m_1 ago

I still think we should all chip in and get @Crensch a hooker. Being a virgin is prolly 90% of his problem...


@Crensch logs in and is like "Yeah! I'm so popular and relevant!" and then is greatly disappointed shortly afterward

Chempergrill ago

I wonder if this @Crensch comment will do https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/4117332/26399782

id2020 ago

even pings if you type things like cransch or crunsch, etc - he's a paranoid fucker

heygeorge ago

crotsch crensh crunch crunchy crench @crensch

I wonder if it is a separate notification for each instance

Constipationologist ago

I'm unsure as to the veracity of this claim. It does merit some pondering though.

@Crensch is this true?