Vindicator ago

Of course he didn't. You think he'd still be chapping your ass so hard if you knew his real name? With that account history, he'd never work again. Nice try, though.

Vindicator ago

I'm impressed! You got seven upvotes. This is a strong narrative.

Legend in your own mind. You should have "investigated" Chomo a little harder. He seems to know a lot about Asian rub-and-tugs. Ya hitched your argument to a lame horse.


By your retard-logic, you are a pedophile for moderating a sub about pizzagate.

No wonder that thread got nuked. I almost shut down your Langley buddies favorite brothel.

Vindicator ago

Clearly you do care -- or you wouldn't have made this submission about Chomo.

You thought it made @Crensch look like a Jew defending a compromised Voat...but in reality you highlighted an obvious shill and blew your own narrative to the rafters. Ooops!

Vindicator ago

Then, Hi Kev. Must have sucked to have to kill that powerful account of yours. LMAO

Vindicator ago

You aren't very insightful, if you mistake laughter for rage.

And my letter-of-the-law persona very serenely made many of the archives that led to the undoing of EsotericShade and Kevdude, as @Crensch will tell you. Took very little effort at all. Just cap it when I see it and make a little note. Been doing it since 2016.

Crensch ago

It's true:

@Vindicator's record is pretty spotless, and neither of us even get angry at shills like you, @R3BIRTH. Irritated, occasionally, but "rage"? That's some pretty heavy projection there.

Why are you so angry?

Crensch ago


Vindicator ago

Did you know that Chomo's first submission was about anencephaly? He claimed pizzagate was about the elite harvesting those kids for their organs. You'll never guess who was the first to comment.

Crensch ago

That is very interesting.

Vindicator ago

All you had to do was not falsely accuse me of being a pedophile

Nomochomo has a well-documented history of trying disrupt the subverse investigating pedophiles. You seem to care an awful lot about Chomo's reputation...I think @Crensch may be onto something.

Crensch ago

slightly embellish


Literally nobody agreed with you and you got BTFO by argrosciv


Crensch ago

All right. You're a liar.

And you don't respect yourself enough to admit when you're wrong.

Crensch ago

Literally nobody agreed with you and you got BTFO by argrosciv

@argosciv stated rather pointedly that he did not in any way BTFO me. This is your first lie, making you a liar.

Did you want to admit you are wrong so the rest of your comment gets the attention you seem to think it deserves?

Crensch ago

My winning was a foregone conclusion.

I don't need anything cleansed.

I'm not pinging them in a panic or to try to hide this. SWMBO and NOMOCHOMO got their shit wrecked. Their shekelposting is now laid bare for the world to see.

They hate this website, and they want it shut down. Their negative claims about it are as suspect as CNN's claims about POTUS.

Vindicator ago

LOL. @R3BIRTH is supporting a Redditard who left his gig at the Crazy Days and Nights celebrity gossip blog to come try to pick fights with pizzagate mods, bash Trump, push Fake News, flog the Voat is compromised narrative and peddle BS about vampires.

R3BIRTH you seem pretty bent about anyone critiquing Nomo. Since no one but the fraud @shewhomustbeobeyed gives a crap about Nomo, that puts the odds pretty high you're his sock. Good luck with that.