SaneGoatiSwear ago

no in this sense we take it from merriam webster's noun definition 2.

fuzzywords shills for silence of other users on voat. this is confirmed.

shill as in promotes an agenda of censorship against voat and voat goats.

this is confirmed.

today i was found wrong about fuzzywords being provably an sjw. but the rest of the data stands on voat, in their comments/posts and the other shills' comments and posts that participated in the 2,200 downvoat 60 post 1000 comment 36 hour continuous attack on me with 100% lies defamation debunked bullshit.

Morbo ago

Welcome to the club, Fuzzy. Your badge is in the mail.

Wiseowl623 ago

Obviously there is no truth otherwise he would have posted it in TIL.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

How come you get to be a shill? This isn't fair. I want to be a shill.

o0shad0o ago

* gasp *