Sasquatch ago

What the fuck is this shit all over voat today

Fetalpig ago

Be friendly? What are you my mom now? I have never gotten along well with others...have gradeschool transcripts to prove this..I came here specifically to toughen up and earnestly learn street vernacular..that being said, I always have enjoyed a lashing or two..would rather have you douchebags tell me I'm wrong or point out my hypocrisy..rather than some liberal pink haired commie doing it..guess it depends on what you think is fun.

kenlane ago

Welcome to voat faggots

MyNameIsMud ago

Fuck you, friend.

RebeccaSugar ago

Hey faggot. You should have the community here help you make comics, that way you can make more comics at neckbreaks pace, and make another book, faster.


Apparently this is the main antagonist who got you banned. What a sad deformed tranny faggot.

Le_Squish ago

He could have run dual communities all this time, nope.

WhiteRonin ago

Beg for CCp so we have a legit reason to down voat you!

trevmon ago

blocked . . . .

anyone else?

auto_turret ago

Fuck you. Only show up when they finally came for you. We're noting all you newcomers as ctrl-left reddit cocksuckers. Not welcome. You get no respect here, as you deserve none.

blumen4alles ago

Saw the news on PNN - typed the subverse in, boom! Welcome to Voat, goat! Love your work, glad to have you here! Fuck reddit :)

MinorLeakage ago

How do you know if I'm having fun? Also, friendliness is pretty subjective. I call all my friends horrific things that would make strangers cry.

Pulverizor ago

Would you call them... poopiepants?!

Hand_of_Node ago

  1. Be friendly,

Looks like we might have a safe-space redditard here. Keep an eye on this one.

Mumbleberry ago

Redditard censorfaggotry in action;

Hand_of_Node ago

Ping me if you incite an internet mob.

Mumbleberry ago

Already have! This was me;

JohnRivers ago

Good to see Stonetoss on Voat. I also saw you were also looking for a Discord replacement. Riot might be worth looking into.

Baconmon ago

Riot is awesome since it has end-to-end encryption, and of course because no admins can ban your whole account like discord does some times..

psycho_social ago

Hey stonetoss

Wanna see something we can do here that we can't on Reddit?


drstrangegov ago

For some reason, I don't know why, voat seems to be full of genuinely good people. Sure salted throughout are some genuine bastards and loonies but these guys don't seem to be as shallow and vacuous as most people. It's like a breathe of fresh air. I have conversations on voat that are pretty few and far between in the real world.

Reddit-is-kill ago

That's cause you're not allowed to have conversations in the real world unless you follow the script

drstrangegov ago

Yeah.....people are torn about me. Ive been described as "the nicest bigot I've ever met".

Reddit-is-kill ago

Welcome to the family!

drstrangegov ago

Thanks anyway!

markrod420 ago

Be friendly. That does not sound like a very voat realistic rule. For one thing how am I supposed to call people nigger faggot or call a kike shill by his big nose when I see one?

PuttIsAtranny ago

Nobody cares, tranny

RebeccaSugar ago


B-------D ago

Welcome niggerfaggot! Don't shit the place up and gas ya a kike if you get a chance. Voat is awesome. Not sure who you are or where you are from but it sounds like you are one of the king-faggots from Reddit. Your plan, like all the others, is to come here and act like you are still a Redditfag. Then encourage all your followers to do the same. Just telling ya... If you do that you will lose most of your followers back to reddit because ... we will eat them alive... Know this. VOAT IS A FREE SPEECH PLATFORM. There is no such thing as HATE SPEECH, only FREE SPEECH and CENSORED SPEECH. you will all be tested. You are in our home. You are a guest here. Act accordingly or you will have a bad time.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Who the fuck are you faggots? 卐卐卐卐卐卐

