saintPirelli ago

My English teacher (English isn't my first language) always told us a tongue twister. What I can remember of it is: "I wonder whether the wether will weather the weather or whether the wether will die." But I think it's longer.

Donbuster ago


This appears to be a textbook example of voat manipulation here. despite the age of this, Sane was at -5 around 10 hours ago. In that time, on an older comment, he has gained 6 of the 7 upvoats on this post, without gaining a single downvoat. I don't know the details of the logs you keep, but you might want to take a nice, close look at this one, as it's simply absurd.

Edit: another 10 hours later, he's gained another 5 upvoats with no downvoats on what is now an ancient 2 day old post, which for him means 3-5 pages of his post history.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah but i didn't do this shit.

it's being done TO me.

notice you don't give a fuck about the 1000 dv brigade on me today.

just that i was upvoat brigaded back.

shill confirmed

@puttitout take note, incoming shill attacks

watch and enjoy with popcorn!

Donbuster ago

Being unpopular, being brigaded, and manipulating voats are three different things.

Your primary issue is the first, a la the original mightyyetgentle account. You loose tons of CCP because people don't like you and how you interact with the site, for the most part. I'm sure a few users, or even more than a few, have gone through your history and systematically downvoated all they could. That's not a proper brigade, in that everyone is free to do that, and it's not a coordinated effort, though it is rather shitty of them. I'm not aware of any users that are actively coordinating to do so, and using alts or telling other users to DV you on site, though it would not surprise me if those were taking place, which WOULD be a brigade. That being said, I don't think those actors are the major contributing factor to your large number of downvoats on almost every comment. Your aforementioned status on the site of being a tad immature, and generally insufferable is the driving factor in most of the voats on this site, if I had to guess. Finally, there's proper manipulation, which I, and many other users of Voat STRONGLY suspect you of doing. As in, using alternate accounts to boost many of your own comments to keep them above the hidden threshold, as you seem to get votes in pretty consistent numbers (7 is pretty common IIRC. I don't stalk you so I can't say for sure) in VERY short periods of time, often all within a few minutes of each other, on comments several days old, and you'll get an entire batch done like this. Additionally, when I think about the reception of comments you normally receive, they are almost exclusively negative, so it seems unlikely that the overall reception from the voats would be positive, but for you, and you alone, it always seems to be net positive, even on your all caps C&P rants that you vomit out all over seemingly random threads on /v/whatever, or any announcement thread.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


all of it.

so much shilling it's silly to point out each shilling.

AYYY LMAO so much shilling o jeze

capped and logged so much popcorn!

Donbuster ago

Please. Being called a shill by you is not only the richest thing imaginable, its a voat right of passage at this point.

Tipman79 ago

Sure. There's a dozen or so users out there that are looking up your impossible to find comments, and mass upvoating them. Comments that JUST HAPPENED to get deleted shortly thereafter.

You lying piece of fucking shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i looked because of your post,

and the comments being brigaded are still in my viewable post history,

just like the last downvoat brigades (you have consistently failed to mention) and upvoat brigades.

EVERY claim you make about me is

a. without any proof

b. fails to ever be proven

so good luck your your hitpost, shill.

Tipman79 ago

You lose thousands of CCP absolutely. Over several DAYS.

When you gain it however, it's over several hours. You're a fucking joke you faggot.

Go hang yourself. Or if you lack the nerve, maybe you can have one of your alts do it for you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout notice the butthurt

the script

the call to suicide

the claims without proof

Tipman79 ago

Seriously, go die.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout see shill's response above

Tipman79 ago

Oh, don't my comments fall under free speech?

Faggot. "Dear Puttitout" they're saying mean things to me.