heygeorge ago

[no] due diligence yet circlejerk upvoted it

This is a place desiring the title of “Researchers”. It does make me wonder who is there blindly upvoting. I admit I don’t follow the meta-politics of the place.

Maybe the users commented and voted for this. I have never meant to be a voice silencing research, and at times even a proponent of relaxing the rules. But at this point, what’s difference does it make, really? LOL

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It does make me wonder who is there blindly upvoting.

My guess is qtards, cuz reading is hard. I know who isn't blindly upvoting. This girl.

But at this point, what’s difference does it make, really?

You always gotta get me all pissy, right before bed. well done. :p

heygeorge ago


Somebody retweeted by Q folks made a ‘dig’

You are pedo if you don’t accept it immediately as fact

heygeorge ago

This is what v/PG was heading toward: Present factual information and become a repository for uncensored and evidenced Truth. I don’t understand how anyone (beyond the nefarious) would be against this objective ideal.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So would I. But they never do explain. It's always, " you hate SARSie, so you're a pedo." or "you hate SARSie, so you're a pedo lover."

heygeorge ago

I don’t even hate sarzie.

But they are all about pedos, all the way down, no matter

@heyg3orge what is up with your friends

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't hate witchipoo, but she did come here practicing sex magik, and clouding PG with every utube hack she could find to muddy the waters with, including GW, AJ and neorevolting. And THEN she ran off every single person who mentioned she was doing it.

damned Qturds.

We're never gonna get those bastards, if Qtards keep getting in the way.

But hey, Rah Rah Team sTrumpet. Yaaay, team.

heygeorge ago

never gonna get those bastards, if Qtards keep getting in the way.

Shocking revelation!?!

Clearly you don’t Trust The Plan.

I get why some people think that brute force via the unwashed communities might be a solution. But I do not see why simultaneously destructing the repository of evidenced assertions is a meaningful path.

@peaceseeker, I know you are at least on the fringes of this playing out. Any thoughts?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Clearly you don’t Trust The Plan.

I knew you were the one tattling on me. Just how many choco-chip bisQuits does it take to buy your silence? Cuz i got the dough.

But I do not see why simultaneously destructing the repository of evidenced assertions is a meaningful path.

You too? I feel so alone in this, sometimes.

heygeorge ago

Chess with a pigeon is the best analogy I can think of, except I don’t like that it conjures the idea of a game.

Maybe it’s more akin to discussing the pratfalls of homeownership with an eleven year old.

@madworld @think-

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I love chess, hate the 'GA gotta control PG narrative' game. I mean Qtards aren't even 'awake', yet. Of course, they think they are. Very frustrating. I still vote for IQ restrictions. Solves 85% problem.

Reverse-Flash ago

You forgot, "you hate SARSie, so your a pedo enabler."