Rotteuxx ago

Hope you feel better soon fren :)

I'm going to shitpost about you while you sleep to send healing energies.

Crensch ago

Yes you were. The hole just gets deeper for you.

Your link shows no such thing. How does it feel to be a niggerlover?

ESOTERICshade ago

How does it feel to be a niggerlover?

Damn @trigglypuff he called you a niggerlover. Come here trig, let me put a bandaid on that boo boo for you. I know it hurts.


Crensch ago

Hey trig, nice company you got here - an ACTUAL guy that BEGGED for tit pics AND MORE!

Kek. Watch you not attack him for what oyu've been attacking me for for months now.

Crensch ago

Oy vey, Crensch caught in another lie.

Except I wasn't. Nice try on the smear, but I wasn't caught in any lie there.

Rotteuxx ago

You know what my goals were today ? Doing nothing !

Seriously, it's my first real day off in months and the last thing I wanted was to make some sort of effort at wasting time while I officially switched off from my work routine.

Crenschy made that possible, I've been cheaply entertained while watching old movies all day. My popcorn is soooooo tasty :)

BrennKommando ago

Who is it really that piss and moan about who here?

Crensch ago

All your buddies.

And that doesn't include the purposeful misspellings of my username.

Keep trying to change the narrative, losers.

BrennKommando ago

Do you even know how to count you dumb nigger??

Crensch ago

Do you even know how to look at the dates and see there were no cases of even 2 days going by that one of you leftist faggots wasn't talking about me?

Rotteuxx ago

Best efforts ?

At what ?

Who's made an effort ?