I vowed a few years ago to never swim in a pool again. We have a river with a swimming hole on our property. I stick to that. Hotel pools are the worst.
I have guns at the ready in the house, but I live in the middle of nowhere around mostly small horse ranches. There is almost zero threat of home invasion here. I don't know if I could handle having to be as on guard as you 24/7. I would go insane.
NassTee ago
That seems way too low to me.
Morbo ago
I worked summers as teenager cleaning pools. Urine is the least of your worries for a public or private pool. I won't touch a Jacuzzi or hot tub.
Beorn ago
I vowed a few years ago to never swim in a pool again. We have a river with a swimming hole on our property. I stick to that. Hotel pools are the worst.
Conspirologist ago
I'm against swimming pools at home. I imagine being naked and gun-less in case of home invasion.
Beorn ago
Do you shower with your gun?
Conspirologist ago
When I shower, I can close the door and have time to get the gun from bathrobe.
Beorn ago
I have guns at the ready in the house, but I live in the middle of nowhere around mostly small horse ranches. There is almost zero threat of home invasion here. I don't know if I could handle having to be as on guard as you 24/7. I would go insane.
Conspirologist ago
It's just an acquired reflex. It's like pulling off the key from the car when parking.
glassuser ago
Fish poop.
Beorn ago
Better than human poop.
i_scream_trucks ago
how do you even measure this.
NassTee ago
You take a sample of the water, measure what's in it, extrapolate to the total volume of the pool, and compare to the concentration of average urine.
GreatestOfAllTime ago
You can’t @conspirologist just has a human waste fetish.
derram ago
https://archive.is/Y1Smx :
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