The @theoldones has too much Dunning-Kruger to come up with a legitimate argument for why anyone but C.Rensch is responsible for figuring out he was C.Rensch. (SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 5 years ago by gabara
ThisIsMyRealName 5 years ago
The plot thickens. My money is on the black dude dying first.
lord_nougat 5 years ago
Yeah, but crows are like horses because birds are like finger pointing downward and I worry about plaster.
gabara 5 years ago
You can't make me talk that wet without a hairdryer.
howard1990 5 years ago
Sorry, I know isn't the right place. Can i ask you some gabara? PM me.
I always thought it was Cr. Ensch, like a military title. Cernal Ensch
ThisIsMyRealName ago
The plot thickens. My money is on the black dude dying first.
lord_nougat ago
Yeah, but crows are like horses because birds are like finger pointing downward and I worry about plaster.
gabara ago
You can't make me talk that wet without a hairdryer.
howard1990 ago
Sorry, I know isn't the right place. Can i ask you some gabara? PM me.
I always thought it was Cr. Ensch, like a military title. Cernal Ensch
gabara ago