Drstrangebeard ago

"incel" is code for "white nerdy guy". i'm calling the southern poverty law center.

Drstrangebeard ago

you probably dislike incels out of frustration because they wont listen to you and become gay.

Joe_McCarthy ago

So I take it you are not a supreme gentleman then?

heygeorge ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

OP was posted right after I posted this similarly themed comment:


Just another incel joke.

Drstrangebeard ago

why are people mean to incels? seems like they've got enough problems. sheesh....they are club who's defining trait is they are desperately lonely. that's just tragic.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think the complaint, or at least my complaint, is incel behavior. It's ok not to have sex. What isn't really ok is to let one's potential sexual frustration as a result at that lead to poor behavior. At least on the internet - where I have to put up with it and see the girls chased off.

Drstrangebeard ago

what about people who work too much? or have demanding jobs? like crab fishermen or smokejumpers. no, I think the problem is the psychos mixed into any group. theyre going to get more press and vilify sad lonely men. why don't you just leave people alone? dang you gays are a vicious bunch. catty.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I may be Milo on the internet. But in my day job I'm Denis Leary.


Drstrangebeard ago

well....I can say that your online persona is consistent with your broadcast one. so what is all this? the entrance of the communist grand utopia? I imagine you are in a position to be informed on such matters. why so angsty and angry? you have to understand you are surrounded by people who tell you your bad ideas are good ones, right?

con77 ago

spoiled rich kid. burn in hell bitch

Queerosexual ago

The number 1 argument against WMAF relationships.