiful. Voat makes me feel like there is hope for humanity.

Tat_Tvam_Asi ago

Yes. Everything you consume affects you.

Dr_Moonman_III ago

Classifying things as "negative" or "positive" is retarded.

middle_path ago

I think classifying something as "retarded" is negative.

oftotc ago

What adjective should we use to describe those aspects of existence that we enjoy, versus those that make life less pleasant? I, personally would put this comment in the latter...oh, wait - you're being sarcastic? ;-)

immatureusername ago

Not nearly as much as the negativity of the cocksuckers I have to work with. Fuckin assholes. Wheres that highly paid orgy dude with his awesome cheerfull questions when you need them.

toats ago

The hatred, the strawmen, the labeling and the closed mindedness add to the shitpile of my thoughts and make finding mental tranquility that much harder. Not that I can't overcome it and neither do I advocate for restrictions, I take it upon myself to avoid such content. That's why I block (unless it bleeds into other subs) the politics, the hate, the pariah du jour, and focus on lighthearted subs. I also take breaks from Voat and social media to remind myself that an opinion is like piss in the ocean.

InnocentBystander ago

Many posts here bother me, but they do not affect me in a negative way.
If anything it galvanises me to continue as I have. I try to find common ground, and to start or participate in conversations that can counter with positivity or exchange of ideas.

I can't 'fix' hate or negativity by railing against it or telling them they are wrong.
But if I can show another way, or provide even a few moments of positive interaction, then I can occasionally make a difference.

MotherfuckingSausage ago

That's why we have /v/justgrowit, /v/jokes and /v/historicalbuttplugs. I just lurk around those subs when I need a break from the negativity and such. Speaking of, I think it's time for me to make a garden/harvest update post!

middle_path ago

It's time I make one as well. My garden is doing great, I just need to show it off now!

MotherfuckingSausage ago

Taking some pics now! Can't wait to see yours! I love seeing what everyone else's gardens look like. As somewhat of a beginner, I usually take away some good ideas and/or inspiration from the rest of you. It's nice.

FullyBespokedTomato ago

Personally I just get tired of all the angsty teen trite anger shit. We get it, you don't like "x" by all means let us know, but does every fucking moron need to plaster the same rhetoric over and over? It is hard enough getting different content seen, much less so when all new users see is the same angry bullshit from week to week.

middle_path ago

Yeah, I think I've seen the same "shower thoughts" repeated every other day here, and upvoated massively. We get it - far leftists don't follow a line of logic. But neither does the far right.

FullyBespokedTomato ago


I would consider myself a progressive. There are several things on the "liberal agenda" that I disagree with. I certainly don't mind political discussion & discourse on the subject. However, the majority of the conversations I see are clueless bashing and pointless (from all sides).

Every time I see a "hillary shills warning" post it infuriates me (not because I support her, because I assuredly do not) because climbing to the top of the hill and attempting to silence other's opinions with yard barking is what exactly?? v/politics and v/news are on my unsubbed list because they are just stagnant circle jerks that really just drown out "unwanted" content. All it does in my opinion is just drive user's away. I don't have a problem with all these users wanting their own "safe space" but there really seems to be middle ground left for everyone to hang out.

Pair all of these things with amalek's retarded ass spamming everywhere and I am left with little question as to why it is so hard to get traction with smaller subs.

roznak ago

You can sit back and play the victim game and blame the others that you feel down. Or you can take charge of your life and start to create happy posts.

middle_path ago

I hear this response a lot, regardless of the fact that I do make generally positive posts. I can still do both.


Luckily, the good outweighs the bad.

Some people may be going through hardship or facing adversity that poisons their mindset and their posting and comments reflect that, but everyone deserves a brighter day. Sometimes, having someone else listening to their hatred helps unburden their heart and lighten their troubles. In that case, I am not adverse to hearing what they have to share.

middle_path ago

Thanks. I hope this is the case. Generally the people I see projecting hate don't attract a lot of love into their life. I think this is a chicken and egg scenario.