Hey now i'll be the first to admit that despite my dick posturing i can't help but to try and find the good in people and that includes niggers, it doesn't make me any less racist or white supremacist and i'll still go to bed while leaving the greatest story never told on backed up magnetic tapes i play from my own home made sonogram inside my copper sheet insulated bedroom in the middle of butt fuck yourself but i've met too many good niggers and its brainwashed my opinion contrary to evidence and makes me a pussy. There i said it. Im a little bitch. You know why? I've got things going for me and a family. I get it. I'm being paid off and the truth is all of you are being paid off too. The evidence and proposal is damning. Completely different species. Fuckmemakesense.jpeg A cursory look into the official human timeline shows levels of contradictory information. We've been around i think for a very long ass time. I have no idea whats real but i want the best for my family and species. Logic says hey white man, your dying out unless you actually do something, but the people who did something are long dead. The charismatic brilliant guys with a slong you'd just love to polish into a nice mirror finish so that you can see that proud beam in your eyes once more. You know what im talking about. I've said it before that this time there will be no horn to call, no trumpet to sound no bell to toll there will be nothing but silence across this great land that was once our nation.( The natives can get fucked we are here to conquer the stars not smoke peyote and fuck goats. Everyone got that? Like you realize that for white people its just never good enough? That we are infinitely going to bitch and whine and complain and solve the most basic weird shit until your poor fucking fuck self is here reading this god damn shit? White man did that and white man is going to conquer the stars. I mean unless we all die out. Which is projected to happen. You want the fucking asians to represent Earth in space? FUCKING CHINKS? They. can't. open. their. eyes. all . the .way.) The heroes are all dead and while we all would really fucking love for this great (((plan))) to work out it still doesn't answer that really uncomfortable truth does it? They could do complete alien disclosure and it wouldn't change a thing about whats occurred and whats not going to be forgiven and whats not going to be forgotten. Earth has seem some shit man. Even if its flat it doesn't change a thing about the races does it? It doesn't change the fact that people are going to fight eachother over their differences and it wont change the differences. It wont bring back the subject matter to how are we going to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children now does it? Unless they offer white people mars. Thats right. Fuck you guys its planet white lets see how planet nigger does. But that's not ever going to happen because we will all be long replaced or become a VERY endangered species. So are you a little bitch like me? Content with seeing just how fucked we can all get before we get up and do something? I keep reminding myself im bought off and i say let the grand kids grow up first and then im reminded that its not just me thats the little bitch. Saxon man its you. You bright blue eyes blond mother fucker. You're the bitch. Where are the men we are supposed to admire when i see plenty of 60-70+ with good movement not doing shit. Thats the demographic im puting the pressure on. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE? I mean seriously if you managed to make it this far and you are over the age of 55 with at least ONE leg to stand on will you do it for the little bitches like me? Take one for the team man. This isn't directed at any one nation this is a wold problem. like you fucking toothless savages in Australasia(yeafuckyou). You think that you're ignored over there you cheecky fuck? France. Fucked. England. nice knowing ya. Ireland. SUPER FUCKED. Germany. Fucked. Sweeden fucked. Hope for italy but they are still so fucked imagine the absolute blood bath that is going to be unleashed you fucking morons. Do you not understand how fucking history repeats itself you dense godamn kike pigs bred for the fucking slaughter? (Do they slaughter pigs or fuck them? I forget which one it was the jews.) So you have Poland and the East block backed by russia. I don't know if there is hope for the united states any longer to remain in its current form and i don't see the population growing a pair of balls any time soon. So its the rocky mountains and a bit of the midwest. That PNW idea is retarded you fucking trash incest ginger cucks. It wont work. So your options are limited and thats when i realized im a little bitch. You can accept the loss and start again but eventually the white mans clock will be up unless someone who isn't a bitch leads the masses of cowards. Or we could all just get angry enough to not care about being paid off. Realize its not sufficient for our needs. That all it takes is for one generation to grow a fucking pair that history will never forget and we conquer the fucking stars all the way to Kolob. The burden has grown heavy under the weight of limp dicked sissys over the years and anyone willing to prove otherwise is too busy paying a strippers rent so he doesn't have to fuck his wife to give clearly any fucks as to the present situation. I'm half a hemorrhoid suppository convinced we need to worship odin or someshit just to restore white pride and ferocity. Who may or may not have went to the moon in 1969? White people.Hell jews don't look black to me. Kazarians. Who gives a fuck a kike is a kike is a kike is a kike and they don't look black. We could get all noble and shit about it i'd nut so hard every day if i was young enough to serve under a real leader like Adolf. Or Napoleon. Or Alexander. Boy wouldn't you just love to see which one had the biggest unit wouldn't you? But you just imagine how great the year will be when for whatever reason they just took it too far and we actually did something? I mean the fuck and eat kids alive and torture them to drink their blood to get high and they put fetal material in our food and drinks. Thats pretty fucked up. I mean the entire world is enslaved and the movement of the masses weaponized so that by our own very energy we accomplish their tasks. Thanks USA. Its super fucked up. Are we bitches because we don't know what to do? Because i'll tell you. Go and introduce yourself to your neighbors three houses on either side. Do it this sunday. You just say hello. You don't discus your fetish porn or code pads to your secret bunker. You just say hi and every now and then see how they are doing. This is called society you rejects. This is how you build it. You just go up to someone and look them in the eye and introduce yourself. Now if you are not a fucking piece of shit you'll even go out of your way to try and be their fucking friend. Do you know why? Because for all those fucking years you jerk off about the races actually being different species you don't have the god damn common sense to pull your fucking negroid head out of your AIDS ridden cavern of an excuse you call your anus to look for one single moment at how for how long the human condition relied on close proximity relationships and how communities and villages worked. Small town folk get it. You invest in eachother and it goes a long way. Build your castle and when your castle is beaming with pride do you want to look out and caste others down so that they will only covet and make you weak? Or would you look about oh saxon and realize that for every man a castle and land to work. If your neighbor is prepared he wont come at your house begging for food will he? If your neighbor is prepared and armed he wont be an easy target to draw attention would he? If your neighbor is prepared and armed and you have a BOND with him you have doubled your lethal force. When your bond is with multiple kinsmen a defense, a response can be formed. A bonded community is a structured human force capable of intelligent action. Thats our only choice is to huddle up. Us little bitches. Us little cowards. Our choice is to huddle up and to never forget they want us all dead because they envy us. Huddle up oh saxon and pray you can save what you have for surely you lack the balls to reclaim what was once yours.

