sirRantsalot ago

why would you attack a guy in his own house? what the heck is wrong with you people?

Redcobra ago

Eyes still bees hear

spaceman84 ago

Or perhaps they are Voat's immune system. Cull the weak.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I started to do a "I'm leaving Voat is a broken mossad honeypot" thread to troll people ah ah still might

MinorLeakage ago

You know Dial, hating people actual means you DO care about them. So Putts, if anything, just proved he really cares about you.

gabara ago

Do you ever go more than 10 minutes without thinking about cock?

gabara ago

But it's FREE!!!!!!

PuttsMum ago

Fucking good to hear.

Attac ago

Can't wait to devour fresh blood for our sacrificial goat cabal

gabara ago

Hello fellow shitposters

ToFat2Fish ago

What's estroboi's?

irelandLost ago

Estrogen is a like the female hormonal equivalent of testosterone. While estroboi may not be a word I have used in the past I can see it featuring in my future.

gabara ago

That's Putts term for whiney shills like womb_raider, freshmeat, dial_indicator, crackrocknigga, traviscrabtree, et al.

Redcobra ago

Loose goats sink boats

sirRantsalot ago

wait.....was this sensitive information? jeeze you guys need to communicate with me if i'm going to stumble around screwing things up. I still don't even know who the bad guys are! is it gabara? isn't gabara an autist from Canada? what the hell is going on around here?

Redcobra ago

Clearly, not secret .heck even I know and I have a Q badge.half the time I can’t tell if your an extremely impressive parody acct.

Member This fuck that was funny. I doant actually knoaw gabara all that well and insofar as I been following the plot line, is say the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys but I might have those mixed up I dunno I’m like 19/90, on it.

sirRantsalot ago

i'm 109% percent certain that i'm not very sure at all. gabbys a nice guy, I like him a lot. but I think he's got a monstrous streak. I have zero idea if he's a bad guy. I asked him one and he wouldn't tell me. most frustrating. what would I be a parody of? i'm really, truly this ass kicking awesome.

dassaer ago

Loose goats eat grass...

Redcobra ago

Mairsydoats an doasydoats anliddlams eadivy a kiddly eadivy toowouldnyou.

Luis_Sphincta ago

They're also quite popular with swabbies though.

oneinchterror ago

Hell yeah

gabara ago