MadWorld ago

I want to live in an America where jews and their scams don't exist...

heretolearn ago

and yet it's these same fuckheads that made it this way. fuck off with this rhetoric. actually do something about. 15% flat tax for everyone. no more off shore trickery. simplify the tax code.

Alternative-News ago

Such a simple obvious fact. what has bewitched the public is the question.I think a good many number of know the answer.

Molo66 ago

What's funny is that when America was at it's most prosperous, after WW2, taxes were at an all time high. What happened?

OriginalReaper ago

the rest of the world bought from us because they couldn't produce. cars, electronics, washing machines. all of it was made in the usa and exported. once europe and japan stabilized they made their own (usually better) shit.

go1dfish ago

The nominal top tax rates were the highest, but that's a pretty meaningless number:

A better measure of overall taxation is federal income as a percentage of GDP:

Mylon ago

The guy needs to work on his math. Using his numbers of 43% for state and federal tax, and 10% for sales tax, these taxes are made before the $10 cutting board price is set, so a better comparison would be to do $11/(1-0.43), or $19.30 had to be earned to spend $11 on the cutting board. The 25% hidden taxes are indeed baked into the cost, so now we subtract that from the good price for a total of $19.30 spent to purchase $7.50 of goods. Or a tax rate of about 61%, not 78%.

But then again, the 25% hidden taxes is misleading as it only applies to something that is so heavily processed. Each of these businesses are indeed using government services to justify the taxes they pay so a better way to cut that 25% would be to simplify the process such that there is less overhead entirely. And as a whole we're doing just that with technology that makes everything more efficient.

drakesdoom ago

Casinos still have better odds.

Hey_Sunshine ago

But wait, theres more! Videos like this make my blood boil and want to erect a gallows in DC

comma8 ago

Call it an art project.

goatsandbros ago

You'll want to go out and buy lumber after watching the rest of the series. It's life-changing.

fricknmaniac ago

Great video, I'm glad they added clips about Ron Paul talking about military spending in there too, since I'm sure the Founding Fathers also didn't intend on having a standing army, let alone the obscene amount of money we spend on the military every year.

If both sides would accept that we're not going to balance the budget by only cutting the programs the other side likes and agree to cuts across the board, maybe we could actually get somewhere with the national debt.

drakesdoom ago

They didn't originally intend a standing army, then they were attacked by muslim pirates. They quickly discovered a standing navy large enough to drive muslims back to the stone age was the cheapest way to deal with them

Hey_Sunshine ago

Can you tell me about code of federal regulations 404.1905? like how can I use it, what would be the ramifications of using it (aside from the obvious)?

carlip ago

That's not at all what § 404.1905 is referencing. You must look to § 404.1901 Subpart T—Totalization Agreements, in this section you will find yet another reference leading to Section 233 of [42 U.S.C. 433] mainly paragraph (a).

"The President is authorized (subject to the succeeding provisions of this section) to enter into agreements establishing totalization arrangements between the social security system established by this title and the social security system of any foreign country, for the purposes of establishing entitlement to and the amount of old-age, survivors, disability, or derivative benefits based on a combination of an individual’s periods of coverage under the social security system established by this title and the social security system of such foreign country."

This is the agreement that is being discussed in 404.1905, as you are likely not the president, nor a dual resident (note: NOT dual citizen!) this law has no effect on your tax burden. You cannot use it for any purpose.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Fuck. Way to go and take the wind out my sails.

carlip ago

Your best bet is to create your own religion and attack the IRS and Social Security in regards to Form 4029, specifically Recognized religious group.

"A recognized religious group must meet all the following requirements:

• It has existed continuously since December 31, 1950."

It should be argued that paying SS is a legal requirement punishable by law. Given that the IRS has created a definition of what a qualified religion the law requiring SS is now in conflict with the US Constitution. I'm certain that a judge would tell you GTFO, but hey why not give it a shot?

Hey_Sunshine ago

I was born in 1989, how dafuq can I make a religion 39 years before I existed? Much obliged for the info, I'll start looking into creating a Pirate Religion right away.

go1dfish ago

No clue, I'm a coward and pay these thugs every year :( I'd be very interested in hearing from those with more courage and experience in those matters though, and partly for that reason I am experimenting with making the subverse anonymous.

It won't affect the existing posts, but all new posts will be anonymous to allow for more unfettered discussion.

Apathy ago

Pretty sure Wesley Snipes did that and went to prison for a while. Even if them taxing us is against the law, who's going to do anything about it?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Dont see what harm it would bring. Any comment should be judged based upon its content and not the name of the commenter.

I would really like to intern for Dr. Paul. he doesnt seem like the kinda guy that smokes but I'd love to blaze a fattie with that guy on the steps of the Capitol building

comma8 ago

Dr. Paul does not smoke. He is not a drug addict junkie degenerate.