Go fuck yourself.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Hi faggot, your comics are great. A niggerkike like you is very welcome here on Voat.

YoHomie ago

Be friendly? Does that mean I have to unfuck your sister?

MinorLeakage ago

No, I think it means you actually have to call her...


Nice burn dood.

Malayar ago


SIayfire122 ago

BTW, you can edit titles within a certain timeframe of posting it.

ForTheUltimate ago


What happened?

RebeccaSugar ago

[Autistic Screeching] happened.

blumen4alles ago

Reddit banned their sub -

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Welcome aboard faggots, as others have said don't beg for upvotes that's how you get downvotes. It's actually quite easy to get to the front page if you post something interesting. We unfortunately have a bunch of qtards here now from the last migration, don't mind them.

Crackrocknigga ago

Don't become censorship kikes or sjw nigger faggots and you'll be fine.

I hope you all kill yourselves.


Artofchoke ago

Hey new people. Got a TL;DR for your comic thing?

Le_Squish ago

They were edgy on reddit.

Artofchoke ago

Edgy on Reddit. So, like, libertarians? Gender critical? :D

Le_Squish ago

A shitpost made earlier that sums these guys up perfectly:

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I have no problem with the "have fun" part. But the "be friendly" part worries me. I tend to rub people the wrong way. I piss everyone off. I'm actually a really nice and friendly guy. So is the "be friendly" part our inner intentions, or how we are perceived by others?

