ESOTERICshade ago

Besides your many alts, crensch, you must have gotten on the PM horn and begged some Qtards to up vote this because this is not organic voting. Damn you are desperate. We like that. Working those fingers to the bone while we laugh at you. Nice!

Crensch ago

Maybe someone actually read the evidence I have on you and the others.

Or maybe SBBH faggots are so delusional that they looked at the title and didn't look at the username?

It's ok, COINTEL faggot that asked for titty pics, nobody likes you still.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are locked in a one man battle. Its crensch vs crensch, you just don't realize it.

You have done a fantastic job of beating yourself up too.

Crensch ago

Remember when you asked for titty pics?

Rotteuxx ago

Interesting hypothesis that @Crensch might be coordinating vote brigades. Too bad @puttitout is too bummed out to give a shit but who can blame him, the guy already does so much.

m_1 ago

That was a good sub.

Demonsweat2 ago


Rudolf_Hoss ago

Member when @Trigglypuff was permabanned from Voat by @PuttItOut but then she got a pussy pass?

Crensch ago

I DO! Great point!