So @virge why you post and delete things so much? Asking for a frend.. (
submitted 5.2 years ago by Nadeshda
Nosferatjew 5.2 years ago
Maybe he has something to hide..
21705877? 5.2 years ago
I can see myself!!
Nadeshda 5.2 years ago
Right, I think I get it, sounds scripted, where have I heard this before?
NadeshdasCutieBooty 5.2 years ago
Ask and you shall receive.
You are so creative with your names... haha...
@heygeorge check this out!
heygeorge 5.2 years ago
Kev won’t let him be a moderator or even post anything.
Nosferatjew ago
Maybe he has something to hide..
21705877? ago
I can see myself!!
Nadeshda ago
Right, I think I get it, sounds scripted, where have I heard this before?
NadeshdasCutieBooty ago
Ask and you shall receive.
Nadeshda ago
You are so creative with your names... haha...
@heygeorge check this out!
heygeorge ago
Kev won’t let him be a moderator or even post anything.