Oh, and thanks for the comics. They are truly the breath of fresh Zyklon-B that the world so desperately needs right now.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Sounds like you'll fit in. Being friendly isn't a requirement or expectation. Just look around the thread, everyone loves to scream profanities at newbies, like a blacksmith beating red hot iron to get the imperfections out, so clearly being nice isn't the top of our list.

However once it settles down, you'll find that voat cares about principles just like reddit, except our principles aren't political correctness, faggotry, and cancer.

Or principles are like: censorship is for kikes, attention whoring is for faggots, and being offended or claiming victimhood is for niggers.

So don't be a faggot, kike, or nigger and you're fine.

LazyJello8 ago

Hey buddy, love your comics. Welcome to voat. Kill all Niggers

trevmon ago

can stonetear join too

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Welcome to Voat. Your comics are terrific, you should have a good home here.

White_pride_cis ago

As long as you stop acting like a gibs begging faggot.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

You realize that by posting on Voat your comics will become LITERALLY Hitler?

tomdogg ago

I’m gonna say the n word....

Artofchoke ago

Don't you dare you little nigger!

SIayfire122 ago

Rule 2 you faggot.

Hand_of_Node ago

Fun was had. Let's not needlessly create another truthhurts situation.

Artofchoke ago


NosebergShekelman ago

Welcome, niggerfaggotkikes

You goys betta calm down on the anti-semitism or I will report you to Trump's Twitter feed.

Inquisitioner ago

Oh, cool, we've got a major creator of original content here now.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

BG is here and so are a few others. They just cant say or their careers are over.

Tangent-love ago

Welcome home. Try not to shit the place up. Enjoy your freedom of speech.

BaldMiscreant ago

Welcome to voat, you filthy sodomite

Gorillion ago

Can we get a random goat in the next comic?

Glory_Beckons ago

Goat tax is required.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Fuck you faggot.

albatrosv15 ago

  1. Be friendly, have fun

What the fuck did you say niggerfaggot?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Wtf is stonetoss? Is this another group of faggots who only left Reddit once the censorship affected them directly?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's the comics, they look alot like the redpanels ones

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I saw one gabara posted. Is it just hear comics, but with wrongthink memes?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no, this guy claims he makes the comics in the first place

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Meh, they’re all faggots for staying on Reddit for so long

Mumbleberry ago

Be friendly? Fuck you, beggar.

Hand_of_Node ago

Hear that? Is that the truthhurts theme song I'm hearing in the background?

dunklederf ago

remember, have fun, but be sure to gas the kikes!


That one in the same thing! Quit being redundant faggetkik.

C_Corax ago

Friendly advice? Try to venture out in Voat a bit and have a gander at the subtle little differences between Reddit and here. Some of it is technical(Voat being the superior platform by far), but the community is also different. Begging for CCP so you can post for instance is a quick way to get a couple of 100 downvoates. As is "to the frontpage!!" kind of topics. Everyone already browse /v/all so if something is good/interesting in anyway it will get there organically.

That said we can also be a lot friendlier than our reputation suggests. May you all enjoy your stay. Or run away crying if you must. The choice is yours :)

LDIP ago

Newfag nigger kike

stonetoss ago

Ok you got me. I may have slyly wink-wink nod-nod kinda sorta quote unquote "asked" for CCP once in my life. I'll keep it on the level. The goal was to get a community up and running efficiently, I'm not looking to take a dump on the rest of voat.

Mumbleberry ago

If it wasn't for the rabid fanbois, your acct would be history. I hope you have learned how this place works. I do enjoy most of your comics.

drstrangegov ago

Be patient. Earn your place.

Fermentaion ago

buh voat motto is have your say @puttitout

caught another fucker

drstrangegov ago

Explain your logic.

