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Deshy ago

Dood, that was an interesting read and now I am kinda hungry!

Just went boot-camping with the kids and wow, running cement storm drains is not easy. :)

Wooo this post makes me want a Mauser, you always do this!!!

Not sure if I need to link this to v/recipes or v/guns maybe both!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im making porcupine meatballs like my mom used to make

not actually following a recipe so uh well see how it turns out

Deshy ago

Dood they can be yummy... I have a recipe but it kinda burns to the bottom a bit but it gives it such flavor...Lemme know how it goes...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

rice was not at all done

Deshy ago

Pre cook the rice a bit that’s what I do or use left over rice. I have used brown partially cooked and that gave it a boost in goodness... but yeah my first go the rice was undercooked too and I felt like a numpty but oh well crunchy meatballs, let it cook in stomach juices, keeps you fuller for longer is what I said, hehe ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

my problem was i was very tired and didnt want to do extra work and didnt want to wait an hour to do that sort of thing

oh well

it was edible

just not for our toothless baby

Deshy ago

I hear ya, I feel totally spent now, done, freagin well done.

I’d eat your meatballs btw... lol, not fussy... crunchy or not and for the wee lil man, some oats, bananas and toast is a nice fall back! :)

Been there...