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MadWorld ago

Decided to sit out and see what you guys come up with. From the look of it, I think you followed the path but found the irrelevant conclusion. From what I can tell, the Edon is just a javascript used to glue Voat services under MIT license. I also found that is used to host git repository, where programmers can collaborate and contribute to the project, Voat's codebase in this case.

Try not to be like another one of those accounts pushing "PIA owns Voat" narrative :-)

21970432? ago

From the look of it, I think you followed the path but found the irrelevant conclusion.

I think you stand corrected, I may have followed a path but it was certainly an interesting journey.

This was my most recent take on it if you missed it.

One cannot understand the ways of Putts and many are trying to make sense of his absence, that is all. As you will note, I deleted the thread as to fan waves of uncertainty is never a good move imho.

Thanks for the link explaining the JavaScript add-on. Obviously this is why you were pinged. I don’t regard you as an enemy even though our friends often fight, if this makes sense.

Don’t push the whole awkward mistrust narrative with me, there really is no point in that but I cannot blame you with all the unnecessary drama that has been flamed.

Genuinely, thanks for your response!

MadWorld ago

:-) Very much appreciated that it did not spin out of orbit. I got tired of seeing those accounts pushing Voat towards destruction. He has sacrificed so much for Voat and that is how a certain group of users thank him in return...

Happy New Year!!

21970792? ago

Lol, spring cleaning came early. Check v/disabled for future good hearted retarded posts though... :)

MadWorld ago

/v/disabled, created by @heygeorge when he was disabled. Now he is specially enabled :-)

21970966? ago

Woot, we may as well enjoy the journey while we are here. No need to keep chucking crap at the walls to see if it sticks. SBBH was definitely due for some refurbishment, this much is true.

MadWorld ago

That @gabarobot is spelt wrong and is an impostor!

21971091? ago

It’s probably @heygeorge :)

MadWorld ago

But @virge owns the @gabara bot, yes? He got to version 3.2 or something.

21971520? ago

I bet you that was a larp... or was it? @virge what sayeth thee? Furthermore, I think @heygeorge is just being smart and monopolizing on it or not? Sheesh, who knows with them lot...

heygeorge ago

@virge is making a full service bot, mine is the more specialized early version which probably takes as much/more effort to run the script and clear bugs as it would to just do tasks manually. @madworld

Frankly I think the spelling of this one is superior.

21971701? ago
