26075687? ago

How dare Dial try to deflect the blame into someone else....

26075696? ago

keep being a kike, not "dial" too

oh vey

fuck yourself

26075717? ago

You have all the earmarks of being dial.

Shit tier searchvote posts

Wildly inaccurate accusations of users being alts

Even your posting times line up with the faggits SOP.

If you're not dial, then you're close enough thats its all the same.


26075743? ago

why would even care? every thing i said was truth... lol you are CCN

26075862? ago

You have yet to make a single accurate statement.

26075871? ago

but i have the sky is blue faggot

26076000? ago

Ran out of gas already? So much for that record...

26076014? ago

Ran out of gas already? S

not really, im use to 70+ msgs at once

you really havent done shit but bore me so far

26076057? ago

I'm sure you are used to 70+ dicks a day is a more accurate statement.

I get it though. Always being wrong has to take its toll on your chemical dependent brain.


26076066? ago

yawn, low level

26076151? ago

Well, you get effort out that you put in.

26075902? ago


See, we need to start small.

Doesn't it feel good to speak the truth?