Fermentaion ago

it didnt use be that way.... the collectivism of of voat is turning into that.

you think you can have your say on voat, lmao naw you cant

p.s saying "nigger" is not free speech

17491063? ago

Manipulating votes is not free speech either. What you did was protect people not worth protecting like some drunken white knight with no more functional brain cells anymore. You're incapable of realizing when you're wrong and not only is that a major flaw but a huge turn off.

Fermentaion ago

dont lie about me

You're incapable of realizing when you're wrong


17491601? ago

About voat. You're wrong about voat. If you had been right Putt wouldn't have shut DI down and all your alts now would he? Now you're on sone tirade about calling out alts! Like a fuckin bully with nothing to actually bully about.

Fermentaion ago

kat stay away from me.... cant have conversersavines here

im protecting you right now, stay away from me on voat @puttitout

this is what you turned voat into putt

DI down and all your alts

tell the oth other 30 plus peopl to do the the i been here for like years.... all voat is mostly them

ffs kat... i said my mom was dead for 10 years... -3

im trying awareness to this... and im sarafince my self for it @puttitout

either he does something idc... im eating burt forzen pizza, and it fucking sucks fuck like like voat

now im getting pissed of watching good people leave because of the fucks... I actually give a shit

its alright kat just between you an i we solid.... ijust dont get involved in this shit. just step back, just dont even megaggage me on here... you and imo are solid... contact me in other ways

this is the only way i can protect you now.. just stay away from me. I dont want them comming after you

you know how to contact me... do it that way... i miss you

17492157? ago

You ain't protecting me from shit cuz no one is doing shit to me and won't because I am not a manipulative shit. What "good people" are leaving voat!? Oh you mean communism sympathizers like yourself? Open borders for voat! Free speech for me but not for yoooou! Laws for thee but not for me. I love fascism! Yay for tyranny! Ew gross, democracy!

That is what you sound like to me and when the time comes people like you will not survive.

Also why would you say any personal shit on voat when you often claim you are not the same person in voat as you are as a person - which questions if anything you ever told me was the goddamn truth.

Fermentaion ago

look kat, you know how to ahold of me. in fact i miss

i just dont want to be this personable on voat.

this is too much for me

i'll put this way... i never never any harm to... nor will ID condsider it.

im just end this.... i dont want this going thru voat

and ive talked with others about it.....

contact me in other ways, it was a mistake of mine

there zero shit you could ..... idk im shutting it down ..... im here for you

im here for you

17493115? ago

Voat is my home and your antics towards it is personal.

Fermentaion ago

in time i will less hardened you

i miss you

17493422? ago

Stop doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result all the while crying about the results you didn't want. It is annoying and old and all it does is make you seem all tbe more crazier. You're not crazy, you're wrong. And it is ok to be wrong, accepting it is how ya grow and become a better person... but continue this and I will continue to stalk all your accounts across voat to get it in your thick skull that communism does not work. Not in real life and not on the Internet.

Fermentaion ago

ITS alright.......\\

i jusjt gout and chip ice

Fermentaion ago

kat... just stop.... con tact me throw other

idk i want to foreget about you

and it dir.... dude


17493665? ago

Fine, this is war, then.

Fermentaion ago

its all right, we will be here, i just woke from a nap thinking of you..... just stay away from me on here

you knowhow how to contact me do it that way, its alright..... i can only try to pick myself .... i dont like in pubic but i will for your you'll

im here for you, im here.... im stating to get shaky

i cant handle thi shit.... you know how i get... because im tearing up

Fermentaion ago

i dont watnt war with you.... i woke woke from a nape and i was thing about you

we are warriors, stay strong.... i'll be right behind you, because you are strong than me

and now im growing strong

i miss you.... just sta

17497406? ago

Beatle is the only one telling me to leave you alone.

