sirRantsalot ago

i recently bought a bottle of "authentic Canadian maple syrup". it tasted like vinegar. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to paint myself as a yahoo that prefers high fructose corn syrup to authentic maple syrup. I still don't know if it had gone bad or if that's how its supposed to taste.

ilikeskittles ago

To hot for pancakes today

TheBuddha ago

I am not sure that's a rational response. I've been to some very hot places, and it's not once been too hot for pancakes.

But, you can serve them chilled with jam or jelly on 'em.

Redcobra ago

This should be a life tips

TheBuddha ago

This is a regular posting, and I try to make life tips all different.

Redcobra ago

Probably your best life tip

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I'd say I prefer, "Think better, not more." is my favorite. It's up there with, "Don't compound stupidity with more stupidity."

Redcobra ago

Think better not more is a favourite of mine as well.So.. I’ve been thinking ,better. I’m off to try and hook up a co-ho have a best day ever Buddha

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. You too, and drive safe.

Pronebone45 ago

Just ran across this a few weeks ago.

On pancakes w/blackberry jam...fkn ridiculous

TheBuddha ago

Blueberry syrup. Trust me, it's delicious.

Pronebone45 ago

Oh, I know.

TheBuddha ago

Quite a bunch of my berries go to a blueberry syrup producer, so I admit I have have financial motives - but it's still damned delicious.

Pronebone45 ago

Ive never grown blueberries before. I have cherries, raspberries & pumpkins. I just may have to start a few.

TheBuddha ago

I own a commercial wild blueberry operation. We harvest a couple hundred acres per year.

I have a lot of blueberries - but don't actually know anything much about the kind you'd end up growing. These are low-bush berries and they grow wild - sorta. I mean, they do grow wild, but the fields are maintained to produce about 2500 pounds per acre.

Pronebone45 ago

I started researching & I guess Mi is the nations top producer of Vaccinium corymbosum (highbush blueberries). So looks like they like our climate. Im going to have to give it a go next year. If I got 25 pounds that would be more than enough for me.

TheBuddha ago

Mine are the wild Maine blueberry. They're not as sweet as the more commonly grown cultivars, but they're not as mealy and they sometimes even are a little tart. They're considered by many to be a delicacy. The species will grow into a bit of Canada, but then they're a bit genetically different after a short distance north. You get them out in the maritime islands, some.

Pronebone45 ago

From reading, it seems like Id be better off getting a cutting or two as opposed to starting from seed. I think I know where I can find some in the spring.

TheBuddha ago

They may well sell small bushes, ready to plant and fruit that first season, at your local garden supply store.

I doubt mine would be of any value to you. They favor a shallow soil that's slightly acidic.

Pronebone45 ago

Im sure Ill be able to find some, thanks for the thought though.

Ill start the berries where my sunflowers now are. The fox squirrels & gold finch wont leave those alone long enough for them to seed, so its a waste of space.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

-said my diabetic aunt for years.

TheBuddha ago

Well, she was correct.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Her legs say otherwise.

TheBuddha ago

That's not the fault of the pancakes.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Yes it is. Pancakes are the work of Jews. What do you think they process excess bagel material into?

TheBuddha ago

I remember why you should be banned.

TheBuddha ago

Pancakes are awesome. If your pancakes aren't awesome, use your imagination and make them awesome.

I even sometimes make chocolate chip pancakes and assemble them like a cake, with tons of whipped cream and a variety of fruits and toppings.

Inaminit ago

Can I have waffles instead?

TheBuddha ago

You can, but waffles are just wrong.

Inaminit ago

Awww, c'mon... They hold the syrup and butter better.

TheBuddha ago

No, they don't. They hold it more uniformly, not better.

Waffles are for conformists who can't handle variety. They're imposing false limits for the sake of a uniform product. Squares and FBI agents eat waffles.

Waffle eaters are just bad people.

Inaminit ago

Ouch! Such rebuke! The wife made me do it...

cynicaloldfart ago

clears throat

TheBuddha ago

See? We have an example of a waffle eater right there!

cynicaloldfart ago

Damn right! Yeah, yeah I know, I'm dismissed.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, when I told EH that you ate frozen waffles, from a toaster, she said she used to eat those - and then she said "Eww."

cynicaloldfart ago

Words are like toothpaste and now you're both squeezing the tube. That's fine, just......fine.

TheBuddha ago

I think we both concluded that room service would improve your diet, if nothing else.


cynicaloldfart ago

Well I'm certainly honored to have both of yours consideration of my well-being. It means so much to me, really.

TheBuddha ago

We also briefly discussed asking for your physician's phone number so that we could rat you out.

HndrxMn ago

But if you make them right, they'll have a nice slightly crunchy outside and a creamy center. Both are equal breakfast breads that pair well with butter.

TheBuddha ago

No, waffles are inferior.

Let me see you put a whole strawberry into a waffle.

You probably wear plain socks, if you think waffles are in any way equal. I'm telling you, waffle eaters are just bad people.


What if I already ate?

TheBuddha ago

Then you can make them for someone else, make them later, prepare them and make them later, etc...

I suppose it'd be too late when the universe has its heat death, but there won't be anyone around to prove it. And, if they are around, they should have pancakes.


Did you ever post your pancake recipe?

TheBuddha ago

No. I should. I have more than one. However, it'd require that I actually measure things out and write them down. These days, I just kinda know and can fix any issues during the mixing should I have messed up. I've made an ungodly number of pancakes.