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HateCumbuckets ago

@gothamgirl wasn't it?

Gothamgirl ago

No it wasn't, I don't ever drink and drive, jeez on here for 2 minutes to check messages, and people are talking about me 🤪

theoldones ago

gothamgirl looks like a wrinkled potato

Gothamgirl ago

But your face my friend, looks like a pruned out snatch patch.

Your trolling is equivalent to a 9 year old, better step it up a notch , f you want me to care.

Gothamgirl ago

Stop stalking me loser .........

m_1 ago

I wonder if zyklon ever got his boxes?

Gothamgirl ago

No sure didn't but his nice Polo blanket is going to my dogs for Christmas.

auto_turret ago

He ran off to Poal, where he shitposts nigger music and berates anyone downvoting it.. since downvotes are made public there.

HateCumbuckets ago

I doubt it. Women scorned and all that

Gothamgirl ago

Scorned? Hell fucking no, I barely remember what he looks like.