noob_tube ago

Well technically this is more than 30 so I think that makes Dial an unofficial gay homosexual faggot

toobaditworks ago

96 votes. gabara loses.

Trope_ ago

Last time an institution told me a certain person was bad, it was Adolf Hitler, and we all agreed he was the evilist motherfucker. I don't know who this dial_indicator faggot is but how do we know this isn't the same sort of witch hunt kiketry?

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago


asdf23 ago

This kind of upvoat farming is shit. I don't know who your faggot crush is with and I don't care. If you want to rag on puttitout thats a different story.

J_Dahl ago

Oh man. He's so close. @gabara definitely needs those precious, precious votes.....

Reverse-Flash ago

Me doth think you bid too low.

Kat-the-Cat ago

Gay. Homosexual. Faggot.

The trifecta...

J_Dahl ago

So of the gay and homosexual cancel each other out, the faggot gives it a power multipler then?

Inaminit ago

Seig Heil, Baby...

gabara ago


Kat-the-Cat ago

I shall use my six thousand alts I have created to upvote this!!! Muahahaha.

gabara ago

It's okay, we hit our goal. Next time I should set stretch goals

Kat-the-Cat ago

If you need I have up to 600,000 thousand alts at your disposal! I also have a life. Huge one, very busy all the time. With important people and such.

gabara ago

Must be hell.

Kat-the-Cat ago

My life is great, thank you! Always busy with very important people and I have 6,000,000 million alts and accounts, too, but I am always having a happy and active and great life.

Ok, I'm done now.

gabara ago

I used to have friends but they went all "woke". Now we have Voat

Kat-the-Cat ago

Friends? What's that? Cats?

Terd_Wilson ago

gabara you can possibley outclass me

class is for men


maaaxheadroom ago

No downvoats

HateCumbuckets ago

How do I updoot more than once?

J_Dahl ago

HateCumbuckets ago

It's official now

i_scream_trucks ago

its up to 100 now.

does that mean he is more than 3 times gayer?

how can you be gayer than gay?

just how many cocks can h.

you know what i dont even want to know.

gabara ago

4D chess magic