Fermentaion ago

kat, im going to shake tonite, im scared about it

Fermentaion ago

its alright i will fine, you stay safe okay? just be safe okay

Mumbleberry ago

Nice to see the Kat using its claws.

drstrangegov ago

I think the system works as good as any can. Ideas get out there, and isn't that the point? Why is everyone so convinced that they've cracked the code and if everyone just gave then power, they'd make a utopia. You don't like voat? go build your own website. Were all here at puttitout's pleasure.

Fermentaion ago

I think the system works as good as any can.

you havent been here long enough

You don't like voat?

im still here aint I? I'm on here way fucking more than you, its alright man. I was going to blow up on you, and i remembered you... you might be an alt... but not a shit alt... I apologize, im not a savage

drstrangegov ago

Meh. Okay

Fermentaion ago

at least i have pants on

drstrangegov ago

I've already driven 150 miles this morning . I think your equipment is broken.

Fermentaion ago

we clearly operate on different schedules.... again i apologize, ive just been on a rampage, dont worry about it

drstrangegov ago

Clearly. It's okay, I sperg out sometimes too.

Fermentaion ago

i do more than that..... you have zero idea

drstrangegov ago

This music sounds like cats in heat.

drstrangegov ago

This music gave me aids.

C_Corax ago

You did and it was noticed. And now you are being tested for it :)

I'd advice just to roll with it. It's not gonna get any better if you try to fight it.

stonetoss ago

I 100% don't give a fuck about being tested by you, guy I have never heard of.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Kill yourself and make this easier for us

Mumbleberry ago

Enjoy the upcoming pitchforking!

Derpfroot ago

I'd advice just to roll with it. It's not gonna get any better if you try to fight it.

You make it sounds like we're about to rape the guy.

17490934? ago

;) I got my camera set up.

Its_over_9000 ago

shhh, let's not make this any harder than it has to be

Seventh_Jim ago

Hopefully. Besides, whether or not its rape is up to him.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've got my watermelon ready.

White_pride_cis ago

You must be new here


Just because someone calls you a niggerfaggotjew doesn't mean they don't like you or are being mean to you! Voat has helped me grow as a person and become a better thinker.

Thanks all you niggerfaggots!

FridayJones ago

Eat me! ;)


No! You smell to much like nigger!

FridayJones ago

I must still have your Mom's stink on me. HUGS!


I got nothing.

FridayJones ago

Victory dance! Now I spike my laptop and ^%(NO CARRIER

lion4liberty ago

Yea, I like noseburg sheklstein or whatever his name is even if he is the biggest niggerfaggot kike on the board, at least he is honest.

Goys-R-Us ago

No that's AmericanJew2. I'm pretty sure Noseberg is a parody account.

lion4liberty ago

What! NO that's not a parody account is it? Can't be. You have to be a shill. AmericanJew1 2 and 3 are pretty big niggerfaggot kikes and I don't like them and they need to go back to Israel.

Phantom42 ago

You're welcome ya fokkin niggerfaggot.

RebeccaSugar ago

Fuck me daddy

Malayar ago

Are you a fucking boomer retard. At BEST niggerfaggot is banter, at worst, you're literally a fucking faggot nigger and should neck yourself. But it's not a term of endearment like you seem to be using it.

WhiteWakandan ago

Shut up niggerfaggot.

PeacefulAssassin ago

don't forget being called a kike shill for having a disagreement.

drstrangegov ago

Thank YOU, niggerfaggot! God bless!

B-------D ago

Spoken like a true goat.

Iornukrum ago

TIL voat is the Ozzie unkle in the family.

HateCumbuckets ago

Yes indeed. Ozzie here checking in!

madhatter67 ago

Remember lads, subscribe to PewdiePie

tomdogg ago

I don’t think he’ll have a problem getting the required 100 CCCP.

Fermentaion ago

getting a 100 ccp on voat is easy until the downvoat brigades happen.

wait you been 2.3 yeat and only 700 cpp shit alt @puttitout caught another one

awww as scroll I see sbbh is here, this entire thread is fake

tomdogg ago

I would reply to you but I’m going to need someone to translate it first.

