SaneGoatiSwear ago

protectvoat cheers magicmemes sbbh sdbh and more... many many more

subs are controlled in the vast shillpire.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

non essential.

the conversation is on how voat deals with shills going forward

regardless of the crappy names they have or if this shill is with that shitty name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'll start actual discussion:

i am against shit like this

i am for community involvement, open communication, naming and shaming with evidence, appeals, and ultimately, an anti-shill bot that points out disinformation tactics and fallacies (which apparently, beyond a small list of fallacies, is very high end neural net stuff) therefore, at minimum, anti-shill mod positions below designer. only purpose is to rek shills, officially for the sub.

no censorship. instead, awareness.

no more adding darkness to fight darkness.

shine the light.

the truth will set us free.

@puttitout #anti-shill mod positions below designer to look for and specifically call out fallacious speech and disinformation tactics

and i suppose

a place for them to archive and gather information and discuss larger trends and attacks, as well as be able to efficiently and effectively bring knowledge about attacks and tactics to the community.