For the removals, it's just looking at /r/undelete
For restoring the listing filtering, I have it look at all the subreddits in the top 100 of /r/all and the top 100 subs by activity. I fetch those subs in groups of 10 like /r/sub1+sub2.../hot
I build hot scores for every post retried from /r/all as well as those from the popular subreddits, and insert those from the popular subreddits into proper positions on /r/all based on their hot score. If the post wasn't present in the /r/all results but should be due to hotness I mark it as filtered from /r/all
johnnybgoode ago
Can you explain a little bit about how your client works and what criteria it uses to determine what's being censored from /r/all?
go1dfish ago
The code for the /r/all restoration is here:
For the removals, it's just looking at /r/undelete
For restoring the listing filtering, I have it look at all the subreddits in the top 100 of /r/all and the top 100 subs by activity. I fetch those subs in groups of 10 like /r/sub1+sub2.../hot
I build hot scores for every post retried from /r/all as well as those from the popular subreddits, and insert those from the popular subreddits into proper positions on /r/all based on their hot score. If the post wasn't present in the /r/all results but should be due to hotness I mark it as filtered from /r/all
jobes ago
You're doing God Emperor's work
vonbacon ago
I say kill it faster. If these cucks wanna kicks us out then we should have no sympathy for them.