Fermentaion ago

shit alt @puttitout ...

17491097? ago

You're SBBH too, asshat.

Fermentaion ago

i burt my pizza.. and scrped awy the ice from my niboriorrs dirvewy]]

that who i am

White_pride_cis ago

Neither do I, which is why it was an act of kiked faggotry that @stonetoss begged for fucking upvoats. I enjoy his work. He would've hit that on his first submission. Instead, he came into our house, and didn't wipe his feet.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

He removed one of my posts already but to be fair i did break his rule #5 by saying kill all niggers etc etc. The sooner he learns being here makes him a nazi by default the less damage he'll do by defending himself. Granted, i enjoy anyone who helps people up the ladder.

trevmon ago

nah voat needs to get rid of that cucked 100 rule. it is keeping site from growing

White_pride_cis ago

Or it keeps out the garbage

trevmon ago

it'll keep out 9 good posters for every 1 garbage one. if someone is a shill or troll just ban em. Oh is that too hard? Make me an admin I'll take care of it.

drstrangegov ago

Things worth having take work to earn.

trevmon ago


drstrangegov ago

Found the commie!

White_pride_cis ago

Banning people isn't big in voat, neither is deleting things. Most here, myself included like the 100ccp limit. It isn't hard to get. Make a few good contributions, or several shit posts, and you will get there in no time.

trevmon ago

you're pre banning and pre deleting before anyone gets here. then wonder why it's so dead. it is hard to get. 100 is way too much. Took me a month. Lucky I wasted my time but most won't. Never censor.

Helbrecht ago

100 CCP is too much

took me a month

why doesn't everything cater to me waaahhh

Have you considered that maybe you don't have anything of value to say? It took me a few hours of posting (semi)coherent comments while looked around the site trying to get a feel for the place.

Maybe Voat isn't the problem here.

trevmon ago

blocked . . . .

Helbrecht ago

How reddit of you

White_pride_cis ago

Well I average about 5 upvoats per post... It'll come, it just takes time.

trevmon ago

needs to not take time is the point just let people post. stop being more cucked than reddit

MinorLeakage ago

You need to go back.

MrPim ago

Voat doesnt measure Live in numbers. If you can't get 100ccp you deserve to fuck off. The rule isn't changing faggot.

trevmon ago

blocked for being a fag

MrPim ago

Only fags block you fucking nigger bitch.

Legalize-Murder ago

It took you a month? Retard.

trevmon ago


MinorLeakage ago

You went from arguing about how bad censorship is, to blocking people you disagree with.

The fact that you don't like the rules here is a good indication that the rules work. I've got a much better idea than us changing rhe rules for you. How about you just fuck off instead, faggot?

trevmon ago

blocked . . .

drj2 ago

You're getting closer to less than the 100 ccp you worked so hard for.

trevmon ago

blocked. daily reminder that downvotes are for cucks and prove me right

drj2 ago

I try to be nice and let you know these things, and you block me? wtf man you're a mean person

MinorLeakage ago

Don't worry. Once you're done blocking everyone, you can finally talk exclusively to yourself, censorship free!

C_Corax ago

Some of his followers might though. My post was just as much for them as for him.

gabara ago

Don't forget to go on record on Voat calling someone a nigger, kike, and/or faggot, or even better, a niggerkikefaggot.

NosebergShekelman ago

If they call me a nigger, even though I am a fellow jew, am I still a faggot?

B-------D ago

I have the oven warmed up for ya bud

NosebergShekelman ago

Cool. Thanks.

pgd7 ago

You’ll forever be a faggot, nigger, and don’t you forget it.

NosebergShekelman ago

YAY (does little ghey dance)

gabara ago

All of the above.

NosebergShekelman ago

Great news!! I am still a niggerfaggotkike wooo hooo!

drstrangegov ago

Most definitely one of us.

dudelol ago
