speedisavirus ago

That nigger in particular can't understand things most Americans understand

veteran88 ago

2 weeks till she is toast.

She is a paid spy for quatar.

stradian ago

'Cant understand' => we won't dare explain.

GritD2 ago

The high dems knew where ISIS was.

BentAxel ago

BOY, She hopes and prays to whatever shit; that never ever happens.

ice007 ago

To be fair, a higher percent of Democrats know that Israel was behind 9/11 than republicans.

And a higher percentage of Democrats know that the Holocaust is a hoax than than republicans.

Part of the reason might be that 80% of Jews are Democrats, and they know what their people have done.

BentAxel ago

Explain then: Israel loves America and Trump; American Jews despise Trump and the Republicans.

We'll wait.

BentAxel ago

So, you have zero facts just conjecture here on Voat. Is that right? You still havent answered my question. I'll restate it.

Israel loves America and Trump



This one nails the same question



American Jews despise Trump and the Republicans.



So, you can make all the statements you want about the New York attack on September 11, 2001 But the facts remain known and are actually addressed. See the links above.

Don't come to Voat with bullshit that can't be vetted. If Israel was responsible, why the fuck is Saudi Arabia holding the smoking gun?**




ice007 ago

Someone down votes, but they have no rebuttal to the truth.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

They play both sides. There's a name for it in their religion.

wgtt911 ago

Said the low IQ adulteress nigger

rustyweiss74 ago

She's not as smart as she thinks.

Clubbooradley ago

Like most narcissistic, racist, pieces of shit, she’s not burdened by self-awareness.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Are you saying race isnt real? And you think shes retarded?

Humansized ago

Are you saying that just because there is a clear and irrefutable difference in physiology culture and genetics that people are somehow not just one human race like weve been told over and over again? That somebody would just lie about a huge fact like that? thats just silly.