HateCumbuckets ago

No homo

i_scream_trucks ago


heygeorge ago

Pop in to the super secret mumble so we can further coordinate our domination of Voat through shitposting.

I think we found a new subversive recruit @LuciusAM. We must either run him off the site, but his account, or bring him in the fold.

He knows too much...

LuciusAM ago

I have a Jewish wife, can we still be friends though?

LuciusAM ago

squints Nope that isn't her, man do a lot of Jewish women look alike.

heygeorge ago

Well anyway since you wear cool hats like that we may be able to let your into our tribe ahem club.

But first: You must prove you are not crazy by posting an intricately detailed recount of the 100+ times recently you have been questioned about your deteriorating mental health. Please be sure to also include, ā€œIā€™m not crazy.ā€

LuciusAM ago

Nah, they don't let me wear the coolest hats since I am not Jewish myself - I would have to wear the little ones. Kind of feel like there is some sort of compensating happening by making the goy wear the smaller hat . . .

Oh shucks, well I don't have anything like that. Besides, I only have three submissions - though I am sure I will get drunk enough to have a fourth before too long.

Heebro ago

By the force of over 6 gorillion sons