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Crensch ago

Got a pussy pass because he was ‘harassing her’.

You mean where he posted all the information SHE posted already on THIS website? Meaning he actually DID dox himself, whereas you and @Rotteuxx did a "simple search"?

Which is, incidentally, all @ScrubbinOutOldBlue(sp?) did. Yet SOOB is still banned, while you are not. Pussy pass.

Do you want to take this to the court of putt when he comes back? Either you and rott did a "simple search" like SOOB did, and you both need banned, or SOOB needs unbanned.

Also, if what srayzie did there is doxxing, then almost literally every username in the modlist here needs to be banned.

Which is it?

Rotteuxx ago

Which is it?

Option 3 - Sperg out moar !

Crensch ago

Asking for consistency is now sperging, from one of multiple usernames upset and commenting because they can't change the truth to fit their narrative.